The Kansas City Star publishes pure fiction this Sunday . . .

"White families weigh return to Kansas City school district"

This kind of urban legend has been touted in Kansas City for decades.

The best mythbusting document that fact checks these constant myths is right here:

Money and School Performance: Lessons from the Kansas City Desegregation Experiment

No, it's not a screed against desegregation . . . Only an explanation that Missouri threw BILLIONS of dollars down the drain in order to attract white people and it never worked and left the schools even more damaged then before the experiment took place.

Also . . . It's also kind of offensive that our Dead Tree Media seems to suggest that white families would somehow improve the district.

A look at reality on the ground level is that and influx of Latinos and Southeast Asian students is changing the district for the better.

Meanwhile, mainstream media touts and old school style of thinking that has been proven to be not only tacitly racist but also completely unworkable and mostly a waste of time.


  1. Fuck these god damn white people! They are the cause of everyones problems!!

  2. There is white trash everywhere. Holding back us people of color. They do it on purpose, they stole california and texas from us, and next they plan on taking the Northern part of mexico.

  3. We've lowered the standards to rock bottom so why they shouldn't they come back? You get free government child care when you want to party. Plus even the police will look after your off spring when you want to go party on weekends down on the plaza.

  4. No Speaka De Espanol4/14/13, 5:22 AM

    I can see that Asian students would improve the schools for the better. They want to learn. But Latinos? They don't even want to learn to speak english.

  5. Race to the bottom is about complete. All that's left is for KCMO to compete with Detroit for the title of most fucked up city in America.

  6. Whats left in Kansas City Mo that makes it worth staying here? Anyone know?

  7. No 6:02 even that is all out in the golden ghetto now

  8. Those who have left are not coming back wake up ding dongs.

  9. Plaza is a madhouse anymore. Well on the way to becoming as tacky and messed up as Westport.

  10. The State of Missouri didn't "throw" billions of dollars at the KCMSD to "
    attract white people". The State was forced to disgorge the money, as part of the desegregation order by the late Federal Judge Russell Clark. He's the same judge that ordered the doubling of property taxes in the district when voters refused to do so.He's also the same judge who let Jo Co off the hook and didn't not allow creation of a regional busing program.

  11. Judge Clark proved without any doubt, that the cultural problems within teh African American community will NEVER be solved when MONEY is considered the only solution.

    Read that CATO Institute study TKC posted. It is a quick read and left me gobsmacked teh first time I read it.

    What a disaster.

    The lessons learned from this failed experiment should leave us all less than sanguine with regard to the correlation that one can obvioulsy draw to the Civil Rights, "Even The Playing Field", social engineering, money based initiatives that have been forced down our throats over the last 60 years.

    They are not now, have never and will not work in the future.

    End all special programs for the so called "Protected Class" and fix this problem now.

  12. Don't forget Arthur Benson's role in getting our property taxes doubled and the schools ruined.

    I wish the Hale-Cook folks all the luck in the world, but I really don't want to see Waldo turn into a breeder's paradise.

  13. @8:17 agreed. We bought a house in North Waldo partly because there aren't many breeders and crotchfruits here. They mostly went to Kansas; good riddance. Families w small kids don't belong here. I'd be afraid that this school would change that, but I'm pretty sure it will ultimately fail. After all, are they going to put an all-white middle school in next? High school? Where are the kids of these white hipsters going to go after elementary school? If you can't afford private school, get out of the city and go to Kansas where you belong, breeders. But don't expect the city to make special schools for you because you're too poor for private school. Quit breeding or get out.

  14. 9:03AM comment proves that KCMO sucks. Sorry, if you want to live in a area devoid of families, children then maybe you should of moved Downtown yourself with all the other queers.

  15. It's only the promise of a white community school that would temporarily bring them back. Watch what happens when they have to move on to Southwest. Not happening.

  16. The Star is correct. My wife and I considered it. But we decided to move our kids to Cass County instead.

  17. 8:17 and 9:03; hey dumbasses, if Hale Cook succeeds your houses will be worth a lot more. How is that a bad thing? Families with small kids DO belong here, moron. These houses we designed for families with children. I love my gay neighbors and you are giving them a bad name.

