This story should get more interesting as things get hotter in Kansas City.

For now . . .


We're still waiting on the P&L District for a response to a couple of questions on this topic . . .

On the bright side, most of the d-bags have moved on from Westports and most nights the place is halfway decent.

However . . . This looks like Round 2 for The P&L District and this type of complaint that's still losing money hand over fist. Now a changing clientele confronts the myriad of "problems" for that place that start with local leaders pretending they understood what they were doing.



  1. not round 2.

  2. Who goes there anyway.

  3. The Color of Money.

  4. Let the niggers in and there you are....The Bannister Mall!

  5. If you want to see what happens to places when they get more "diverse" look no further than Westport or the big vacant lot that used to be Bannister Mall. Here we go again. Nothing can ever stay nice in this town. Sorry if some people want to have a nice evening downtown without having a group of thugs next to them talking about how they "get that pussy all day, son" and "niggas 'bout to get fucked up"

    (before you start with the scared white people bit this was what my wife and I had to listen to at P&L last week).

  6. This is why you don't let politicians invest in "entertainment districts" There are companies out there who understand the risks of urban life. Cordish does too except they shifted the risk to the taxpayers.

  7. Voice of Reason7/6/11, 8:45 AM

    There are black-owned businesses that also prohibit certain types of attire. Are they racist?

  8. Went there last week and was told I can't wear a baseball cap in the courtyard. I had just come from the Royals game too. Meanwhile all of the "thugs" were having to remove their stupid flat billed yellow/green/blue KC hats as well so I didn't feel as bad.

  9. Correct me if I'm wrong but didnt the city say that Cordish can't ban "headgear and head attire" as part of the ordinance.

  10. Cordish said a lot of things. They only "relaxed" their dress code after last years lawsuit to "show" that they were complying with the city & state. The head-person at Cordish in KC is a black guy, who is obviously remarkably racist.

  11. Went there a week ago Saturday night with some family and friends who were in town only to find that could barely walk down the sidewalk by because of a ton of teens and younger thugs hanging out on the streets. It looked like Westport. They were all staring at my family and watching us closely, yelling sexual remarks at my wife and daughter and trying to intimidate us. We thought about going somewhere else, but figured once we got inside, it wouldnt be so bad. Wrong... As we got to the entrance they told us that we had to pay $10.00 to get into the block. What's worse was that they only accepted credit card. We (9 people) left and went somewhere else. There were numerous other people who were not happy with this "new" charge to get into the place which our tax money funded. Everyone else at the entrance appeared to be leaving as well from what I could see upon finding out about this new credit card cover charge. I will not return to P&L until it is safe again and doesn't charge me to get in. Let this story rip TKC!

  12. Heard from a friend who works down there that a girl got shot in the head a few weekends ago in one of the parking garages. Not surprised it wasnt in the news though.

  13. Just rename the place Thugville.

  14. and not a single shit was given that day.... in city hall

  15. Cordish is the "Nero" of Kansas City's Rome

  16. Confucious says: "They now see that KC is very different than Louisville"

  17. Word at the water cooler is that they banned baseball caps because too many "people of color" as TKC eloquently puts it, were hanging out in and around the district...because we all know that flat billed multi-colored KC hats with holographic stickers on the bills cause crime. Thanks to the arrogance of Cordish, I can no longer wear my Royals hat when I'm watching a game on the bigscreen there. I wonder if cowboy hats are banned on the country nights? probably not.

  18. There it is AGAIN! Thugs don't ruin anything, niggers do....Simple statement, simple fact. Niggers fuck up everything they are part of...

  19. You Lie Timmy, Nobody watches the royals...

  20. ahh poor man should be proud some young dude thinks your fat wife is Hot. Other than that, just send a bunch of preachers downtown to keep them youngsters in line. But if they spending money whatz da problem.

  21. Hats are outlawed because it makes it hard to identify people on sercurity cameras.


  23. The thugs don't spend money. That is the problem. They don't have any money because they don't have jobs. They don't have jobs because they jobs are uncool.

