I just don't think anybody will ever be as powerful as Jodie Marsh given her online photo goodness. However, keeping track of local power players always keeps me busy.

Check this week's list of Kansas City's most powerful people:


Mike Burke - This week the Mayor's Race belonged to this hopeful who keeps on picking up support from rather important local people.

Michael Fletcher - He's changing the way campaigning is done in the 3rd District and making a powerful statement against the privilege that often comes with incumbency. If his story was fairly reported in the mainstream media he would garner even more support from a great many other people from all over the Kansas City area.

Jason Kander - A well timed endorsement of Sly James shows that this young politico is getting more confident in the powerful role he plays in Kansas City.

Cathy Jolly - She's so formidable that even her husband Scott Taylor thinks he can move into office based only on his name recognition as Mr. Jolly.

Claire McCaskill - She quickly fired back at claims of her so-called vulnerability.


Russ Ptacek - Really, you need a reason? This week his Bannister Fed Complex reporting continued to evoke reaction.

Mike Mahoney - A local reporting legend still hard at work. He kept Mayoral Candidates on their toes throughout the week while still breaking a great deal of news.

Lisa Benson - An interview with Co-Mayor Squitiro demonstrated her increasing access to powerful people.

Chris Hernandez - Keeping busy reporting first on a great many of City Hall and political developments.

Joe Arce - Continuing a brilliant career of reporting in KC.


Gloria Squitiro - The Co-Mayor rules Kansas City and City Hall whether we like it or not.

Darla Jaye - She's increasing her profile with the Mayor's Christmas Tree Lighting and continues to have a HIGHLY DEVOTED fan base.

Bryan Busby - Maybe it's because the weather is changing but I'm noticing him more and more . . .

Dan Porrevecchio - His Citizens Association Pouting Set A Lot Of Drama Into Motion.

Jabulani Leffall - The KCUR radio host has a great many people talking and interested in his work.

As always, this list has been compiled according to scientific TKC polling and market research data and it's a weekly comprehensive guide to local powerful people.


  1. agree with maybe two.

  2. Which two? I couldn't find two.

  3. Jodie Marsh is an EXCELLENT Friday Night choice. Darla is the only local radio personality worth listening to. Claire wiil beat that tired-ass Jim Talent or the wine merchant Kenny Hulsof. Of course, the republicans could always run Bii Soybean Stouffer.

  4. Dont know Jodie Marsh and would rather wretch than listen to the crazy ranting of Darla J.

  5. The "formidable" Cathy Jolly?
    You've got to be kidding!

  6. I just checked Arce's website to make sure I haven't missed anything. He doens't even hold a CANDLE to the Mahoneys of this world. Except for his report on Latino unhappiness over the boundary changes, he hasn't had anything but softball feature stories in his paper, one after another.

    I think he avoids controversy as a journalistic policy decision. Putting an honorable mention of his name in there cheapens or Friday night awards.

    He needs to EARN it, not just be fellow brown. I know the guy. He's capable of a lot more! He has a lot of passion. But I don't see it in his prose. I have no idea why.

    Busby? Well he ain't no Johnny Rowlands but he's good at what he does. Darla? well another case where you're handing out a mention because of friendships, not achievement.

    You're award aren't like Oscars. They're more like Golden Globes, which anybody can get for a fee.

  7. Radio man. Arce has a job in journalism and YOU Don't.

  8. Now if you were to ask Tony about that, like about his columnist foe over at the Star (or manybe several of them), Tony wouldn't say Job=Credibility.

    And ya know what? I don't either! The only one who doesn't have any credibility is "Anonymous" because he is all over the road on his views.

  9. Sure thing Kevin

  10. Burke has no one of importance supporting him. He bought the Citizens endorsement and unless you count the scintillating Ford Nelson or the vivacious Darby Trotter, (and even if you do), Burke has NO ONE on his side. Hell his own wife won't make an appearance with him.

    Burke will not be mayor...not now...not ever.

  11. Who is Lisa Benson and where is her interview with the Squid?

  12. No Burke, no way!

  13. Why does Burke remind of Dick Nixon? Not necc a crook but stodgy, boring?

  14. We know how Steve and Kevin feel about this list. Anyone else?

  15. Dan Porrevecchio is being paid by the City as for pr work for the mayor's office. Do you think he would cross Funk?

  16. Anon 10:29 PM - First me, & now Radioman? Your guesses are wrong, & a bit annoying.

    Anon 12:18 AM - Funny, his resignation letter didn't mention this.

  17. how many personas do you have Kevin?

  18. Yes, isn't it time that we say that Byron, Radioman KC and Toadstool_watcher are all the same guy: Kevin Hennossy?

  19. Tony you are also wrong about Mike Fletcher. At yesterday's Urban Summit meeting Mike's lawyer said they would submit a letter retracting Mike's claim that Rep. Curls had heard SSB state that she called the police on Mike. She did not say that. Mike lied again. If anything Mike continues to throw the support of undecideds over to SSB especially the female vote. He keeps throwing around how much money he has and that is getting old. A rich California lawyer comes in a saves the poor people of Kansas City.
    One other thing, the filing of false documents in court is what got him suspended in the first place. Too bad he had my support. I'm voting for Brooks.
    Can't wait to read his retraction right here on TKC that is where it started. You may what to wait before you post anything that he says.

