Blogger Celebrates Sugar Creek Democracy

Leigh Ann offers a rare instance of Kansas City area blogger political optimism: Meet the New Mayor of Sugar Creek

Examiner: Mallinson wins Sugar Creek mayoral race


  1. FINALLY flushed the Salva turd!

  2. Say goodbye to the big corrupt fish in a tiny pond4/3/13, 8:19 AM

    “Well, it’s hard to get defeated with a bunch of lies,” Salva said.


    Sorry Stan, but YOUR lies are what defeated you.
    Now go an apologize to the people you screwed out of their homes and businesses at 24 & Sterling.
    After that, please leave Missouri and don't come back.

  3. Matt Mallinson For Mayor ---> Matt Mallinson, Mayor-Elect!4/3/13, 8:28 AM

    Salva turned Sugar Creek into Shits Creek with an unethical eminent domain scheme-turned-disaster. It is just insane that he was in office for 14 years, especially after the Sugarland Mall debacle.

    Matt Mallinson has exercised a kind of citizen's eminent domain to take the real estate of the mayors office away from Salva and give it back to the people.

    It's about damn time!

  4. Hey Stan...pull my finger!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!! LOSER!

  5. Id listen attentively to how her day went. Then we'd go on a tandem bike ride

  6. Wow, how easily you're fooled. Fact: Mallinson used insider information to buy a piece of property and sell it back to the city for 3x what he paid. No eminent domain was used - he just brokered a deal to put money in his pocket. Then his family sold a piece of property to the district for an elementary school at 4x what it was worth - and is making claims that he was giving them a good deal so he could get the school named for him. The Business & Civic Club that he led for many years doesn't have enough money for a scholarship fund but his family pocketed $935,000 from the school district for the overinflated property they sold him. If they really cared about education they'd give that money back to the district or put it in a scholarship fund. He's just another power-hungry politician telling you he's a good guy while he's doing a reach around to steal money from the public's wallet.

  7. Fast forward to 2015 when citizens property easements on River will be taken in the interest of expanding his 21st Century Gilpin Town project all seemingly to promote his business & winery further concreting up property for sidewalks, bike trails and signs all the way into Independence In the works for two years and now near the finish line. Mallnison having bought a building to set up his Gilpin Town inc on the Square in Independence, a position inside OCTA The Oregon California Trails Association also in Independence assures him the funding and go ahead with more money from MARC in KC. Similar to the project the citizens were blindsided by off River in Independence between Jones and 24 hwy who didn't know until the all too late Planning meeting where a majority of homeowners who opposed were overridden by City Council vote the same will happen to Sugar Creek residents. Then recent Aug 16th meeting at the winery where special interests met with a secret donor from out east according to the Examiner guarantees it. His alliance with Audrey Elder a researcher/real estate agent/preservation specialist is highly suspect as she also has her office in his Independence Gilpin Inc business, co chairs with him at OCTA and goes on speaking tours with him one coming up to Lake Tahoe for a week. Selling Sugar Creek out similar it seems to advantageous 19th century Sugar Greek Gilpin dealings which left everyone at a major loss but the one person benefitting.


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