The news cycle out of Joplin, Missouri following deadly tornado disaster is starting to slow down . . . Inevitably, it'll fade completely when viewers tune out. Already, it's pretty easy to tell that most people are tired of watching the coverage after a few days . . . Don't believe me? Just wait about a week when news of the ongoing struggle won't even qualify as a blurb in the last minutes of local reports.

But for now the disaster is still a hot topic for the fickle local audience . . .

Also . . .


It started with a frustration from survivors about the dreadful process of claiming the dead bodies of loved ones: Frustration grows in Joplin

And then . . .


Don't believe me . . . Just look at the body language. You can clearly see the privileged newsie giving his "WTF?" look to Gov. Jay who sadly relies on nothing more than talking points and seems rather oafish as most people would when standing next to the Gloria Vanderbilt offspring.

With an important election coming up . . . And without the support of so many rank-and-file Democrats . . . This could be a crucial FAIL for Gov. Jay.

What's worse is that things don't seem to be getting any better for Joplin despite some inspiring stories of support . . .

Check some of the most important and latest links on the subject . . .

As always, Petra Nemcova leads these Joplin links because she's good people and quite inspiring in so many ways.

Joplin overwhelmed with donations

State Streamlines Help Process for Joplin Tornado Victims

Before And After: A Bird's-Eye View Of Joplin

Names Of 232 Missing After Joplin Tornado Released

Volunteers Helping Make Life Better in Joplin


  1. 'People' won't tune out. Narcissistic shitheads like you will.

  2. You have to remember that Jay is a Republican, and Republicans do not do well when it comes to expressing compassion or offering help.

  3. If Jay only had someone as corrupt, perverted and stupid as John "Coach" Comstock in the House of Representatives at times like these, all this trouble would fade away.

  4. The small government guys like Jay Nixon really do get caught with their thumbs up their ass when something goes wrong.

  5. Why did he wait to bring in the state help?

  6. Yes, its the governors fault that the worst tornado in recorded history hit the Joplin area.

    Its also his fault that the coroner did not allow the family members to view, or, identify, the remains of their loved ones.

    Think about it, just for a moment.

    If the tornado decimated cars, homes and businesses, what do you suppose it did to the bodies of those strewn amongst the debris?

    Trust me here, this is not the last image you want to remember of your loved one.

    Give these people the time they need to positively identify the remains while also directing your outrage where it belongs-at the storm itself.

  7. He should have known to come with everything.

  8. Lord help us if Tony ever has to help anyone. What a negative d-bag.

  9. And the "News Powerhouse Anderson Cooper" can go fuck himself. He's doing nothing more than fanning the flames of misery burning in the hearts of the victims loved ones. All for ratings. What a miserable piece of shit Anderson Cooper is.

  10. I am a conservative Republican who probably would not have voted for Nixon had I been a Missouri resident.

    HOWEVER: I DO NOT want this tragedy to be politicized.

    This is a massive disaster, and I believe the folks in Joplin and the state government are doing the best they can. I believe Gov. Nixon is taking charge and that some of the problems that have cropped up in the days since the storm will be resolved.

    Leave Democrat vs. Republican, Obama vs. Bush, etc., out of this.

  11. I don't get this post. I watched the interview and there is nothing I noticed about his body language. He is trying to get answers and help. I thought it was fine the way he responded....I am not a fan or hater of Nixon...but geez...what more do we want from the guy? Anderson didn't give a WTF? look at all...come on Tony...you are better than this.

  12. I have watched Anderson Cooper, and I believe he and CNN have done a good job. He has been very respectful with the people he has interviewed.

    He pressed Jay Nixon a little bit, but I don't think he was disrespectful. And I think Nixon did OK in his responses.

