El Bryan's latest edition of Retorts Illustrated in The Northeast News stands up for gun rights.


  1. +1 @ El Bryan!

  2. Yes, let's celebrate killing Americans. Fucking morons.

  3. 8:44 is a sheep.
    Baaa-aa Baaa-aaa

    Go back to your grass-eating and wait blissfully for your slaughter.

  4. I'd better watch out, as you are obviously the type that fucks sheep. And the slaughter is already happening, you dipshit. How many American children will die today because of assholes, I mean gun nuts, like you?

  5. Obama paying you a penny-per-post today, little sheepie?

  6. Again with the sheep obsession. Gross!

  7. Dead on. Those 20 children were certainly a threat to our Republic.

  8. Hyperbonehead - One day when you are lurking aroung with that camera stuck to your head, some urban shitheel will rob you or worse. You can scream "911!" while the rape/murder/whatever is happening to you, and whisper "Obama" with the last breath to leave your defenseless, dying self.

    I'm sure your family will be proud that you gave all you had for the cause.

  9. 12:36 When you pass a black person on the street, you shit your pants a little, don't you.

  10. Hyperblogal For The Win!

  11. Using the death of innocent children to undermine one of the most important and unique rights that we as Americans have is naive and short sighted. The purpose of this cartoon is to directly address those people, but one would have to have a modicum of understanding of how and why The Constitution was written to truly get it.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm a lot smarter and better than you.

  12. +100 elBryan

  13. One of our most important rights is to run around and play soldier with military grade assault rifles and high capacity magazines? How about the right to not be shot by some asshole? Isn't that right a little more important?

  14. If you can't hit the deer with your first 10 shots, you might want to take up golfing.

  15. elBryan, its not just the twenty children, its the ten thousand laid every day at the altar of the second amendment. The Founding Fathers were not gods, they were rich white slaving owning hypocrites - "All men are created equal" (?).

    This isn't the eighteenth century & the constitution has provisions for amending outdated amendments & correcting past mistakes.

  16. sorry - 'every year'


  17. 4:20 - The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting, and everything to do with liberty.


    The nutless wonder wrote:

    "...the ten thousand laid every day at the altar of the second amendment...".

    So your mother runs a huge brothel named the Altar of the Second Amendment? Now THAT is taking liberties!


  18. Byron; you're welcome for the avatar. As for your opinion about the second amendment, you're just wrong.

    And for the record, while we're exploiting the deaths of children to undermine the 2nd Amendment, let's just understand that the Sandy Hook massacre was carried out with four handguns. The stolen AR-15 was found in the perpetrator's car.


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