KCK Guy Gets 10 Years For Big-Ass Pot Deal

KCTV5 and tragic bad location choice for a deal who should have been doing biz in one of the states where weed is cheap and legal: "A federal judge sentenced a Kansas City, KS, man to 10 years in prison for setting up a 546-pound marijuana deal."


  1. So we tied up how many FEDS to escort 500 pounds of pot across how many state lines and waste how much money to get one guy who will be back out on the street in how many months? ....and still no one prosecuted over the economic crash fraud?

    Your tax dollars at work.

  2. It would be much smarter to generate tax dollars than to spend tax dollars catching and housing this guy...

  3. I'll watch his stash for him while he's in the joint.

  4. LOL if it had been in KC-Mo, KCPD would have held it for him while he visited his girlfriend and not arrested him.


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