Why Does Kansas City Hate Walmart?!?!

Recently, KC Currents offered a great deal of reporting on all of the Walmart hateration around Kansas City.

Check it:

The Walmart Effect On Kansas City

Proposed Walmart Supercenter Draws Debate In Lee's Summit

Proposed Waldo Walmart Sparks Community Response

And while there wasn't any grand conclusion about Kansas City Walmart hate . . . The discussion had more to do with zoning and neighborhood crowding rather than low price merch made by Chinese toddlers.

Still, the stores remain jam packed full of Kansas City hypocrites who don't mind box stores as long as their in somebody else's back yard.


  1. The Waldo "Walmart" is actually a 35,000 sq. ft. Community Market (i.e., gorcery store. But why let facts get in the way of a good screed?

  2. They will hate anything that goes into that location. I look the piece over yesterday and it's a weird piece of ground.

    1. Superdave agreec. That school and area of Waldo is a dump. Whats so wrong putting a grocery store there? Do the people there rather have a storage area? a closed Wendy's? A crappy looking used car lot?

    2. Superdave agreec. That school and area of Waldo is a dump. Whats so wrong putting a grocery store there? Do the people there rather have a storage area? a closed Wendy's? A crappy looking used car lot?

  3. No matter how hard the unions try, people who scan purchases will never make $25 per hour. More importantly, we will continue to shop there because they have the best prices and decent products for the money. End of story. Sick of the Walmart B.S. No one is listening so go away!

  4. Good point, 3:34. And these are jobs people start at or retire to if they need something to fill their time. It's not a life sentence and no one has to take the jobs. I'd be curious to know how much employees make at, say Balls Price Chopper, CVS, Walgreen's etc. It may not even be as much as they pay at Walmart grocery stores.

    And Superdave's got a point. The space presents a lot of challenges, which is probably the reason there wasn't much interest in developing it. Even the Hen House "proposal" was probably not serious and was made to get a better deal on a new lease.

  5. No, moron. The products are fucking shit. Shit you don't need. You are a dupe.

  6. 2/12/13, 2:19 PM

    Which pays low wages, no benefits and sells the products of child, undocumented immigrant, and prison labor.

    Walmart is filth in big or small packages.

  7. Every time a weasel like 10:02 writes their B.S., I set aside more money to spend at Walmart instead of any place in Waldo.

  8. I need food, 7:16, which is what this store will be selling.

    And Walmart is not the only employer that pays low wages, no benefits, etc. (Do you realize what a shitty deal the government gave to census workers, for example?) and sells stuff from the Third World. It's just the most successful (for now) and has earned the resentment of the others that don't do it as well.

  9. So WTF is Waldo? For crying out loud if Walmart can build a grocery store on Metcalf what the hell is the issue with building in dying ass Waldo?


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