More IHOP Kansas City Sex Killing Coverage

Star: "Tyler Deaton's role at the International House of Prayer becomes clearer"


  1. Pffffft! They will get 100 years for having sex in KC without a permit and 2 years for murder.

  2. They're freaks for sure, but no worse than the Catholic Church itself. Same business model, same bullshit shoveling, just on a smaller scale. The real issue is the criminal conspiracy involved with their real estate company using shady practices to manipulate home prices around that neighborhood (MY neighborhood in fact). And then they pack loads of their cult members into a single family dwelling until the neighborhood association goes after them.

  3. International House of Prostitutes11/16/12, 10:19 AM

    I want me some PANCAKES, not this freak show!!!!

    Wasn't this the same cult that held a "PRAYER- CAMPAIGN rally" for a jerk in Texas?


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