    Black and hispanic people need to understand that Cordish and the power and WHITE district DOES NOT WANT YOU DOWN THERE!!! when are you people of color gonna understand that. Black and hispanic people have jobs and money. SPEND IT WHERE YOU ARE APPRECIATED!!! FUCK!!!

  25. Nick Benjamin is a Jewish racist bitch!!! Cordish is a racist company. Do your homework and you'll find that out they are hated in every city they scam.


    Yea yea black people may ruin a mall, but honky- cracka-lil dick white devils destroy whole people(indians) and economies(our own)!!! Which is worse.....?????

    And they still can't catch a beat....

  27. a about every area they move into..downtown,south kansas city,banister mall,the landing shopping center..the more area you move in the more property value goes down,buisness leaves,more people move out to be replaced by more babies having babies by multiple turds,more welfare check,un mowed yards trash in the yards,thugs walking in streets all night,crime up,break ins up,drug traffic up, and hey dumb ass theres a nigger in the top office and the economy is in tank gas is up 103% from when he took office and unemployment rate is at 10% across the nation. I wish all you fuckers would have headed back to africa when all them white devils died freeing your dumb black country ass. the indians would have been better at least the have class...

  28. To 4:19
    Laughable. First of all, white people have done nothing but destroy what ever they touch. Indians called you man with forked tongue for a reason. Let's put this in perspective... You blame the prez for gas prices..??? TRY WHITE SPECULATORS ON WALL STREET HONKY!!! And destroyed neighborhoods??? Poverty is poverty. Poor is poor. So the white trash trailer parks are something to be proud of In independence. And by the way...go back to Africa??? Dipshit WE BUILT THIS COUNTRY FOR FREE!! TRY AND MAKE US LEAVE COWARD!!

  29. Listen racist peick President Obama has been the best thing that's happen to this country since sliced bread. The reason unemployment is high across the board is because racist whit republicans who control the business industry are refusing to create jobs. They wantPresident Obama to fail and they are enjoying getting richer on the backs of others.

  30. To 4:19
    You lil dick honkys are so fucking weak....the only race on this planet that BURNS in the sun!!!! Seriously??? StAy out too long trying to get COLOR and you fucking burn. That's a sign you will burn in hell caveman!!! Lmfao!!

  31. I will never spend a dime nor my time at the Power & Light District. The leaders in Kansas City needs to stop bank rolling this racist company. The taxpayers deserve better.

  32. jesus you dumb niggers cant spell or put a sentence together. It is always the white mans fault. you dumb motherfuckers didnt build shit. we had to show you what to do.
    thats funny best thing ever to happen. you fuckers voted for him because he was black, most of you had no ideas about his policies or his voting record. you voted race and now you dont have jobs. You really showed me.

  33. funny i tan just fine 3/4 cherokee blood. Thr black people dont know what suffering is. My people have had land stolen and we have been pushed onto reservations. I have noticed that most of the areas that where listed are all run down.
    I have to agree that it seems that most all black communities are run down and have alot of crime.
    take the blinder off i will give examples
    most shootings happen in the hood.
    most crime happens in the inner-city.
    all fourth of july shootings happened in the inner-city.
    buisness are fleeing the inner-city fast.
    more foreclosures are in inner-city.
    more children are born into one parent homes in the inner city.
    more girls in the inner city have kids by multiple partners.
    more drugs are sold and used in the inner-city.
    more young males in the inner-city are more likely to end up doing time for violent crime.
    more welfare checks go out to inner-city households.

    which is all facts also minority job applicants get preference over other qualified applicants based on race.
    you get more scholarships to college.
    you have your own tv station (bet) your on radio station (kprs).

    what would the fall out be if the white man had his on tv station?

    but it is easier to blame the white man.
    We did call white talked with forked toungue...what do you think we called the black man?

  34. i call them NIGGERS

  35. More white collar crime, drug abuse, child sexual molestations, rape your own daughters, more handicap children due to incest, Kill your mother, father, sister or brother for a dollar. Sell your soul and your wife for a dollar and sex,

    I agree the black on black crime needs to stop but white folks are far from saints. Poverty is associated with crime. What about Independence
    Raytoewn and lees Summit white trash the media is biased.

