Missouri's GOP Dominated NO-Veto majority seemingly believes that fighting science is more important than confronting the stagnant economy.

Check it:

Antievolution legislation in Missouri

The money line and a bit of new wordplay to start legislating the classroom by reactionary politicos.

"The bill would, if enacted, call on state and local education administrators to "endeavor to create an environment within public elementary and secondary schools that encourages students to explore scientific questions, learn about scientific evidence, develop critical thinking skills, and respond appropriately and respectfully to differences of opinion about controversial issues, including biological and chemical evolution" and to "endeavor to assist teachers to find more effective ways to present the science curriculum where it addresses scientific controversies." "Toward this end," the bill continues, "teachers shall be permitted to help students understand, analyze, critique, and review in an objective manner the scientific strengths and scientific weaknesses of the theory of biological and hypotheses of chemical evolution.""

On the bright side . . . As Missouri test scores and eduction ranking continues to slide . . . It's doubtful students in the Show-Me state will remember anything from a highly politicized lesson plan designed by the GOP.


  1. And everyone used to feel superior to Kansas...

  2. The Conservatives1/17/13, 7:55 AM

    We like to keep people stupid and scared.

  3. I think we need to throw out this THEORY of gravity too! God sends angels to hold us to the ground and I am not going to believe otherwise.

  4. I still feel superior to Kansas. For good reason.

  5. Agreed, 8:05, but this still makes us look like stupid shits. Fucking evangelical hillbillies.

  6. Kansas is prettier. Missouri has better cities. Feelings of superiority would be a bit of a stretch from either camp.

  7. It's died in committee twice. It will again.

  8. Have A Banana1/17/13, 8:35 AM

    What is that woman in the photo letting Alonzo cop a feel?

  9. Kansas is prettier?!? If you like flat ass prairie land maybe. Missouri's got far better lakes, rivers, forests, and mountains. I suppose if you don't like any of those things, but prefer seeing the horizon in 360 degrees, Kansas would be prettier to you.

  10. The show me your stupid state!

  11. When I get depressed about how shitty Missouri has become over recent years, with the knuckle dragging, science hating, right wing nut jobs taking over, I look west and think, "Thank God I don't live in Kansas."

  12. Kansas went through with this BS. This crap will never see the light of day in Missouri.

  13. Politicians should be kept out of the scientific evaluation of anything, including evolution. On second thought, they should be kept out of education. Look at the state of our education system in this state for reasons why. Too much politicization everywhere. Hey legislators, how about those taxes keeping the state from growing? Wait, that would benefit the citizens. Can't have that. Idiots.

  14. Let's keep teaching evolution even though it is mathematically impossible and violates the laws of thermodynamics. Science.

  15. We need to keep religious nuts and young earth creationists like 10:48 away from science and even further away from education standards. Saying evolution violates the laws of thermodynamics isn't "science", it's bullshit talking points from people who think the earth is flat and came into existence 9,000 years or so ago. Keep that shit in Kansas.



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