Kansas City Politics According To Barb Shelly

Actually, Kansas City Star columnist Barb Shelly has a perspective on local politics that's not so bad . . . She's far left wing liberal but she's honest about it. And so she starts the year by rating local politicos on their highs and lows and takes yet another swipe at the completely irrelevant Rep. Todd Akin.


  1. The Truth about Tony and Todd1/4/13, 7:06 AM

    Tony if you were capable of having recreational sex, I mean with a human, you would understand that Todd Akin's anti-birth control stand makes any swipe at the filth "relevant." Since you are too damn fat and dirty to be attractive sexually to any living human, let alone a fertile female, you would not understand.

  2. Democratic Party compassion?


  3. She's A Screeching Twit!1/4/13, 7:27 AM

    Maybe we'll get lucky and she'll fall off her high horse and snap her screeching neck.

  4. She's just another comrade of the KC Commie Star.

    Better things have come out of the ass of a dysentery patient in full explosive mode.

  5. You mean, like you? Hope your Mom got over they dysentery.

  6. lame. now get back to work.

  7. For the most part voters seem to continually elect crooks or the politicians quickly become so after being elected to office.


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