Reports are flying in from everywhere . . . You d-bags are gonna have to straighten it out in the comments . . .


Here's a bit of info floating around from the ambulance worker and former victims of the MAST hostile takeover side of things . . .

"Smokey got a letter from the City Manager to put everyone on 40 hour shifts or thru the academy!!! Shit is hitting the fan!"

That text speaks to the fact that former MAST workers now in the KCFD are complaining about a violation of federal labor law that has them working far too many hours for little pay and the fact that they are members of the KCFD but can't do fire suppression. Obviously, the long plan was to phase out these workers . . . But in the meantime there are quite a few of these folks who are put in a situation where they are second class members of the KCFD . . . That was pretty much the crux of the complaint against bringing MAST into the department in the first place.

It gets worse . . .

Check a recent Union memo and decide for yourself:

Brothers and Sisters,

There have been several new developments I think you need to be made aware of. It would appear one or more of our members have contacted City Council Members, along with other City Officials, and threatened legal action. Those involved are attempting to site Legal decisions that would bring warrant to their claim of an FLSA violation. The Union President is currently working toward a positive resolution to this issue, but its outcome is still in question. If we cannot resolve this issue all employees of the EMS Bureau will be placed on a 40 hour work week. The shift bid we just completed would be thrown out, and the membership would be subjected to another shift bid. Those who have submitted vacation bids would find them null and void, and would be required to repeat this process also.

I can say with all confidence you will see little choice in a new shift bid. I think we could see (10) ten hour shifts, but much more likely (5) five eight hour shifts a week. This reduction in hours would create a work environment far worse than what many members may have experienced in their career. We all know the shift bid before the merger where based on a (42) forty-two hour work week, and CEU were not completed on duty. This would not be the case if required to work (40) hour work weeks, and the overall reduction in coverage could climb to 500 hours a week. With what would be a huge influx of senior employees, anyone with 15 years or less on the job should plan on working weekends for years, if not decades. All the nightmares of the past could be just around the corner.

Before you received the last shift bid it was submitted to numerous Labor/ Management meetings, and sub-committee meetings to develop everything from supervision to supplies. These groups included numerous Union members, and a great deal of their time to complete this project. The shift bid including (24) twenty-four hour shifts would have provided over 400 hours a week in additional coverage. This comparison was in reference to coverage provided one year ago. This Shift Bid will also further decrease work load, System Status Management, and street corner deployment. In two different surveys the membership showed a strong desire to have the Union address these issues. The (24) twenty-four shifts would provide the most significant positive impact on the quality of our work environment in thirty years.

Please plan on attending one, and if possible both of the shop meetings. They are scheduled for Thursday the 24th at 6 P.M, and Friday the 25th at 10 A.M.

In Solidarity,


So, this is what they're dealing with right now at City Hall and we'll see if this problem is handed down to the new City Council . . .

In other words . . . The MAST Decision continues to FAIL in the aftermath and Kansas City is forced to keep dealing with the consequences of the takeover.

Developing . . .


  1. This "city mangler" is worthless and now that the election is over, he's gonna prove it.

  2. Just say no to tax payer double dipping.

  3. 1:13...this is not about double dipping. this is about Smokey dyer telling city council in a televised meeting that the way they are saving the city money is by working the ems people 52 hours a week for the same annual wage as when they worked 40. That is not double dippind. that is not following the FLSA law. Unless you are a salaried employee, wouldn't you expect overtime for anything over 40 hours? EMS people working 24 hours shifts in KC is a disaster waiting to happen. Paramedics must be rested and alert to be able to give the best possible care to patients. When they have had no rest in 20 hours because they have run 26 calls, there is no way they can be thinking well enough to figure proper dosages in medicine, what sequence needs to be done, etc. Google sleep deprivation in EMS workers and or firefighters and you will see how dangerous it is. Too bad our city council and mayor didn't do that before they made this huge mistake.

  4. Looks like the same old crowd wants to test the new administration even before it takes office. They might want to spend a little time better understanding how fed up taxpayers all over the ocuntry have become about public employee union's demands and excesses.
    Before you make lots of threats, it might be wise to notice that there's no one standing behind you.

  5. You don't like your job...then quit...someone else will be glad to have it!!

  6. COPS and FIREFIGHTERS should join the private sector.... pay for performance, quality, and results.

    No more free rides.... I have a job for life even though crime has been out of control for years.

  7. @ 2:15 yea...lets pay cops based on how many tickets they hand out...that would go over real well. Then lets pay firefighters per fire. 1. they would rarely get paid because they are usually cooking or playing xbox. 2. they would start setting their own fires to make sure they get paid.

    you are jackass.

  8. So the city wanted people to work 24 hours shifts but do it basically for no more money? Who thought people were going to go with this? Did someone not think this through? I don't get why this happens. Is there any plan for this?

  9. 2:24 PM


  10. So when is this disaster supposed to happen? Ive been woking the twenty four hour shifts since they started last July and have yet to kill somebody due to being tired or not able to calculate drug dosages. And i have not had any complants of my patient care. I would also appreciate it if you did not lump all us ems people into one group. I like working the twenty four hour shifts. I like the station that i am at and the other guys that work there. Maybe if you get it into your head that mast is not coming back you might find that this thing might work, but you also need to help to make this work.

  11. 1. The ambulance personnel were told they would not be forced to work 24 hour shifts. All but 30 people are.
    2. The ambulance personnel were told there would not be any cross-over between bureaus. Fire Fighters are being trained to work on the ambulance and are taking overtime shifts on the ambulance.
    3. The medical bureau addendum states that the hours will be 40 during a 7 day work week.

