The latest from The Anti-E-Tax People . . . And TKC is the FIRST one to publish it in its entirety.

Who Gets TIFs?
Answer: the Same People Funding the Earnings tax

(Kansas City) With the release of their first commercial, you might have noticed that the defenders of the status quo have a lot of money to spend. It might also make you wonder where they got $1 million to defend an anti-small business tax.

Analysis of those funding the earnings tax campaign reveals that almost $250,000 of the over $1 million raised comes from companies who benefit from Tax Increment Financing deals.

Click the image for a larger view . . .

Update: The Star's rebuttal is kind of petty . . . And blames the other side for not disclosing as well.

However, it's strange that they don't even let readers take a look at what they're arguing against . . .


  1. What a Surprise!3/14/11, 3:02 PM

    This isn't exactly breaking news, Tee. The Watergate reporters back in the mid-70s were advised to "follow the money".
    Still good advice, particularly at 12th and Oak!

  2. I went to a talk by pro- and anti- e-tax people Saturday. Dan Coffran was the pro guy; Woody Cozad was the anti guy. Both were really charisma challenged, but Coffran's case seemed better. Woody seemed more interested in how we got to where we are than how the city was going to replace the lost income. As I understand Woody's case the growth we'll have by not having an e-tax will make up for not having it, which I would call a gamble.

    It's hard to understand why anyone who is retired and living in Kansas City would vote no on the tax, since (1) they paid the tax all their working lives, (2) they don't pay it on their retirement income, and (3) eliminating the e-tax will almost certainly result in higher property taxes, fees for garbage, and a host of other charges.

  3. How are we expected to respect such a poorly formatted document?

  4. Wow, someone doesn't know how to use Word.
    Once again the anti-etax camp comes up with the short stick. They are running a laughable campaign. Everything they come out with is just ridiculous, lies and unworthy of my time.

  5. At least the e-tax people are telling us where the money is coming from. Those anti-etax folks are doing everything in their power to hide who is funding them, which is super-shady.


  7. More BS scare crap.

  8. 4:10 the donors are listed on the website.

  9. The E-Tax is free money that goes for political connections not city services. Get rid of the E-Tax slush fund.

  10. 4:20 - i can't find the donors listed anywhere on the kctaxreform site. link it so I can see.

  11. 4:22- You are lying. Nice try tho'

  12. So Fuckin' What Jeffie You Fat Fuck3/14/11, 4:28 PM

    TIF is the incremental increase in tax revenues generated from a project. Before project taxes = X. After project taxes = Y.
    Y - X = TIF revenues.

    So just how many of those that donated to the E-Tax campaign wound up getting general fund revenues because of TIF shortfalls?

  13. Didn't know Hunt Midwest was such a bunch of cheapskates.

    Maybe we should stop the $2M/Yr lease payments until they pony up!

  14. What word document? That doc Tee cited showed banks and developers have enough to gain, they're spending thousands of dollars to keep the ETAX.

    Ther's enough reason to vote NO, right there!

  15. @Radioman, remind me. Why don't we know who's spending hundreds of thousands on the opposition to the tax? I can look up supporters of the etax on the bottom of the homepage for save kc. ( And the MO Ethics Commissions Donor Page. Who the frig IS Freedom PAC?

  16. I agree with Radioman ---- NO E-TAX.

  17. Well, then you're a dip if you agree with RM. While I respect RM for his accute political (and life) observations, he is absolutely wrong on this one. Since he doesn't live in KC, however, I'll give him a break.

  18. Who is funding the opposition campaign, paying people to comment on the blogs? Who wants to ruin Kansas City, Missouri? Who? Do you trust anything they say if they won't reveal real contributors?

  19. Who is paying for the opposition campaign?


    Who is benefiting from the opposition campaign?

    Woody the Pecker and Fat Fuck Jeffie.

  20. I suspect the same people against the e-tax are also trying to bust unions in Wisconsin while the business entities dance on the graves of the middle class.

  21. No-one in this city wants progress. Its pathetic.

  22. For fair disclosure, more than a thousand a year is coming out of our household for the etax and all we get out of it is traffic lights to and from work into town.

    It's a lot of money, given that we already pay sales tax when we buy things during our KCMO treks. And our services outside the city are far better than those IN the city.

    We pay $180 a year cash for trash service, more than that for sewer. Plus property taxes for our excellent roads, maintenance, and snow removal. And then KCMO on top of it.

    The only reason why there's an earnings tax is that there are so many poor blacks livng in KCMO who can't pull their weight. lets face it, that's the elephant in the room!

    And the money people who WANT the earnings tax are those who build and rebuild and rebuild and rebuild the streets and sewers in matter WHERE THEY reside! Its always about the fuqucking money!


  23. So why haven't the people for the e tax tried to fix it in the last 20 years. They want us to vote for it and then they will fix it. I say VOTE NO so they have to fix it.

  24. The Ball players don't pay their fair share. The Ward parkway Millionaires wrote themselves out of the E-TAX when it first was proposed. The Doctors and Lawyers who use the court house and hospitals don't pay their fair share --something about there being NO WAY to figure how much a Doctor or Lawyer used the buildings. Every rock band that comes to town PAYS before the concert starts. But the high and mighty as usual only pay to pass a VOTE FOR THE TAX that poor people can pay.

  25. Vote no E-Tax.

  26. Did Billy Gramham pay E TAX on the money he collected the last time he was at the Stadium?

  27. The E-Tax sucks.

  28. Radioman,
    If you folks are making $180,000 a year, quit complaining you ass hole.

  29. Lot's of whining from out of town folks, even though they make their living here and feed off of our services. If you come here and use our streets, public safety services and everything else, you need to pay your FAIR share. One percent on your earnings is a bargain. Most other cities have either a higher earnings tax or income tax, so quit complaining.

  30. I feel like all the rich people who have the money to pay when other taxes rise are the ones complaining. They obviously have too much money to waste on the taxes that will have to go up to replace the e-tax: property tax, utility tax, sales tax... etc. Don't screw the poor people by voting no, but if you all are really so persistent to pay more for the same services by all means no one is stoping you.

  31. If the e-tax goes away... what would Tony post about?? Not even the city would be good enough for his bull shit. Then where would you guys do all your bitching?

  32. Yoyr not screwing the poor people your taking away the E-Tax play money that the rich politicians throw away. The E-Tax is not being used for services anyway.

  33. There may be reasons offered to support the e-tax, but people living outside of KCMO receiving city services IS NOT ONE OF THEM.
    Even the residetns who live in KCMO don't get any city services. And if you visit Johnson County, and have an emergency, try calling 911. The police are there in minutes and I guess it all must be free!

  34. Why can't we complain? We pay taxes where we live...and also where we work? That ain't right!

    Whats the point of making good money if the gum'ment is going to take it back? but you have miscalculated. A thousand dollars tax is only on a hundred thousand dollar salary, not 180.

  35. I'll add a PS. If cops have time to set up radar traps at the bottom of hills to collect even more money, then we have too many cops. And not enough road crews clearing snow and fixing winter potholes!

    We already know we have too many firemen. They don't put out fires before all the damage is done anyway.

    Vote NO on the eTAX!

  36. Even kcpt won't disclose its contributors. Money buys deals and tax dollars. And they say that money doesn't influence what a politican does or what a public tv station shows. Sure.


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