    White folks will sleep with animals so stop with the race bashing. I could go on and on about the morally corrupt Jerry Springer white folks.

  36. 7:43 says correct things. Look at the facts, but god forbid you should try to act proactively using that information. If you do you are a profiling racist.

    People need to wake the hell up and start fixing their own hoods and quit expecting everyone else to do it for them.

  37. 9:32, your friend is correct.

  38. i live in raytown and the crime is on the rise with more rentals and more blacks moving in, Raytown South high school is 85% black.

    Talk to the cops.

  39. i dont know of any white people who sleep with animals? But all i outlined in that previous post were facts.
    whites commit more white coller crime i agree..
    black are more likely to commit violent sex crimes and recently had black man rape what he thought was a dead body.
    I would like to see the stats you qoute about the handicap due to not sure i agree just no facts to back up.
    maybe kill your faher ,mother but really thats only because you know who they are because they are not in prison or turning tricks.

  40. I went to P&L once (apparently before this cover charge took effect). The general demographic was either the NASCAR crowd, or JoCo Hipster Douchebags. Neither are my cup of tea. A middle-aged couple I am friends with, who also happen to be from Africa...both joined me. Our group left me shortly thereafter as my African friends were made to feel less than welcome.

    There's plenty of great locales in the area that are safe and welcoming that we patronize. Far from P&L, and KC-based. I won't be going back to P&L again.

  41. To 7:43

    3/4 Cherokee means .....YOURE NOT WHITE DUMB INDIAN FUCK!'!!
    1. Once again do your history... If you have FREE LABOR, the kind that builds and sustains plantations, which sustain HALF of the country, then YOU BUILT THE COUNTRY!!
    2. If you raise the kids they neglect who inherit the money that slaves helped produce..FOR built this country
    3.No other immigrants did what blacks have done...FOR FREE!!!
    4.WHERE the black people of this nation be if their ancestors were paid...even theist nominal wage for the work the did.
    5.where would black people be if they were not only given the chance to be educated, but let them educate themselves!!!
    6.And white tv stations???? THEY HAVE ALL OF THEM!! FOX NEWS, TCM, TLC, CMT, etc'!!! hispanics have their stations, they have Arabic stations, and so on and so on!!
    7.Once again crime is overwhelmingly advanced by poverty. period.

  42. And all that has been done against black people....WE ARE STILL FUCKING HERE!!!! WE WILL NEVER GO ANYWHERE!!!!
    So for all you white racist who are soooooo fucking dumb to believe that black people are the problem you should Take your blinders off. Rich white folks FUCK you dumb poor white people just as much as a poor, thug, single parent black person living in a crime infested neighborhood!! Lmao!!

    And to the cherokee Indian.....go kill a buffalo shithead. American Indians are fucking drunk idiots!!! Fake ass sitting bull Geronimo wannabe before I start another trail of tears. GO ANDREW JACKSON!!!!

  43. I call you the devil and red neck peckerwoods

  44. It's about time someone told white people dumb asses that rich people like the Bush and Cordish family are the real problem in america not black people. They been screwing your dumb asses for years and you still vote republican dumb asses.

  45. It's about time someone told white people dumb asses that rich people like the Bush and Cordish family are the real problem in america not black people. They been screwing your dumb asses for years and you still vote republican dumb asses.

  46. Cordish, is a racist and I hope african americans camp out in the Power and Light District. Afterall your tax dollars purchased it. Just spend as little as possible walk up and down the streets flirt with white women and spend very little money

    The Cordish Company has done damaged race relations in this city and need to GO!!

  47. 7:19 President Obama, didn't destroy this country dumb ass white men did.
    Bush destroyed this country and then ran his dumb ass out of office. And you stupid fucks still try to blame his inadequacies on President Obama.

    I voted for Obama, because he is articulate and you white folk may be dumb but blacks understand Obama doesn't control the white business industry. Jealous white men aren't hiring. By the way I will vote for Obama again not because he's black because he's smarter than the stupid whites seeking office.