    It is a matter of following the policies and agreements that were stated and that follow federal law.

  12. The fire department works for the people, not the other way around.

  13. Hey, go over to May's Machete, I just read about a plaster cast, 30 feet long with 400 vaginas from women 19 to 76 years old.

    I swear to god!!!

    Its an exhibit that tours the cuntry and May wants to know if you will take your family to go and see it.

    I am NOT shitting you.

    "Honey, get the kids, lets go, I'm thinkin fish for dinner."

    "Ok honey, lets be sure and sign up for that "Cacophany of Cocks" display when it cumms into town.

    Fuck politics, we got plaster pussies to look at!!

  14. fucking UNION niggers....response time is longer people die...

  15. "The effect of shift structure on worker performance and productivity is an issue of increasing interest to firms and regulatory bodies. Using approximately 742,000 emergency medical incidents attended by 2,400 paramedics in the state of Mississippi, we evaluate the extent to which paramedics’ performance towards the end of their shift is impacted by its length. We find evidence that their performance deteriorates towards the end of long shifts, and argue that fatigue is the mediating factor. These findings have implications for workforce organization, calling attention to regulation designed to limit extended work hours."

    The Effect of Shift Structure on Performance: The Role of Fatigue for Paramedics
    with Tanguy Brachet, Reena Duseja: w16418

    Google it.

  16. This just continues to show that EMS is yet again treated like a second class citizen. EMS works run far more calls and do far more work than their "firefighter" counterparts who spend their days running automatic alarms, shutting off water flows, and occasionally putting out a fire from time to time; these "firefighters" often find EMS a waste of time often standing on call scenes huffing and puffing at EMTs and paramedics expecting to be released from the call. This whole situation proves how incompetent KCFD really is. Did they think everyone from MAST would go quietly into the night? Local 42, stop protecting the firefighters and those who shouldn't have the honor to serve in the emergency services and represent those whom you pledged to do so and those who you turned your back on to only further your own agenda. Karma is a wheel that will come full turn to bring down those who brought down MAST.

  17. There are PICTURES and a VIDEO i shit you not!!!

    I can't quit laughing, I am fuckin dyin.......

  18. 2:42, don't bag on the fire fighters. They didn't ask for this any more than you did. It's arrogance and attitude like this that helps nobody.

  19. 2:30 yes, they figure about 30% of the people are happy working in stations. However, it still violates the fLSA law so I guess you 30% need to go through the academy and become real firefighters. ALSO, unbeknownst to many, the labor/management has agreed to allow EMS workers who do not live in Kansas City to become firefighters and STILL not have to move into Kansas City. I wonder how many firefighters in KCMO know about THAT?

    Now, explain to me the letter signed by over 100 unsatisfied people at EMS, asking for a special union meeting because the union has failed to adequately represent us? Such as in the new shift bid? it amazes me that you would be happy working 52 hours a week for the same pay as a 40 hour week. Just shows how incredibly intelligent you are. Say, didn't you used to work for Raytown and get fired over an alleged sex scandal?

  20. Chuck, go away.

  21. Bullshit-you know you looked at it.

  22. Well you just showed how intelligent you are. You turned a debate into a personal attack. Maybe you and those other hundred people should quit and go work for amr. See how they treat you there.

  23. 2:53, there are a lot of unhappy people that just need to move on to a new job if they hate it so much.

  24. Maybe they should try to comply with federal labor laws and people wouldn't have a problem

  25. If you think Mast is getting treated bad, try being a civilian or non-sworn, and work for the Police Department.

  26. Just the latest in the endless parade of examples in KCMO government where there is little management and NO accountability. And the taxpayers and residents are supposed to just keep ponying up the bucks to keep the same old folks in the same old system in their well-paying same old jobs.
    I hope the new administration is planning to ask some really tough questions, not take the same old answers, and maybe even find some brand new folks. It's way past time!

  27. Pivonka v Board of Commissioners Johnson County, KS, 2005

    A class-action lawsuit involving Johnson County Med-Act and FLSA exemtion.
    Med-Act employees still work 24 hour shifts, but are paid in compliance with the FLSA law, which is a 40 hour work week, because they do not meet the exemption.

    Just as the Medical Bureau does not meet the exemption.

  28. @2:43 - I hate to tell you this, but I don't work for MAST though I am a medic for another service in the metro. I'm simply stating the obvious and some things are universal. Local 42 is the fire based union. Just keep that in mind for who they are looking out for.

    The Pivonka lawsuit is something that needs to happen on the KCMO side.

  29. 2:53 FY. Perhaps your 30% should become real firefighters. The rest of us LOVE our jobs, just not the management, the city, or the fucked up union who made promises they will not be able to keep. They sold the other 70% down the river. Even the city promised we would not be required to work 24s. and for those telling us to quit, you work a job you love for 15, 20, 30 years and then have some jackoffs who do not know how to run your business come in and change it all up and see how happy you are. What you do not realize is, Smokey Dyer had 4 ambulances in Lees Summit and did not run over 80,000 calls a year. He is not qualified to run this EMS system. Barardi and Montleon have no clue how to run an EMS system and try to make it run like the fire department, which it cannot do.

    BTW, I guess they didn't find the video funny in Raytown, eh?

  30. @2:41 you are a loser - PWT meaning poor white trash with no vocabulary as you show every day on this blog.

    For the others...The whole MAST shake up was on Funky's watch. He was basically a pawn in the Firefighters political game and the taxpayer citizen's are going to lose (and pay) for this mess. I also agree that no one is 'entitled' to a job for life. Folks in unions need to wake up and realize that we are not in the 1950's and that they can no longer be protected under unions. I will go online to read more about FLSA to understand the 24 hour shift issue.

