The latest text from somebody who knows . . .


We'll have more links when mainstream media picks it up . . . Definitely a horrible tragedy on local streets.

Update . . . A bit after 4 . . . Here are the links:

Fox4: Man Found Dead Inside Of Cab . . . Kansas City Police are investigating a deadly shooting. Officers were called to the area of 44th & Spruce around 3 p.m. on Saturday.

KCTV5: Police investigating homicide Saturday afternoon

Unofficially . . . That's 41 murders in Kansas City so far.


  1. African immigrant cab driver looking for a better life in America: Meet your African American brethren. For your troubles to migrate here and actually get a job, unlike our urban jungle monkey dwellers, you lost your life. For what? Maybe $50, I don't know. Black people bitch because cabs won't pick them up. Gee, I wonder why. They know they damn sure will not get a tip and they might just get shot for a meager amount of cash they have. I'm truly sorry this is how it ended for you Mr. Cab Driver trying to earn a living. The lives of others simply have no value for a significant, disproportional percentage of African Americans. Black people here deserve every bit of the bad reputation they have and all the slurs. What a race of violent, lazy, hypocrites.

  2. yep...

    jeb stuart

  3. One correction to be African American one must be part African. These people are just Black Americans! So sad that these animals just don't care about life either theirs or any one else's.
    Where are the Black leaders calling these people out?

    1. Only come out if it's whitey killing darky. Darky on darky don't matter.

  4. Given the profound and pervasive hate, prejudice, violence and racism exhibited toward blacks and immigrants in this country, this just HAD to be a white shooter.

  5. Most cab drivers are semolinan FYI - could it be the truth is the cab driver was past due on his cab lease and bill george (Mobster) took his ass out...any one for an Olathe Kia?

  6. Africans are equally As Fucked up as Black people. The only difference is Africans have an accent. Beware.

  7. Such a was beginning to look like things might be slowing down and we might be getting too lazy to rob and kill anymore.

    Wouldn't want to lose our homicidal dominance.

  8. Remember the underwear bomber? African. They are violent and ghetto too! No difference.

  9. The black "leaders" are way too busy shaking down corporations and governments to finance the self-importance and lifestyles they've become accustomed to.
    When was the last time you heard one of the local "leaders" talk about parental supervision, personal responsiblity, hard work, or contributing to the neighborhood?
    What you see are attempts to take over the school district, tax increases to flow through operations like the Urban Summit crowd, insider real estate deals like the new East Patrol PD building, and the same old tired excuses that all the problems of the east side are someone else's fault.
    Aren't city officials, the business community, and especially east side residents tired of all this self-serving crap by now?
    Then do something about it.

  10. Blacks are just animals. That's all....I refer to them as niggers and niggers, they are!! Each and every encounter with a nigger should be treated like you are dealing with an untrained dog. Niggers will either bite you OR kill you.

  11. Hot Spot Program...not working.

    1. Not in the stupid hot spots. Neither was 6902 prospect homicide.

    2. That's the point. All the extra resources are in the hot spots. Look what happens. Two homicides outside of the hot spots.

      Hot Spot program not working.

  12. Does anyone who used racial slurs want to provide their name and address? Or are they cowards?

    1. Why you a NIGGER lover.

  13. @8:06 what are you going to do about it?

    Why not post your name and address as well.

  14. 8:33, right after you.

  15. @8:39 you know it's idiots like you who screw up comment sections with stupidity

  16. 9:19, it's whores like your mom that should have swallowed! Who would consider racial slurs appropriate comments?

  17. Let me tell you a little story. My roommate in college was this big, angry dude. Not tall. But built. Like a white Samoan guy.

    So he's using this forum. I think it was some Everquest shit, remember that? Before WoW or CoD or anything. Anyway, on this forum some cocky little fuck runs his mouth and invariably the "post your address tough guy" comment comes up. And the loud mouth crybaby DOES post his address. Of all the people in the world, the internet tough guy just happens to live about an hour's drive from my roommate.

    Now the roommate was not a "let bygones by bygones" type of person. He wasn't even "eye for an eye". He had no off switch. No moderator. If he had a slogan, it was "and eye for a slur" or "a punctured lung for a threat" kind of guy. Real rage issues.

    One day, he hopped in his car and drove an hour to the internet tough guys house. It was some crappy little crackerbox home in a small town. He pulled up outside, grabbed the length of pipe he always kept in the passenger seat, and walked up to the door. Instead of knocking, he took the pipe and started banging on the screen door.

    Kid comes to the door and, though he won't open it more than just a crack, asks "who is it?" Roommate says, "Is this, [xxx]? The guy who goes by [yyy] on the Everquest forum?"

    Kid was some skinny little ginger. Maybe 25 years old or whatever.

    Um, yeah. Why?

    "Look kid, I'm the guy who you threatened with death. Who said 'Why don't you come to my house' Remember that shit? Cuz I do, and I'm here at your house. Now get out of the fucking house if you want to be such a tough guy."

    What ensued was about 5 minutes of profuse ass kissing apologies and promises to never again say such a thing.

    True story.

    Stick to the slurs, insults, name calling or whatever you want. Don't play these games with each other. It's retarded.

  18. im doing you a favor by not putting in the address..then you would have to steal a gps to find it then drive all the way up north and then you wouldnt be able to get past the gate. if you did the dog would take a chunk from you and if you made it to the house or god forbid inside it would be the last thing you ever laid eyes on. so your welcome

    artimus pyle

  19. 10:03. Bullets are just as effective at killing dogs.

  20. 19 under anonymous on here and none of the 19 probably sure who is talking to who outside of an idiot thinking people who use certain words should post an addresss but they at same time feel they don't.

    Called free speech fucknuts if words bother you then guess you best not get on here and read. Or does your mommie read it for you then has to explain it all for you?

  21. funny thing is if you gun kills my dog the noise alone will spook the animals you see its real quiet up here and it takes me about seven minutes to scope in all 18 acres and nigger you will stick out like a sore thumb.
    just think about it..

    artimus pyle

  22. Want to stop hearing blacks called niggers?

    Maybe you should start by discontinuing the use of derogatory phrases when referring to whites, Hispanics and Asians.

    Wash the inside of the cup first.

  23. Now that it's ok for the "New Black Panthers" to issue bounties but totally illegal for white people to do the same, why the hell would anyone be so stupid as to post their name and/or address, so that some nigger can come to your house and shoot it up without recourse??? Tell me, nigger. No, we'll just continue to make your lives miserable as possible by treating niggers as a disease and ignoring them at every opportunity. Don't forget the sound of power door locks being clicked at the first sign of a nigger in the vicinity. That's just an example, nigger!

  24. Love to see Tony get the asshole KKK commenters he deserves. Enjoy it, you fucking asshole.

  25. Proverbs 3 : 5-6 I can not believe what I am reading we are so close to judgment day and in all these years no one learned to love your neighbors and treat one another as you want to be treated come on guys really


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