  20. 11/13/10 7:33 AM

    your demons are showing

    it is a sure sign of insanity when you sit around trying to figure out who "really" made any of these comments

  21. It is interesting to note that Mike Sanders never makes this list.

    I am hearing from a career employee at the county that Sanders was scared shitless by the last election. He has been in depression because he knows he has wasted his career as a Democrat. He has no Black support and the Liberal, Good Government Crowd does not trust him.

    He has also figured out that pandering to the redneck Eastern Jackson County Good ol' Boys might not be enough for him to defeat Cleaver, let alone a strong candidate like Jason Kander. Those rednecks are voting Republican now that the Democrat Party is being led by a Black.

    We expect Sanders to switch parties before Memorial Day of 2011 and then run for Congress as a Republican in 2012. He will give the whole, "the party left me" speech. Trading in Pat O'Neill for Jeff Roe is a good thing for anyone with the sense to do it, and we all know Sanders has always found ways to send cash to Jeff Roe.

  22. Kevin Spacey or Kevin Bacon? I loved Bacon in Taking Chance. And the cute chick in American whatchamacallit. (Not Graffiti, the other one.)

  23. The ghetto thug you listed last (appropriately), will ultimately be the ruin of KCUR. He is a TERRIBLE interviewer and has no business on any radio station. What a waste of time..

  24. Jonas Hughes for the 3rd!

  25. "Yes, isn't it time that we say that Byron, Radioman KC and Toadstool_watcher are all the same guy: Kevin Hennossy?"

    Bullshit, your penchant for conspiracy theories is showing, or maybe your just paranoid. Or is this Jeff Roe's strategy for dealing with me?

  26. Chuck, Moe, and Rage too! We're all secretly George Soros in drag! He's makin' my car payments, ya know.

  27. Radioman--

    That last at 4:20 pm. Excellent! Nicely done.

  28. Tell me another one11/14/10, 8:11 AM

    Yeah Radioman, and Byron. I am sure you would just tell the truth after being called out.

  29. Which of of the Kevin personalities is the stalker: Radioman, Byron or Toadstool?

  30. 10:20. Just analyze what we've hstorically said.

    Byron's been pretty straightforward. He lives in wVA, is the mayor's estranged brother, they practically look like twins, he's a diehard liberal, practically a socialist, and a reformer.

    He and I are alike in that we're both progressive reformers and veterans (typical of our ages), but I live in KC, I'm hardly tall and skinny like the Funky brothers. I have this big ass website and I've been on the net practically since its inception. And BBS's before that. A former broadcaster, clearly a news junkie, borderline racist (well its only their hypocrisy that pisses me off). I've taken him to serious task for sucking up to the illegals who he thinks have a right to whatever they can get, and I think they're moochers.

    I'm anti KC because I don't live there. We do share a lack of respect for Hizzoner, even tho I was a long time coming to that conclusion. He's a peace freak and I'm for nuking Tehran and getting this over with before we get bit in the ass.

    As for Mo Rage and Chuck. Well we're friends only because all of us (except Byron of course) make a great deal of sense, and we agree with a lot of things. I think we're of similar age and old cranky men, who don't drink koolaid, tend to think alike. We keep Byron around because he's not a nut case; fact is, WE are the nutcases here.

    As for Tony? he's just young and not so smart. He doens't KNOW what he doesn't know except to let himself be used by all those politicos in KCMO/JXCO. I doubt any of the rest of our little Ratpack even LIVES in Jxco.

    Obviously not Byron, he's in WVA, and not Chuck. He just ACTS like a JOCO guy. MO rage? Well, maybe. Mo, and everything. The other guy, Toadstool, I really haven't paid enough attention to (Sorry toad).

    And I'll go on record and saying, about Kevin, I only know two Kevins. I don't like Kevin Spacy much... he looks like he needs to wash his face..he sweats too much. And Bacon, well he'd have made a fabulous Marine. I've always been jealous of Marines because I know they would have killed me in Parris Island. I barely made it through Ft Leonard Wood in January. (And of course those marches and bivouacs in the snow were great training for Vietnam!)

    Have I convinced you, or do you intend to remain stooopid!

  31. All I know is that Hennossy better leave Chris M alone or he is asking for a beating!

  32. Anyone who has read these comments regularly for the last half year who doesn't believe I am who I say I am really just doesn't want to believe.

    The exchanges we have had would amount to the most striking example of schizophrenic the world has ever seen if they were all the same person. Nothings worse than a young & dumb hipster who thinks he knows everything.

    By the way, Mark's Wikipedia page contains a significant error. He was not born in Paden City, WV. He was born in Beaver County General Hospital in New Brighton, PA. Our parents lived across the river in Beaver Falls.

  33. Laughingly, the only person in town who is absolutely certain I am Byron Funkhouser is Mark Funkhouser.

  34. Beaver Falls! Joe Willie Namath!

    Did you know him Byron?

  35. Good call on the Hennossy outing! You are spot on and you know why? His personalities answer you immediately.

    I want to know which one of his personalities push him to stay in the closet?

  36. 5:53 PM

    When Joe became famous he bought a house for his mother from my father's Uncle Johnny. Everyone in Beaver Falls hates him because of his autobiograhy.

    6:16 PM

    I don't know who Hennossy is. You read a couple of threads & you think you know something.
    Well, I know yuppie scum when I see it.
    Go play in traffic. Oh, that's right, you're afraid to go out after dark. There are black men out there.


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