  31. I just hate that this mess could not be cleaned up before the new Mayor and city Council is seated. It is highly unfair that they have to take on such a contentious mess.

  32. Chuck, I think that the point of the exhibit is that its better for women if they don't think of their vaginas the way that you do.

  33. 2:41 fuck you asshole....moralfag.

  34. Byron please, the absurdity of folks showing up at an arthouse to look at a 30 foot plaster wall of pussies is end of fuckin days laughs!!

    The psuedo seriousness of the entire post, by a garden variety feminest with literary pretensions envokes peals, I mean fuckin peals of unintended laughter.

    God knows I love and have loved the ladies implacably.

    Did you look at the fuckin blog?

    Come on, lighten the fuck up.

  35. Wait to go. Just another way the Lesa "Crazy Clown" Gonzalez has fucked things up for everyone. Layoffs are on the way.

  36. Plenty of EMS systems are run on 24hour shifts, paying their employees OT after 40hours/week.

  37. I'm picturing myself walking in there, and taking it seriously.

    "Oh yeah, the fifth one from the right, four rows down, now THAT one speaks to me."

    Is it a metaphor for a "Clockwork Orange"? (After about a half hour will they hand out toothpicks?)

    The guy in the video, spent YEARS on the plaster pussy wall. Your tellin me, that there is no humor, not one fuckin joke in this shit?

    I mean its called the "Great Wall of Vagina" for god's sakes!!

    Is there a sponsor?

    Can guys achive hot flashes as female orgasms in the presence of such supposed fecundity?


  38. The Fire Department and Union KNEW they were screwing the employees and violating FLSA laws!! They tried to scare people into keeping their mouths shut but it didn't work this time. WAKE UP KC! Taxpayers will pay for this debacle, out of their pocketbook or with their lives if they should be unlucky enough to ever have to wait for an ambulance. KCFD already owes thousands $$$$ to those ambulance employees they have underpaid over the last year. You want to be mad at someone?? Funkhouser made this deal with IAFF Local 42 to destroy MAST and sell us out to the FD in exchange for money and votes!!

  39. 4:56

    Why are you blaming Lesa. It sounds like there is a lot more members upset over this issue than just her. Maybe you should look at your part of this fiasco.

  40. 1:29 PM: I am a city employee. I paid into my own retirement. I am exempt and I only get paid for 40 hours even though I work 55+. So shut your pie hole.

  41. 5:05: you knew your job was FLSA exempt when you took it, thats your own fault.

  42. 5:05, the difference is, we are NOT exempt so shut YOUR pie hole, asshole!

  43. EMS needs to get the FUCK over this. You have a job, and you hate it. Maybe you should have chosen a different profession. You all think that you are underpaid? I know for a FACT that a good majority are making MORE than those on the Suppression side given the GHASTLY amounts of overtime yes OVERTIME offered on a daily basis to all of you. Sounds like a bunch of bitchy union haters trying to get a quick buck. And as for leaking a CONFIDENTIAL letter from the union, you should be ashamed of yourselves. If you hate it soOooOo much, THEN WITHDRAWAL....or quit?

  44. Perhaps if pd and fire had to endure the layoffs the rest of the organization faced over last three years, they wouldn't be crying over insurance and a little longer work week! Be happy your not looking for a job.

  45. Perhaps if pd and fire had to endure the layoffs the rest of the organization faced over last three years, they wouldn't be crying over insurance and a little longer work week! Be happy your not looking for a job.

  46. 5:56 I like your thinking

  47. 546, I did have a different profession. I worked for a private ambulance service. I NEVER wanted to work for the KCFD but was forced to. Pay is not the issue with EMS. I believe it it the supression side who is bitching about not getting a raise. the EMS side just wants a FEDERAL law followed. Oh, but wait, firefighters are all about flaunting the law, aren't they? Fuck minors in station 17 on Paseo and pay off the mom so she doesn't press charges? Oh, and film it, too. How about the news yesterday about the proud fire fighter at station 37 assaulting a family member in front of his children? and he is still on the job. Many of the firefighters and others on fire in the city are honorable and good people. Unfortunately we have people like YOU and those I mentioned who are horny, law breaking mother fuckers. So, why don't you just go fuck some dog or other animal, like the videos you watch in the station?

  48. Blame Sherwood.

  49. Local 42 needs to share in the layoffs like all other city employees have the past three years.

  50. Kansas City got scewed by the union old bait and switch

  51. 5:46 Your ignorance is a perfect example of why firefighters SHOULD make less than Paramedics!! If people knew what you guys REALLY do for 24 hrs, they would be disgusted. You get paid quite well to sleep, eat, watch tv, and do NOTHING 99% of the time while Paramedics run their asses off! If you didn't have the UNION out their deceiving the public into buying into your HERO status, you could be easily replaced with any minimum wage worker with a GED! In FACT, most smaller communities manage to not burn down having only a VOLUNTEER Fire Department.

  52. From a firefighter for KCFD---The former Mast employees have a good gig. All the overtime they want. Great pay and better working conditions.
    The ambulance merger has caused a deep moraal problem for the firefighters.
    I hope the city takes the ambulance out of the FDs hands soon.
    Louie and his cronies do not know about any problems as Louie has not been on a shift to work in 19 years. What a gig he has!

    Come on KCFD, let's fight the union and kick these union leadership idiots to the curb. They DO NOT listen to the floor. They have no respect for the members.
    They chew your union dues up by getting member for member all the time as well as city business. Get on the FD Dupin and Newby!

