Lucy Pinder And Kansas City Sunday Links!!!

Lucy Pinder has been a source of TKC source of inspiration for quite some time . . . However, recent pics of the Brit superbabe trying to keep warm are exceptionally comforting.

And now, here are the Kansas City mainstream media links I'm checking:

- Dead Tree Media Screw-up: Saturday's comics page to be included in Monday's paper, available online now

- Show-Me NRA Agreement: Some in Missouri back armed school officers

- History and profit to be found amid Global Climate Change: Drought uncovers treasures, low water yields wrecks and more.

- Taking care of rugrats in the Sunflower State: A state health official says Kansas has made strides in improving the quality of day care for children, although legislators raised concerns that funding could erode gains in the future.

- The future of Kansas: Insurer brings Latino wellness plan to Kansas - Offers bilingual service, culturally specific health information

- Star follow-up that's not really that exciting: NRA proposal for schools draws cautious KC area response

- Huge Win for Tigers: Illinois Fighting Illini Get Exposed In Loss To Missouri Tigers

- Rock Chalk List: 2012 in Kansas sports: The biggest stories of the year

- Kindness in Meth Town: A struggling Independence family unwraps a new home

- Helicopter view of Downtown Kansas City from our friends @ KC Stage
