Saturday Morning Cartoon With Kansas City's Own Ed Asner: Tax The Rich Fairy Tale!!!

Younger TKC Readers might not know that Ed Asner is one of the most beloved and successful actors ever to emerge from Kansas City.

Mr. Asner's most renowned performances span many decades with highlights that include the Mary Tyler Moore Show and, more recently, Up from Pixar.

Even more interestingly . . .

Ed Asner is probably one of the most profoundly liberal showbiz personalities to speak about politics since the Red Scare. Really, Ed Asner makes Martin Sheen look like Mitt Romney.

Anyhoo . . . Saturday Morning cartoons are a time honored tradition for TKC and this morning I thought I'd share a rather interesting animation from the 99% and The California Teacher's Union with Mr. Asner serving as the local connection and an exceptionally talented narrator.

Tax the Rich: An animated fairy tale

In the aftermath of the cartoon Fox News railed against the legendary actor and, in the most classic Kansas City fashion . . . Mr. Asner asked if he could urinate on the interviewer.

Exclusive: Ed Asner's bizarre response to role in propaganda cartoon

Nevertheless . . . The animation stands on its own merits and should evoke strong feelings from both sides but the real lesson is that class warfare is now an integral part of the American discourse as so many wait for an economic recovery that's never going to happen.


  1. Isn't he quite overdue for the grave?

  2. Byron be along in a minute calling him a racist.

  3. Tax the rich. As long as i can have my gov cheese and Obamaphone.

  4. How do you "cold urinate"? Is that located next to "proofreading" in the TKC dictionary?

  5. Tax the rich if you wish, but reduce government spending in amounts equal to the extra taxes that will be collected. Now that IS good faith. Problem is the elected leaders don'[t want to give it up any more than the rich folks. Makes you wonder who are the bad guys.

  6. When personal judgment is inoperative (or forbidden), men's first concern is not how to choose, but how to justify their choice.

  7. Ed Asner is a communist. Lives in a capitalist society that allowed him to earns tens of millions of dollars and the the cunt fuck spends his days telling US how fucked up WE are. If he were any more of a hypocrite he'd be a child molesting priest.

  8. I think you are right. Are Michael Moore and Ed Asner related?

  9. Typical Jew. Playing both sides of the fence and getting a ton of money from both.

  10. By rich, I presume that you mean those that make over minimum wage. Not those who soak off the economy. The Koch bros soak off the lifeblood of the economy. Same with Citi, GM etc. Business has a purpose, to make money. If there is little money in the economy, you cannot spend, you have to steal. If you have to steal, business cannot make a profit.
    So are they wanting to become as broke as you. Who will have to barter on a different economy then they have horded up?
    You are fighting against your own self interest if you are republican, and plan moving to the tea party style. Not so american.

  11. SuperAsshole, you're a racist.

  12. Anon 12:27, you are absolutely correct. Ed Asner is a disgustingly hypocritical pig. I hate that KCKS claims his fat ass.

  13. Byron is a dickhead.

  14. I can't figure out why anyone with a freaking job would vote democrat.

  15. I can't figure out how you're dumb enough to think there's a real difference between either party.

  16. Super douche, please go away!

  17. RC has it nailed. You dumb fucks fight over crumbs while both parties rip you off. It's a two party system not because it works, but because there's the most money to divert.

  18. I wish more people would recognize what RC said.

    They use issues like guns, abortions, and gay marriage to make us think that there are two parties. All the while they just keep on printing and spending money. Both parties have had complete control of the government in the past decade and neither has reduced spending or fixed much of anything.

  19. Everyone knows prosperity comes from The rich paying all they have in taxes and for us to get goodies from borrowed money the govt can never repay. Spend your way to be rich! Yes, spend, not save. spend spend spend. Only an idiot would think this way. Asner is an idiot.


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