  53. 6:36 Best idea I've heard!! I'm a KC Firefighter too. We need to all band together now! Louie has GOT TO GO! Taking over the ambulance is a failure and it wasn't what was best for the members! We didn't want this, MAST employees didn't want this, Louie wanted this to line his own pockets and gain more power! Get on board...tell the city to keep the ambulance out of the FD!

  54. The unions always lie to us for there owm good.

    I do think chucks vagina monologes are funny.

  55. surely our crack (headed) city law dept will win the inevitable lawsuits on this. it's a slam dunk for those wizards to beat this!

    actually, i bet the total damage (including DOL fines) will at least double the recent jordan griffin and jilted judge judgments.

  56. @ 2:29 Several idiots wanted the 24 hour shifts , even though they would be working an additional 700 hours a year.

  57. This whole thread shows how citizens should vote out the etax. The firefighters have been out of control for years. Only massive budget cuts will cause real cuts for those scheming leaches.

  58. Oh, and you fuckheaded fire people can stay anonymous! ha! fucking moron. Bet you are an ugly dyke bitch.

  59. All the infighting has been going on for some time now. The history of such can be traced back to one man, Louie Wright. He coveted the EMS jobs for every second he has been in charge to bring those jobs under 42s and to KCFD. He succeeded as 2nd District VP, but paid for it in losing his VP. Now, he succeeded in destroying MAST and bringing those jobs to KCFD. Most suppression and EMS never wanted any of this to happen. Calculate the $$ spent to this point and I am sure it is literally millions that could have been spent elsewhere in much more positive manner.

    Now, it is up to the City Attorney. His opinion is the only one that matters now.

    Federal Law is well established and the 24 hour EMS for KCFD probably will be a part of history, as should Louie Wright as President. It his actions that brought us to this point and he should accept the responsibilty for the harm he has caused to the membership and KCMO system.

  60. Sounds like a bunch of jealous ems Pukes to me! Go get your own fucking cot and get the patient to the hospital instead of trying to pump the patient full of meds after you couldn't get a line after 5 tries. Whoever the chicken shit is spreading the rumors on station 17 needs his or her coward ass beat. Fucking panzy!!!!

  61. ( This is L 42 Union insider Rich)
    A few payoffs and bribes were made last year when the city voted to take over the ambulance.

    I believe that the Funk ( who hated us ) was told by the union higherups that they would have his support ($$$$$$) if we got smokey and Louie the EMS in KC.

    Local 3808s prez got the AFL CIO head honcho job because he forced the members to accept the mast Gray and whiteshirts (Supervisors). Louie got the job for him in exchange for this backstabbing act of getting EMS into 3808.

    This union Prez threatened that the EMS members could sue to get in the union! Who gives a shit, the ems folks were suing to get out of their union!!

    WAKE UP -LOUIE is burning the house down as he walks out the door. He is fucking the retirees who got him elected last time by wanting to get MAST folks into the KCFD pension. That will lower their pensions and the present FFs pension payouts.

    Just last month the union had Wood come around to gather support for Funk while Louie knew behind the scenes that a blue Ribbon committee was already formed to take a look at our pension and suggest changes. Let me say that again....
    Louie knew that
    Funk had put togather a committee to possibly change our pension, yet L 42 supported this un-electable mayor and did not tell anyone about the special "kill our pension as we know it" committee.

    Our union is the problem. Labor / MGMT does not exist. L/M is Louie and Smokey agreeing to everything at the city market Cascone's before the actual L/M steering meeting.
    Does anyone on the job want to stand in the yard while a house burns to the ground? Louie agreed to this policy 2 years ago.

    W T F?????????????????????????

  62. KCPD and KCFD are "entitlement" organizations...... They are "entitled" to your tax dollars.

    Screw the e-tax.

  63. I know for a fact that the last non 24 hour shift on the emt side did not get bid until they were in the 70's out of 104 and the last medic shift that was not a 24 hr shift went in the 50's out of 108. that to me shows that a lot of people chose a 24 hour shift over a non-24 hour shift.

  64. Pension = a word used by Local 42 to keep EMS workers oblivious to the fact that they are being raped daily by the union.

    Wake up people. There is NO EMS PENSION.
    You have NO retirement plan.
    Although someones getting 5% of your money?

  65. 8:22 Hello, You might want to check station 4. #96 EMT.

  66. 8:36 you might want to check who the medic is on that shift.

  67. So lets not forget that EMS gave up weeks of vacation per person, late call pay, 9% matching into our 401k's (that no longer exist), no raises the last couple years, while benefit costs doubled), union dues two and a half times higher, lost OT incentive pay, took on 500+ hrs for no extra pay (for 24 hr cars), and on and we could could be told for over 4 years that a pension was around the corner?
    This is millions of dollars in annual savings for the city going where? And still EMS makes much less than equivalently tenured Fire guys and gals.

  68. "Wake up people. There is NO EMS PENSION.
    You have NO retirement plan.
    Although someones getting 5% of your money"

    you have a retirement plan. your years of service started May 1, 2010.

  69. "you have a retirement plan. your years of service started May 1, 2010"

    Really? So I have what, 24 years to go?
    Wheres the paperwork for this?

    See usually with a retirement plan there is some paperwork and beneficiaries, etc....must've missed that?

    All I see is a big carrot waved in front of some stupid rabbits.....

  70. Im not an expert on this. But how did 16's and south platte and all the Kansas 24 hour post with mast be exempt. Ive been here for almost ten years and do not remember those working those stations having to have special training to meet the fsla laws, but im pretty sure they got paid at a different rate then everyone else? Just a question.