  48. Who let alonzo in here?

  49. i would not hire most of you either.
    yo are to busy holding your pants up or talking on your cell phone.

    Funny it is still Bushes fault. Obamas time in office has been a failure.

    And to the drunk indian comment..i see more drunk niggers and mexicans than i ever do indians.

    I will give you credit for free labor in building the country. I will tell you this most slaves wanted to be free,to have land of their own and to carve out a life for them and their family. They worked hard were god fearing and wanted to contribute to the country.They wanted to be treated the same as verybody else.

    Can you say that about yourself?
    Do you want to contribute to society?
    Do you wanna work hard and earn a living?
    Do you want things to be equal?

    big difference betwen slaves and current batch of african americans.

    all you fuckers posting in here about the white mans fault...i say try earning your way instead of waiting for that free govt check.

  50. 6:08 The white man has ran this country in the ground. Don't het upset because black folk are buying your argument that its Obama's fault. Bush and Chaney totally destroyed this country and in spite of dumb republicans opposition Obama has brought this country from the edge of hell.

  51. you mean to edge of hell.
    Have you not been paying attention even dems are moving away from him and his taxes. we are bombing libya,somalia and have invaded pakistan under his leadership. we are still in iraq and afganistan.

    More and higher taxes are coming including the one on your benifits.

    you are blinded by the shine of bullshit.
    And biden even cost the taxpayer couple extra billion by blabbing where the vp bunker was. it has know been relocated.

  52. Its good to see that everyone stayed on topic here about P&L (sarcasm).

  53. I do not go to P and L because I dress like a slob. However if I did I would wear what is expected.
    What are black kids clothes anyway?
    The business is keeping out people who do not dress to the code that is set forth.
    Go ahead and dress correctly and come on in.

  54. 6:08 you are right. I am blaming white america for the conditions that exist today. As far as hiring african americans I am sure your broke ass couldn't hire anyone.

    1:04 PM Dress Code my ass most of the businesses in the Power and Light District are operating in the red and owe as much as a million dollars in debt. They should be happy to serve
    anyone. If the city wasn't funding Cordish to the tune of $15 million the entire place would fold.

    I forgot blame Obama and dumb shit taxes are rising because republicans refuse to increase the taxes of rich white folk who doesn't care about them.

  55. 6:08 you are right. I am blaming white america for the conditions that exist today. As far as hiring african americans I am sure your broke ass couldn't hire anyone.

    1:04 PM Dress Code my ass most of the businesses in the Power and Light District are operating in the red and owe as much as a million dollars in debt. They should be happy to serve
    anyone. If the city wasn't funding Cordish to the tune of $15 million the entire place would fold.

    I forgot blame Obama and dumb shit taxes are rising because republicans refuse to increase the taxes of rich white folk who doesn't care about them.

  56. By the way do your homework more whites are on WELFARE than BLACKS.

  57. The Power and Light District was built with tax payers money and Black Kids can go when and where ever they please.

  58. i have done my homework. the welfare board puts it at 69% black that recieve welfare/govt subsidised housing/finanical tution breaks/daycare breaks.

    Thats the stats put out by Kansas Citys welfare board.

    I dont go to power and light but if you keep filling in black thug kids,you will run everybody else out.
    Its not that people care if they are there..its that they show no respect for anything or anybody.
    I doubt it will survive on the black dollar alone.

  59. You are incorrect about my broke ass hiring nobody.
    I run a general contracting buisness i employ 11 people.
    They are all in the construction trade. Six are african/americans that contribute to society and pay taxes. They are on time and dress for work.
    They have the same complaints about most black youth. These employees are my family and i could have laid some of them off along with reducing wages.
    We did not we chose to dip into company and personal profit to keep them on and maintain to buisness. All the while my payroll taxes went up,health insurance/work comp all went up.
    So you really dont know as much as you thought.
    But keep trying

  60. taxes are based on income.
    so the more you make the more taxes you pay.

    47% off all taxes are paid by people making over 500,000.00 a year.

    if you would have paid attention in school you would know that.


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