A well-deserved Kansas City tribute to the men and women who have served our nation.

Sadly, combat on local streets doesn't count as time served.

Check the presser . . .

City announces new veterans' benefits

City establishes hiring preference, microloan funds to support returning vets

The City of Kansas City, Mo., announces the establishment of a communication model to its hiring authorities to provide a hiring preference for veterans who have been discharged under honorable conditions from the United States Armed Forces.

"As Veterans Day approaches, it is important that we prepare for the thousands of veterans who are returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan," said Sixth District at Large Councilman Scott Taylor. "As a City we can do more to create opportunities for our returning veterans. This includes creating a hiring preference for veterans who have put their life on the line for our country, across all City departments."

A hiring preference will be given to honorably discharged veterans who have served for a period of six months or longer or who were disabled during their service in a qualifying period. For the purposes of this program, qualifying periods of war include, but are not limited to: World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, both Iraq Wars and the War in Afghanistan.

In addition, the City's microloan fund has secured funds to help returning veterans start a business.

"I am also pleased to announce that we have set aside $200,000 in our microloan fund to assist returning veterans to start a home-based or storefront business," Councilman Taylor said.

Melyssa Ford is Canadian but that doesn't mean she doesn't stand for American AWESOME.


  1. $200K for ALL if them? Cheap bastard. They already know who that money is going to. Lying, corrupt sons of bitches! I can't WAIT to start campaigning to run their asses out of town on a rail!

  2. At least Bens keeping the printing press running.

  3. As a veteran I am sooooo happy that Kansas City, after receiving Federal Funds for decades, has adapted the Veterans preferences that have been Federal law for over 35 years. Nice to see out city fathers are on top of things.

  4. Scott Taylor is such a media whore. He should change his last name to Kardashian.


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