  71. To some of you EMS people who are cowards and hide behind your off putting words toward the fire department. Come on up to 44/B and I'll make you lunch and we'll talk about how much "some" of you hate us. Greg Galvin

  72. 8:36-I am not sure where you are going with your statement, I was merely pointing out that a lot of people chose to bid 24 hr shifts when there were non-24 hour shifts available, so, I know what that looks like to me. Greg-I work the same shift as you otherwise I would come by with cake and we could just shoot the breeze. I have people I don't like, but that is because they are weak and cowards and there is really no need to talk about them.

  73. 9:14. Mast or EPI was not a fire department, so the Fire FLSA rules did not apply. Those folks were paid time and a half past 40 proportionate to the annual salaries. The costs would go through the roof for KCFD to pay the same hourly rate plus time and a half for the 24 shifts because the EMS crews are not exempt from the Fire FLSA rules.

  74. Let's see, 30 former MAST employees have to work 24 hour shifts, (cry) and they want to extort $30,000,000 from tax payers. That seems fair.

  75. This is one reason why Local 42 wanted John Crawford to win that council seat. The fix was in.

  76. So it sounds like were all going to be forced to work an eight hour five day a week Sshift because we were not FLSA complient. So when can i expect my back pay from the city since July of last year?

  77. Correction to an earlier post at 9:38. Intended to post that they are exempt and have to be paid the time and a half rate past 40 on a 24 shift.

  78. Non-FD city employees should start protesting the FD's high pay and lack of layoffs. Local 42 is out of control. Bust that union.

  79. There is not enough ambulances to place everyone on a 8 hour shift. That is another scare tactic. The system operated quite well on a 42 hour work week under MAST. Speak to management and tell them that a 40 hour work week can work effectively by utilizing 10 hour shifts, or a combination such as 12, 12, 8, 8. The Union leadership will not fight for more appropriate shifts. We must fight for ourselves.

  80. Who's going to pay for the 30,000,000 dollar pension?

  81. @939....there are much more than 30 people being forced to work 24 hour shifts. We did not choose this, but most of us are trying to make the best of it. Try putting yourself in our positions for a moment before being crude- cry??? A world class ambulance service is potentially being run into the ground because one hand doesn't know what the other is doing. Just tell us what's going on and stick to it!

  82. We don't need a world class ambulance service, we a service that we can afford

  83. If you want an average ambulance service, then you should expect average results

  84. Your raises are going to pay for are 30 million dollar pension. I mean we do more work a shift and we bring money into the city. We still charge for the use of the ambulance. Thats why your union leader and chief and mayor screwed your firefighters over to get us in here.

  85. 8:22 do you know what the non 24 hour shifts available were? Find out that information before you go spewing how little you know.

  86. The reason we have so many problems is partially because we continue to fight each other. No, the majority of FD did not want us MAST people coming in, the majority of us MAST people did not want to join the FD. None of us had a say in it though! Louie and Smokey made up their minds to do it, and once that was done none of us stood a chance. Local 42's pockets are way deeper than any of ours( even though they get their money off of our backs, how's that for irony?) We shouldn't be fighting against each other though. It is stupid to hate each other just because we got thrown into this mess together when we didn't want to be. We should be standing together to fight against our union leaders! Their job is to protect and they are not doing it. The union is supposed to work for us, not the other way around. So instead of fighting each other and getting into stupid pissing matches lets band together to fight against the people who got us into this mess. As far as whoever leaked this letter to the public, that is just disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself. Thank's for showing the media, the city counsel, and the public just how screwed up the business in our house is. Great timing too, just when the e tax is about to be voted on. If that tax gets voted out remember who is going to be first on the RIF list. Keep our business private, don't go telling everyone stuff they don't need to know, and especially not when a vote that will affect all of our livelyhoods is on the line.

    I'm off my soap box now.

  87. Make it easy. Live in city or dont work. Fu non tax payers.

  88. 9:50, by high pay, you mean the starting wage of $12.56 per hour for a fireman? You're a stooge.

  89. All you 42 people who want to air laundry in public need to keep shop business in the shop. There's a time and place for conversation about our issues and this blog isn't it. Get a clue.

  90. Lacy, your kind of thinking is what keeps everyone down, ignorant and in the dark about what is going on! Everyone should be able to read that letter.

  91. Ok, so all of this is just embarrassing. All of the in-fighting between fire and ems personnel is just stupid. We're on the verge of the E-Tax vote which we ALL need to pass to continue getting any kind of a paycheck and this bullshitting is what you're showing to the public?! The "if you don't like it, quit your job" statement is the dumbest of them all... no one can quit their jobs in this economy but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't fight the good fight for what is fair and just. And the majority of these people who some are suggesting to shut up and quit never signed on for the bull shit they're dealing with. Sure, people CHOSE 24 hour shifts in the beginning, because that's what was best for their family, so they could more easily take on second jobs to support their family, or maybe under the false impression that they might get to sleep in a fire house, whatever the reason, don't suggest that people should be punished for their choice by being deprived of benefits and pay. All but 8 of you are going to be in 24 hour cars... whether you like it or not. You will see. You will see the benefits and understand why people would make that choice, you will also see that you will never again have a normal sleep cycle, you will see, especially then that the stress of all of this BULLSHIT in-fighting, shift bid changes, broken promises, etc is even worse when you're living on 45 minutes of sleep after running all 24 hours of your shift the day before. How bout this? WORK TOGETHER. YOU ARE ALL IN THE SAME BOAT. Everybody wants to get paid for the hours they work, everybody wants to have a choice in their shift, and job security. ALL of this drama, fighting, arguing and straight up stupidity are why the MAST/KCFD merger happened in the first place. Nobody could separate themselves from their own selfishness enough to fight for what is right and fair. Personal agendas, FAIL. Whether it be YOUR personal agenda or Louie Wright's.