  18. You'd have to be stoned to consider something like that. Right Gunnar? Uh, Gunnar? You there?

  19. ANYONE stupid enough to tie any money to the fortunes of the KCSD must have graduated from the KCSD.

  20. I sense a lot of entitlement and arrogance from the group that wants to reopen hale cook. I'm all for great neighborhood schools, but why are these people entitled to anything more than the other schools in the district. It's almost as if this school will be a charter within KCPS. The main woman in charge of this push to reopen seems SO overbearing....It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

  21. I had considered it as well just because I wanted to move back into KC from the burbs. But why move from a district where every school is top notch to a district that has just 2 good elementary schools? Plus the whole possibility of a state takeover is enough to keep anyone in their right mind away. I seriously have never seen any district with more drama ....the kids, the finances, the history, the turnover, the school board. No stability.

  22. Anyone notice that Ashley Hand, the new Chief Innovation Officer for the Mayor's office and wife of school board toker/member Gunnar Hand was all over this article?

    The folks saying no acceptable middle and high school in the KCSD in existence will be a factor are correct. Southwest is a zoo...the way the Zoo is on free day.

  23. Have you read the new KCPS forums? They might as well rename them the Ashley Hand forums. Jeez.

  24. I send all of my children to the KCPS, and while it's frustrating to deal with the school district from year to year, the schools that my children attend are great, and the education they're receiving is on par or better than what they could be getting elsewhere.

    Furthermore, they're experiencing diversity. I'm guessing most of the anonymous commenters who troll this blog with racial epithets went to mostly white schools... that's what I'm trying to avoid.

  25. I was at the White People meeting last night and I can confirm there is no plans to jump back on a sinking ship

  26. Glad we r that elBryon is experiencing his rainbow dream.

    His premise, that racial antipathy can only b learned at all white schools with regard to blacks is in stark contrast to the reality of 60 years of white flight in the face of documented black violence, destruction and the degrefation of standards and curriculum.

  27. Well elBRYAN's kids wont be able to tell Us what one plus one is. But, they will be in a diverse school were they can learn to act lack and latino.

  28. I hope that at least elBRYAN's kids are in some kind of art classes because he sure isn't able to teach them how to draw anything.

  29. Hey 9:03 Idiot. The wrong people are breeding and I mean that for all races. It is ashame that the affulent and educated are not breeding. The lack of breeders, I like to call them families, in your area means it will become part of the hood quicker that other parts and you, you fucking idiot will be a crime victim.

  30. I rather have breeders living next door to me than a couple of queens with their five Yorkies.

  31. ElBryan, shut the fuck up. I know KCMO students that are in the second grade STILL DO NOT KNOW THEIR DAMN ABC'S!

    Did the district pay you to be a shill on TKC?

  32. And fact: An overwhelming majority of the KCMO teaching staff come from the white-dominated Teach for America program.

  33. Another Midtown Mom4/14/13, 2:54 PM

    Bryan made the best comment of these thread. Congratulations for bringing some facts and real life experience to the discussion.

  34. 2:54

    Sure, ehat evrr u say

  35. 11:00; they are not asking for anything more than other schools in the Distrcit. Hale Cook would get the same amount per pupil as very other school in KCPS gets. How is that entitlement? We pay our taxes too.

  36. 8:17 here. I said I wish the Hale-Cook folks all the luck in the world. But I would still hate to see Waldo become a breeders paradise.

    By that I mean a place where kids take precedence over everything. Where absurdly high speed bumps slow traffic to a crawl (think Main Street in Brookside), and where EVERYTHING is done to make the world safer for children by making sure they're never exposed to any real life.

    And 2:23. We only have four Yorkies.

  37. 5:03; I agree with you, that is why we moved back to KCMO from JoCo. I want my kid to experience some urbanity, albeit Brookside/Walso urbanity. I have gay friends who have kids too, and they also want them to have diversity, educational opportunites (that don't bankrupt you) and safety.

  38. I received most of my education from KCPS (formerly KCMSD) and although it's generally reported that "white flight" occurred because of poor academic standards, that was not my experience. I really think a lot of the white families had safety concerns, partially due to magnet schools bringing kids from housing projects to schools in their neighborhood.

    It's important to maintain desegregated classrooms, but a better approach would be to send higher performing kids to better schools if their neighborhood school is failing them, rather than busing kids all over the city. Let's face it... all school districts have a contingent of students that are disruptive, but certain areas have it more than others. KCPS tried to spread it around rather than keep it contained, and it ruined the experience for everyone.

    I think the Hale Cook school is a great way to change people's minds about the district.

  39. No sane man or women moves from JoCo to KCMO. They should have your kids taken away 5:54 for child abuse.

  40. 5:59; you will find my husband and me quite sane and quite successful, thanks.


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