Last night proved to be nothing less than A MAJOR VICTORY FOR TKC AND RATHER AWESOME TIPSTERS!!!

Just like a few other politically influential locals . . . TKC WAS FEATURED ON CABLE NEWS!!!

Check the screen shot . . . For one, brief shining moment Tony's Kansas City earned a spot on MSBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann.

TKC was cited as a "source" as the cable news story discussed rather gully photos sent in by a AWESOME TKC TIPSTERS featuring Missouri Congressman Sam Graves having a late dinner with a blonde babe who was later identified as a lobbyist. The TKC post has provoked a great deal of chatter and is still getting kicked around.

No less than 3 of you political junkies sent me a shout out on this one which surpises me because I didn't know that many people watched when Olbermann was on vacation. Still, I appreciated the shoutouts with enough time for me to yell upstairs and tell my mom to turn on the TV.

As always, THANK YOU!!!


  1. SO I guess that's Mr. Asshole now?

  2. Cool. Good for you.

  3. Lord Asshole, I believe.

  4. Lord Asshole, I believe.

  5. I wouldn't be bragging about having anything to do with MSNBC or that asshole Olberman

  6. Are you against the concept of lobbying?

    What if you belong to a profession or business that has concerns about some federal action?

    Should you be prohibited from hiring someone to go to Washington and speak for you?

    Oh, well, that's different, of course.

  7. Is it against the law for a congressman to eat a meal with a lobbyist in a public place?

    Is the problem that the lobbyist is a woman and attractive?

    Do you think women shouldn't be allowed to be lobbyists?

    They don't seem to be holding each other's hands and looking longingly into each other's eyes.

    What exactly is the problem?

    I guess no one got a good picture of Sen. Ted Kennedy and Sen. Chris Dodd doing their "waitress sandwich" routine a few years ago. Now that would have been something Keith Olbermann would have loved to put on TV.

  8. Don't talk about Ted, the "Lion" of the Senate!

    He did a lot of good after that little unfortunate matter of allowing Mary Jo to drown in his car.

    And what if he did do the waitresss sandwich deal?

    It was a youth indiscretion. He probably wasn't 65 yet when it happened.

    What a leader! Camelot, etc., etc.!

  9. So I suppose Lobbyist should be ugly?

    Other wise congratulations.

    PS Oberman is shit. Wish you'd been on O'Reilly. That would have really been a win for you!

  10. finally whey...good work..

  11. Obermann's great. O'Reilly's just sooo catholic!

    Seen Keith read Thurber on Fri nights? Great stuff. Reminds me when we were fourth graders and loved our teacher serializing a story to us every day after lunch.

    I even watched Olber last night but was working on my website so wasn't really paying attention! my bad.

    Congrats Tee. These right wingers just get sooo bitter about things! That's because they know they have nothing going for them except lies and trickery. For them, hypocrisy is a way of life!

    What do you suppose she'd doin under the table with her foot? Bet not tapping the floor making signals (Mahahahhahahha!)

  12. toadstool_watcher7/28/10, 10:32 AM

    I switched from C-Span to MSNBC and there you (or your blog) were.

    But WTF? ONLY 3 of us were watching MSNBC? Damn Tony, just how low brow is our digital bathroom wall?

  13. toadstool_watcher7/28/10, 10:33 AM

    and no "SPECIAL COMMENTS"!!!!!

  14. Kudos to Tony!

  15. Congratulation on your success. You deserve more.

  16. Wonder how many of these comments are from Jeff Roe cronies. Of course, we all know Graves is Roe's little baby and wouldn't let anything happen to him without trying to spin it, no matter how little he has actually accomplished in his 10 years in office.

  17. Maybe Roe needs to get a job at Quick Trip. Who cares about that character who needs to take a bath and go to the gym!

    I think city and county operatives should be RUN OFF of this site and go slide into the sewers where they belong!

    They are EXACTLY why Tony should turn on the LOGIN feature of this software so we finally can identify these assholes! Even if by a handle like mine. I just wanna see "Anonymouse" disappear sO I get some idea who's talking or at least which candidate color he represents!

  18.'s official, your a prick with a camera.

  19. ME! ME! LOOK AT ME!!
    Why are the longest posts always about Tony and the most trivial crap?!
    We're talking D-List minor local celebrities here.

  20. Congratulations on your success. You've had so little.

  21. 9:56 here and Jeff Roe is as big an idiot as O'Bermann. But Radioman you're now on my idiot list too. Why'd you mention the Catholics? What do they have to do with this?
    Also, the only thing worthwhile on MSNBC is Morning Joe and Mika's tits (yum).

  22. Best comment, first down.

  23. Wow. You're reduced to a tiny credit within a still picture of living room TV screen on a last-place cable show, whose primary host wasn't even there?!

    Stick with the Darla Jaye spot, Tony. You'll get more attention than this sad display. Maybe 4 or 5 people will listen to that, at least.

    You're a sad fella. Mom must not have given you much affection during the height of her activist days.

  24. but then you took time out of your day to notice.

    Who is the fool? The fool or the fool who follows him?

  25. 1:47 here.. 1:48 what did you like most about my latest...dissing Roe and/or Obermann or Mika's lusciuos body?

  26. Now, that, actually is pretty darn cool. Really.

  27. While that is very cool it is a huge stretch to call that asshole Keith Olbermann "the news".

  28. tony-parkville7/28/10, 5:03 PM

    Nobody watches Olbermann when he's NOT on vacation. Check out his ratings.
    Vs. Hannity:
    Let's see Hannity - 6.8 million vs. Olbermann - 252,000

  29. Hannity is just slightly better than O'Berman but the real story is the future. Those numbers reflect why if the Dems get control of the Supreme Court Free Media will go away. Fox news is off the hook in many ways (Beck, Hannity) but without it there would be no check to the left and the media will become the tool of the Journolist.

  30. The Co-mayors were on national tv too. They were soo proud.

  31. But Tony didn't have to walk barefoot!

  32. Good job! All 7 of Olbermann's viewers saw this!

  33. The only reason they sourced you is for the upcoming lawsuit.

    Let's go down to the Power & Light District to photograph all the elected people having lunch/dinner/drinks with people who Lobby and post them as having an affair.

    That's what I call reform!


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