  92. 1217: No they shouldn't have access to that information, that is private business between union leadership and their membership. You want to complain that the union keeps you in the dark? Well its because people like you obviously can't be trusted to keep private matters private. Why the hell would anyone want to make us look even worse right before a vote affecting a large portion of our income is to take place? Things aren't going back to the way they were and if we want things to get better at all we sure as hell don't need to have the public oppinion of us( all of us) to be even lower than it is. No, I do not think the fire dept. runs things right, I see a lot of wasted money and redundancy in jobs that could save possibly millions of dollars( mostly on the administrative side) but MAST pissed away a lot of money too, so I wouldn't count on them coming back. I just don't appreciate people screwing with my family's livelyhood.

  93. "Make it easy. Live in city or dont work. Fu non tax payers".

    By non-tax payers do you mean those former MAST employees that have always paid the E-tax?

  94. "9:50, by high pay, you mean the starting wage of $12.56 per hour for a fireman? You're a stooge".

    $32,500 starting annually isnt that bad for a job that only requires a high school diploma. Especially since most Firemen work other jobs on there 21 days off a month.

  95. Didn't the fire department have the ems system like 40 years ago and it didn't work out? Didn't ems people get kicked out of fire stations in the 70s?

    Lacy your first letter makes good sense with the exception of keeping it in house. With Louie wright, keeping it in house gets nothing done. He needs to be exposed for the snake and creep he is. Not a good man, not a good leader.

  96. 3/24/@4:56 PM wrote-

    "Anonymous said...
    Wait to go. Just another way the Lesa "Crazy Clown" Gonzalez has fucked things up for everyone. Layoffs are on the way."

    4:56, You're an idiot. Mark Funkhouser and all his brilliant cronies fucked it all up for MAST employees.

    Get your facts straight. Or better yet, just shut the FUCK UP!

  97. If you don't like your fire fighter job then QUIT. Get out. Quit black mailing the public. I'm sick of this I'm voting NO to the E-Tax.

  98. I don't think the taxpayers are in the mood for all of this baloney.

    The taxpayers, many of whom are struggling with reduced wages, the threat of job loss or actual long-term unemployment, are the ones who pay the firefighters and other public employees.

    Many, if not most taxpayers have no pension plan at all and don't make nearly as much money as public employees. In addition, they don't get Columbus Day, Confederate Memorial Day, etc., off.

    I definitely do not favor any sort of collective bargaining for public employees. It should be, "Here's what we pay. Would you like the job?"

    Do they realize how many people work under those circumstances?

    Do they realize how many people haven't gotten a pay increase in years? Or have had they hours and/or salary cut?

    And, again, do they realize how many people have no pension at all? And no health insurance?

  99. @9:03 AM
    I don't think Firefighters or most public employees are ungrateful. They just want what is fair. Fair would be to recieve all the guaranteed benefits they were promised when they took the job to begin with.

    When the current public employees took thier jobs, they were told, "this is what we pay."

  100. Remember when Lesa Gonzalez took that urd hostage at Eastwood? She locked herself in a shitter and demanded to talk to smokey.
    I imagine she had a gun up to the turds head threatning to shoot.

  101. MAST was a financially insolvent mess, an exemplar of the "privatized profit/socialized loss" model of fiscal irresponsibilty that has ruined so much of America's social services and infrastructure, and a notorious cooker of books to mask its monetary and service shortcomings. The former MAST employees, however, are some of the best EMS providers around and deserve an employer that provides better benefits, working conditions and long-term prospects. The FD is that employer. There's a reason nearly every comparable major city in the nation has fire based EMS. It's better for patients, citizens and employees.

    The fire department in KCMO is among the most aggressive and committed in the nation, and are known as such. There are few life-saving, property-protecting, interior-attack departments left in the US, and KCMO is lucky to have one.

    And if you think the public is sick of public employees exercise their constitutional right to assembly and bargaining, perhaps you should read a poll or two in the wake of Wisconsin's anti-democratic, unamerican union busting. If unorganzed people feel jealous of the benefits of solidarity and strong trade unionism, perhaps they should rejoin unions. We had a stronger, better and more equitable nation when they did.

  102. Show me in the Constitution where you have the "right" to collectively bargan.

  103. Hey 3/25/11 10:41 AM: Check out Article I, Section 29 of the Missouri Constitution: "That employees shall have the right to organize and to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing."

    Is that good enough for you?

  104. 10:07 AM, we all have the right to free assembly, UNLESS another union in place does not believe in the bill of rights. We do not have a constitutional right to collectively bargain, period.

    As far as MAST being "insolvent" "Cooker" of boooks, please provide such evidence and contact the Federal authorities immediately. If a crime has been committed with taxpayer funds, it is a Federal crime. If what you have written is anecdoctal, you should state as such.

  105. US Constitution trumps Missouri Constitution, period.

  106. @11:23 AM-Well Said! MAST was a self sufficient entity until Mayor Mark Funkhouser sold his soul to Louie Wright for an endorsement in his failed mayoral campaign.

    Funkhouser's decision to disolve MAST and fold its workers into the city was a complete disaster. The voters made that clear on March 22nd.

    I believe the firefighters are great workers, along with MAST workers.

    Tony's point is spot on:

    "The MAST Decision continues to FAIL in the aftermath and Kansas City is forced to keep dealing with the consequences of the takeover."