  13. T- I'm glad you took my Petra suggestion, I didn't think you checked the comments. Inspirational

  14. Rex-My frustration lies right here:
    I remember Anderson Cooper some years ago, boldly and bravely, standing outside in the winds of a hurricane demonstrating the force of the storms winds.
    Yet just a day after the Joplin tornado, Anderson Cooper was filing a report for the Piers Morgan show on CNN in which Cooper winced and cowered each time there was a lightning flash.
    Moreover, my final frustration lies in his questioning of the governor about a family with law enforcement connections able to identify their dead loved one while those with no connections must wait.
    Honestly, give me a break!
    If that isn't fanning the flames of misery, I don't know what is.

  15. What happened in Joplin is a terrible natural disaster and tragedy for many thousands of people.
    It is NOT about Jay Nixon, Anderson Cooper or any of the other blow-dried TV swells, or the media.
    Get your head out of your butt, your fat butt out of the cellar, get into your car and drive down and help.
    And take Alonzo with you.
    And stay there.

  16. You all do know that the "Phelps Crew" is going to be down in Joplin
    protesting don't you?

    They're commin'..........

  17. So, I don't get it. Anderson Cooper was brave in New Orleans and a coward when the lightning flashed in Joplin?

    There's a Riverside police man who got struck by lightning in Joplin.

  18. I feel it is my God-given right to judge in minute detail the personality traits and intentions of Gov. Nixon, Anderson Cooper, every other Joplin official, every other state official and even the residents of Joplin.

    I will make snide remarks about their appearance, their body language and whether they might like the attention their tragedy brought.

    I will do this because I have no faults of my own and even though it hurts others, I don't really care.

    I am a proud anonymous commentator on TKC who would never have the guts to say anything to anyone's face.

  19. I think Nixon caught unnecessary crap on this case. It's a local scene... the state and the feds dont' just walk in and take over... the state is giving the locals a hand now that its overwhelmed but these things take time.

    Mistakes get made. Everybody needs to calm down! The one guy's right, ya don't go shopping for your loved ones. Let the government forensic people do what they know how to do.

    I think people are not as anxious to find their relatives dead and torn apart as reporters think.

    I felt Nixon gave the right information and had the right level of detail expected of a governor. If anderson wants details about the bodies, he needs to inquire to someone whose responsibility is more directly associated.

    Governors move people, they dont' count bodies. There are PEOPLE for that. And yes, there are PR people to handle feeding the cable beast between commercials.

  20. Radioman-I agree that Nixon, along with a few other people got caught unnecessary over this tragedy.

    I'm frustrated with Anderson Cooper because I had family and friends in Joplin still waiting for assistance.

    While I certainly don't blame Nixon, or, Cooper for the tragedy in any way. I believe Nixon is there to help while Cooper is there to do exactly what you suggest-feeding the cable beast.

    11:17 AM-I know I have plenty of faults. Posting anonymously is not one of them. I didn't want to take the time to find my blogger password. So, if it makes you feel any better, I just now took the time. Also, I posted the comments at:

    5/27/11 8:38 AM

    5/27/11 9:10 AM

    5/27/11 9:51 AM

    So, 11:17 AM-where is your blogger information? Or are you just some HYPOCRITE posting anonymous comments?

  21. I agree with 9:19. I am not a Nixon fan by any means but I think he did pretty well during this interview. I think it's good that the state brought in additional resources to help the people of Joplin.


  22. 11:13 AM-sorry, I missed your comment earlier.

    No, I'm not suggesting Anderson Cooper is a coward at all. Exactly the opposite.

    I understand, 2 men were struck by lightning earlier that day and thats my point. I believe Anderson Cooper was using that as a prop, rather than his genuine fear.

  23. Nixon was much better in the days when he had Chris Moreno providing advice.

  24. 5:17 not sure about advice, but certainly he was better having Moreno around to keep his politics good and to build coalitions.

  25. What cany ou say about Anderson Cooper???We all know he sucks cocks, swallows sperm and like the full feeling of anyone's meat up his ass!

  26. The flow has long past and as one person noted it really isn't important, but the pedant in me must note that Jay Nixon is a Democrat.

    Sorry, it was bugging me. I don't know if he's a small government democrat--is there such a thing?


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