Kansas City's Big Money Crowd Has Spoken: The proposed changes to Kansas City International airport received a unanimous vote of support from the Chamber of Commerce.


  1. Why the fuck does the chamber have an aviation committee?

  2. Obviously because there's money in it.

  3. The Chamber hates government and public spending unless it involves them or their members and then they just can't get enough.
    And the engineering and construction companies are at the top of the list. Just review where all the TIF money goes, not to mention the streetcar, sewer projects, and the rest of public works. And what a deal the East Patrol station is!
    Anyone want to bet against JE Dunn getting the new airport terminal deal?
    KCMO is a gravy train for the right folks!

  4. I want to be a consultant and rip off KC when i grow up.

  5. The real deal would be a rev with an engineering degree.
    Now you're talkin'!

  6. I don’t get it…. You expect the government at any level to be responsible for the way they spend our money…. y’all are starting to sound like some right wing TEA nutjobs. How many people voted for the “toy train” as Tony calls it….. wasn’t it something like less than a thousand. So there you go….. the government calls for a referendum on spending millions of dollars in an election they know no one will vote in, and the voice of a thousand carries the day. Did y’all vote against the train? Will airport expansion be an issue in the next election? Doubtful! I promise you that more people know who is fucking Kim Kardashian than know who the mayor is. And they vote!

    1. Hey you're the nutjob check how many were eligible to vote on the toy train before you run your mouth !

  7. Same Ol' Thing11/30/12, 11:30 AM

    Throw the traveling & tax-paying citizenry who love the current airport under the bus and spend a BILLION+ dollars on a new one to placate the big-money campaign donors. Yep, that's standard KC politics.

  8. Hey 8:33am….. why yes, I probably do fit the mold of what the MSM call right wing nut jobs but I think you miss the point or perhaps I didn’t state it well so I will try again. The main idea I was trying to convey was that governments at all levels spends the people’s money in a reckless fashion. At the federal level we are borrowing more than 40% of what we spend and that is COMPLTELY UNSUSTAINABLE. So now there is talk of upgrading the airport and I was thinking that is a solution looking for a problem….. but what the fuck, it’s the people’s money.
    In the earlier post, I made mention of the toy train and how only a handful of people voted for a project that will cost MANY people. So….. I took your challenge of “check how many were eligible to vote on the toy train before you run your mouth!” Here are the numbers from the Train Development District’s website.

    3,400 qualified voters
    number of votes cast – 460
    319 for, 141 against

    So Mr 8:33am, I stand corrected, it wasn’t even close to a thousand people voting.
    319 FUCKING VOTES TO SPEND MILLIONS AND MILLION OF DOLLARS. Which brings up the other point I was trying to make about our sad civic state. More people know who is fucking Kim Kardashian than know who the mayor is.


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