  107. PART 1

    Well sir, I am going to take exception to your first sentence. And while you have attempted to provide us all with a modern version of the "Protestant Work Ethic" and perhaps even a unenlightened view of some critical issues in our country; you are woefully ignorant of the under workings of the former MAST operation. In order to properly put this into perspective for you, I unfortunately need to teach you a painful lesson. Hopefully you'll be able to grasp this, and you'll thank for me it someday.
    First, you try to hide behind big words, and big expressions, while promulgating the many glorious privileges of working for the FD. Honestly, your "Wikepedia-level" view of the issues around the fire department show what a small, scared little boy you really are. Someday, when you are finally able to detach yourself from suckling upon the power- nipple of your union president, you MIGHT be able to see the issues from a broader perspective, not simply your own narrow, and inevitably ignorant view.

  108. @10:07 PART 2

    We can all share the power to make this motherfucking mess right. In order to do that, though (and I say we COLLECTIVELY)we need bigger people in power than we currently have now. Frankly, the fear of vaginas that a great many of our leaders express is perplexing. How big of a man does that really make you? Your fear of stepping outside the box (and you can take that literally or metaphorically) is ruining the future of a very proud department, right before our eyes.

    And now, on with the dissection of the rest of your dim-witted view of MAST.

  109. @10:07 PART 3

    First, the accusation of MAST "cooking the books" borders on slanderous. Let's tackle the financial issue first. MAST was very transparent in how they calculated and divulged their yearly P&L statement. They seemed to grasp ideas like, "dollar cost average," "return on investment," and "inventory control." You know what, Fire Admin employs a bunch of really smart people and they know all about these same things. Tell me, do you think they're cooking the books too?

    Response times: Again, how MAST measured response times was transparent. The phone rang, the call-taker punched a key, and the clock started, and stopped when the unit went "on-scene." I could blather on for days about the way they measured response times, but it's all academic. The way they measured these things was public knowledge, and no one seemed to have any issue with it.

    Doctoring data: MAST has been forever accused of doctoring the data, and for good reason. It seems inexplicable to believe they could be doing the things they were doing--without lying and cheating. In fairness, maybe they were cheating. If they were, they kept it ultra fucking quiet. You and I know there are ultimately NO SECRETS in this business.

  110. @10:07 PART 4

    Telling people how much better working for the Fire Department is (which has yet to be proved) is a slap in the face to the people who have spent--in some cases--decades working for another proud organization: MAST. So, good job. I'm sure the EMS membership will eat that right up.

    I'll tell you what, go find some objective evidence of high morale in any EMS system , in any deployment model, in any country. Go ahead. I'll wait. I'll save you some time, and just tell you, you will not find this information. The intrinsic nature of EMS and of their job duties, contributes to a list of variables, which (in my view) are related to EMS employees' burnout and general discontent with the job. The best EMS management models embrace this idea, and attempt to make life better for their employees. Whether MAST did a good job of this is simply of matter of perspective. Some people thought it was okay, and some people thought it sucked.

    Aggregately though, most field personnel seemed reasonably happy at work.

    Conversely, I would estimate the aggregate change in job satisfaction at the Fire Department has shifted since the takeover (I refuse to call it an integration) to where the majority of people are greatly dissatisfied with their jobs. How is this an improvement?

  111. @10:07 PART 5

    EMS people, the fire department is a proud, and complicated culture. Take some time to learn about it, and it you'll find some incredibly strong bonds between people, and you CAN be a part of that. Some of their rituals are complicated, so cut them some slack.

    Suppression people, EMS is probably here to stay, even in light of recent events, and EMS will prove to be a critical function in fire based systems all over the country. The reality is, EMS is the thrust of departmental budgets. A lot of the heavy lifting is on backs of the EMS employees. Always has been, and always will be. I know there is no sympathy in the department, though I would implore each of you to cut them a little slack.

    The point is this my friends. MAST is gone forever, and this is what we are ALL have now. We can all continue to fight over power and be miserable, or we can sit down and listen to each other's concerns and needs. Mark my words, until this happens life will be difficult for the majority.

    In closing, I feel some responsibility to remind everyone why we are here. To protect our citizens. Their lives, AND their property. If you took this job expecting an easy-chair, a bowl of sherbet, and a pension, you should probably examine why you took the job in the first place.

    Shame on all of us that a critical service has come to all of this.

  112. @3:01 PM-Part 1 through 5.

    DAMN IT MAN!!!

    Good Answer!!

  113. @309 You are an idiot! I have witnessed years of response time altering and embezzlement with MAST/EPI...perhaps you just use big, fancy words, but do not really do your research. While you are brushing up on the history behind EMS in Kansas City, while don't you learn some basic math skills, because from what I have seen, approximately 10% of the work force are truly unhappy and that my friend was not a majority in any math class I ever took. Oddly, the same 10% were probably the loudest cry babies at MAST before the merger. Maybe it is not really about who some people work for, maybe some people just are not happy.

  114. For all the complainers...please remember you DO have a JOB!!! IF YOU'RE THAT UNHAPPY FIND SOMETHING ELSE!!! Realize you can't make everyone happy ALL the time!!!Secondly if you are unhappy with the way things are SHOW up to union meetings and attempt to make changes..

  115. 5:56 LOL @ "because from what I have seen, approximately 10% of the work force are truly unhappy and that my friend was not a majority in any math class I ever took."

    Gee, sounds like you are the expert! Did you come up with this number from some scientific poll you did or does "from what I've seen" refer to a couple people you asked? I'm amused that you call the person with the most logical, unbiased opinion on here and idiot when you write with such ignorance and lack of intelligence.

