Will Tax Trouble Turn Former Kansas City Mayor Doc Wheeler Into A Hobo?!?!

Harsh times and tax trouble confront one of Kansas City's most beloved old school politicos . . .

Former KC mayor Charlie Wheeler faces loss of house

Sadly, this should remind us that public service doesn't pay in the long run . . . Then again, home finance troubles are confronting a lot of Kansas City's old school denizens despite so much talk of economic recovery.


  1. Also, this kind of story reminds us that reverse mortgages are evil unless you absolutely, positively know you are going to die before the reverse mortgage becomes due.

  2. You know, for a man with a law degree, a medical degree and a stint as Mayor of Kansas City to be in such a poor financial situation, it's hard to feel sorry for him. Yeah, he's a great guy and all that but damn, what the fuck is his problem?

  3. In my opinion he is getting payback for all those he screwed over years ago.

  4. Mr. Peanut is foreclosing.

  5. The fuckstick has never watched his money. He has always expected someone else to take care of him by picking up the check. The only reason he ran for State Senate was to try to tap into state benefits, and the only reason he won that single term was because of the stench of corruption that followed his opponent Henry Rizzo.

  6. Is he allowed to live at the Downtown Airport? Or sell the naming rights?

  7. "this should remind us that public service doesn't pay in the long run"

    Ummm, Tony? The story says that the house he's about to get kicked out of for lack of insurance and tax payments is worth over $600K.

  8. His son Graham is just short of a hobo. The whole family is a hot mess. Kinda sad.

  9. Well, fuck Wheeler and the white horse he rode in on.

  10. Surprise. Liberal democrat can't manage his own money and no longer has government to leech from

  11. At least he still has a barely used airport named after him. He can always live there.

  12. 9:22, his daughter is a hot mess, too. Really a mess. Guess it runs in the family.

  13. I remember when the old gent was Mayor and his water was shut off for non-payment..... there was hell to pay.

    But Nutter-Butter looks like a creep selling these weird reverse mortgages. Does the prick need that money to keep Sanders in office?

  14. Those who run our cities cannot even manage their household budgets. So we give them even more millions to waste each election.

  15. No one really knows what happened. But it's sad when anyone who has lived in a home for that long, big house or teeny house, gets das boot.

  16. Charlie Wheeler owned a VERY successful medical lab at St. Luke's for a very long time and it made him a fortune. He squandered on his campaigns and his worthless children. His daughter was living rent free mooching off a friend. She had booze fumes coming off of her all the time.

    For a guy as educated and connected as Wheeler, someone will start a charity for him and he'll get bailed out. I'm not worrying about him.

  17. Wheeler fucked us niggers over back in the day! Fuck that honky mutha fucka

  18. Rizzo found guilty of fraud in car title loan scam - judge awarded $180,000 but Rizzo declared bankruptcy to avoid payments to victim and to Central Bank ($trying to stiff Central Bank for $165,000) according to the news release.


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