  116. Lesa Gonzalez3/25/11, 6:42 PM

    Wow. I have been sitting back participating in some of the conversations on FB and just seeing what the general feeling is here on TKC. I am shocked at the number of responses! I am glad for them, as well, as good conversation is always a good thing. Too bad this many people didn't participate in 2009 and 2010, when everyone was afraid of Louie Wright. Perhaps we wouldn't be having the issues that we are. BTW. I HAVE NOT BEEN TO CITY HALL, I HAVE NOT SPOKEN WITH CITY COUNCIL, I HAVE NOT TALKED TO TROY SCHULTE AND I DO NOT KNOW WHO DID. However, I applaud them. MY 87 year old father has been critically ill since the end of january/beginning of february and I have not had time to do any such thing. I also would NOT have done it as I suffered enough repercussions from trying to stop the merger. With that being said, I hope for the best from everyone and for everyone. We used to be united, in EMS but as has been carefully orchestrated by those with low morals, the divisiveness is just the beginning.

  117. Bottom line, taxpayers should not fork over $30 million so 300 former MAST employees can have two pensions. Former MAST employees: if you don't agree, quit.

  118. Jesus Loves you

  119. "should not fork over $30 million so 300 former MAST employees can have two pensions"

    Huh? MAST employees never had a pension, nor do they now. They currently have only the option of putting their own money into a 457 plan. Even though the City is taking 5% out of their paychecks for some reason.

  120. I just heard that the person who disliked the 24 hours shift so much that she went to the city council and complained. The one that forced us to rebid the shifts, and weaken the system so it cant operate the way it was planned. Taking Ambulance hours off the street so that her cowrorkers would have to work even harder. The same person that has this crazy idea that 24 hour shifts arent legal, causing the city to spend thousands of dollars researching and researching what is settled law. Well she still isn't happy. Now she has filed a federal law suit. At least she had to put her name on this one. Thank You Marrisa Hermsen. Now our union dollars, and the city treasury will emptied a little more, to yet again revisit descided law. I wonder why she would do this? She had the chance to bid a dynamic ambulance, she was not forced to work a 24 hour shift. Why would she do this? Could it be that she is facing termination for leaving her station and not telling anyone. To those around her fire station isnt it nice to know that your paramedic just up and left her post, makes you feel safe doesn't it. Plus she has repeated insubordination charges, and problems with the medical director. Could it be that this law suit is a smoke screen to hide her real problems. After all she didn't have to work that 24 hour shift.

  121. 4:53, fuck you. She has more balls than you will ever have. If the City and Union had not been so sneaky and had followed the rules, there would not be such a problem. Bringing her personnel issues into this just makes you look like the jack-ass you are.

  122. Ok...I have been with Mast/KCFD medical for almost 6 years. When I got hired on I was going into a field that would allow me to fulfill my life long dream of helping people. When we were Mast I had days were I would run 14 calls in 12 hours. I also had days were I ran 0 calls. The work load is not that different than what we experienced before. The major difference between the two is these new 24hr shifts don't have the slower days (at least at my station). I have adapted the mind set to show up, run one call at a time and remain positive. I am tired when I get home and sleep for several hours the next day. I am getting used to it.

    As far as liking the fire department...I am neither here nor there. I like the guys I work with at my station and have zero complaints about any fire fighters or other medical personnel. I know that this is a major issue and it seems the medical personnel has a line drawn in the sand. I have listened to both sides and agree with points from both sides. I don't like the personal attacks that both sides sling back and forth. I feel the are childish and shows no respect for the career path we chose.

    Do I agree with the current pay arrangement....No. I feel that every person should be payed for every hour they are on the clock. I feel firefighters should also be payed overtime for over 40 hrs. I am smart enough to realize that this is not financially possible. My one argument in this regard is that when firefighters were hired they were hired with the knowledge of how and what they would get payed. Us on the medical side were hired with the knowledge of what we would be payed from Mast. When the fire department took us over we were given our new pay scales. They were very similar. It was when the 24hr shift took over when the communication almost stopped. I found out about how we were going to be payed through the rumor mill. I hate listening to the rumor mill but I was not getting official info from management or the union.

    People ask me my thoughts on the union. I am a pro union person, especially in this career field. I do agree that our union is pro fire. That is because the majority of its members are fire. That doesn't mean they are anti ems. Our issue with not getting things done through the union is that we are not unified. That line that divides our ems population is what is keeping things from getting things done. We have each side going to the union demanding actions to be taken that offset each other. The union is caught between a rock and a hard place that we are producing. I do feel the union hasn't done very well in dealing with the management as far as keeping the promises made to us, but that is my feeling.

    All in all we need the be one united force when we try to get things done. That is the only way that us ems people can get things done. We need to find a common ground and agree to disagree sometimes. We need to stop the slander and not make things personal. As far as the lawsuit it is in no way to do away with the 24hr shifts. It is not trying to bring Mast back. It is just trying to get fair pay for us according to the law. Regardless of your support or non support of the lawsuit it is filed and will be heard and ruled by a jury. Lets move on and continue to provide our citizens with high quality patient care and show a united front.

    If anyone wants to hear more of my opinions or share theirs my email address is

  123. "There's a reason nearly every comparable major city in the nation has fire based EMS. It's better for patients, citizens and employees."

    Do you mean those high quality departments like FDNY, Phili, Houston, and LA? In fact, there is NO FD operated EMS system that has saved taxpayers money, improved services, or or proven more efficient than any other type of EMS provider. Your leadership has taken one of the top 5 EMS programs in the US and turned it into another Phili FD. Unions are great for selling the talking points, but in truth, FD operated EMS is the worst way to go..... just adds more gravy for the union.


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