TKC NOTE: Here's yet another powerful post from Puck regarding even more of Mayor Funky's misplaced priorities and the latest hot mess that will define City Council discussions this week. Check it:

Funk Waffling on CIMO . . . Funk Could Cut A Deal with Terry Riley

Things just keep getting curiouser and curiouser concerning CIMO and the fate of the department. As readers might recall, the last CIMO vote, pushed by Terry Riley, failed in a 7-6 vote. Voting to let the City Manager enact his own CIMO plan were Council Members Skaggs, Hermann, Johnson, Gottstein, Marcason, Circo and Funkhouser. Against were Ford, Sanders-Brooks, Curls, Riley, Jolly and Sharp. The line of demarcation was exactly the same as the vote for the City Manager, and in a way, dear readers, this CIMO vote was a vote for the City Manager all over again.

You see, the Manager has his own plan for CIMO, and it is superior to the money-sucking creation of Wayne Cauthen. Cauthen's plan increased project costs and cost other departments funds. And for weeks, the Mayor has been declaring his support for Manager Troy Schulte and the new CIMO.

SO . . . Why now does the Funk seem to be waffling on this critical issue?

Don't strain your brains, readers, as the answer is quite simple. In two words: Schools First.

Let little ol' Puck connect the dots for you, dear readers. Funk is pinning all his hopes, dreams and aspirations of a second term on Schools First. He truly believes that a successful Schools First implementation will lead to his re-election, where he will be victorious, with Gloria at his side, ready to crucify the city with another four years in office.

This begs the question: How might the Mayor pass his Schools First initiative and get it placed on the ballot, where he wants voters to approve tens of millions of bonds to finance his half-baked scheme? This answer is even easier: Sell your soul to Terry Riley. Apparently, his plan seemingly involves telling Terry he'll vote Terry's way on the CIMO ordinance, if Terry will support Schools First. Tit for tat. As an added bonus, the Mayor wants to set up a new office, brilliantly named the Office of School Support and Public Engagement. The person in the position, who Puck is certain will interview with Gloria, will have the phone numbers of EVERYONE at City Hall, including the Mayor and Councilmembers. What good this does is a big unanswered question, but it's what the Mayor(s) want.

What might be in this for Terry, readers may ask? (Of course, that is the question Terry ALWAYS asks.) Well, readers, that is easy to compute as well. Terry gets to stay on as chairman of the powerful Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Terry will be on the selection committee when $2.2 BILLION of water contracts and General Obligation (GO) bonds could be handed out to his best buddies, like Tetra Tech. Terry will run CIMO, and with it, the construction planning, design and actual construction of every project in the city. Puck shudders to think what else Terry gets out of these deals. It's good work if you can get it. If you can reward your cronies with contracts that make millions, it's even better work.

What can YOU do, readers? Well, since the CIMO vote is scheduled for Thursday at the Council session, you can be proactive. Email or call the Mayor's office (mayor@kcmo.org -- [816] 513-3500). Tell him not to sell out to Riley and Company. Tell him to back up the City Manager on CIMO, as he's been claiming to do for months. Tell him to stand by his man, and by his word as well. Enough double speak and double dealing. If Schools First is such a marvelous initiative, let it stand on its own merits. If his word on backing his City Manager is meaningless and can't be trusted, can we ever trust anything Funk says?

Stay tuned until Thursday. . . And then, readers, you'll have your answer.


  1. Great stuff.

  2. Get rid of funkhouser and his wife.

  3. "Asking ain't gettin'. "

    Of course Terry will sell his vote for CIMO or anything else that he is currently supporting. But that does not make him a political ally.
    Schools First will fail. If it was so damn important to this mayor why didn't he jump start the process out of his own office with his million dollar staff budget? Why does he continue to expect US to pay for his mistakes? He is doing this worthless project because he needs to hide behind little kids. Shameful.

    Council can put certain blocks around schools on a priority list for PIAC, public works, Parks & Rec without a top heavy NEW bureaucracy.

    S choolsFirst?
    nope Save Funkhouser

  4. Co-Mayors could care less about KC Schools or anything else but their own crazy lives. Bend over and get ready for another screw job tax payers.

  5. Schools First will fail -- but in failing, it will bring us a CIMO-like department that will cause broader-based failure in the City as a whole.

    CIMO was wrongheaded yesterday and it's wrongheaded today.

  6. Troy Schulte, you connived and plotted to get your position. Is it all you hoped it would be?

  7. Schulte has appointed cimo head already

  8. Troy appointed a person to oversee capital projects. That does not a department make. It is the method that Troy wanted to run capital projects. He installed a good person in that job and they should be allowed to manage the capital projects without a new and expensive department to mess up the works.

    It's time for the mayor to quit changing his mind and making backroom deals to get himself re-elected. He wanted Troy Schulte as manager, and and he needs to stop undermining him at every step. He only hurts himself, and if the has to cut deals to get support for Schools First, the program is probably crummy anyway.

  9. 9:00 am, I couldn't have articulated it better myself. You nailed it.

  10. Schools First is a bad joke. Just a PR stunt. The City Council needs to vote it down.

  11. If this goes down Funkhouser is a fraud. I know many of you have reached that conclusion already but I am still on the fence. This would seal it.

  12. Just his vote or if the whole thing happens. I'll be looking for just the way he votes.

  13. Gloria needs teeth whitener.

  14. And Mark needs teeth. New ones.

  15. If anyone called Funk's office, did they answer the phone; it's usually ignored.

    It will be interesting to watch the vote on CIMO tomorrow. Hopefully, if the council passes Riley and Not-So-Sharp's POS ordinance, the Schools First boondoggle will fail next week.

  16. Deb, Bill, Russ, Jan, Beth, Cindy, if Funk flips on this, you all should flip on the Troy issue and side with the others. Besides, things are out of control with all the new hires.

  17. Out of control w new hires? lmao Did we forget Underhill, Hinsvark, Yates, Buckler, Gardner, Le, prior Housing director?, and oh, $15,000,000 for MWH. Did I forget anything Terry?

  18. Shulte should have known better than align himself with the Co-mayors.

  19. Schulte hasn't aligned himself with the co-mayors. They tried to leap onto his credentials and good work record. Anon 10:27 hit it on the mark!


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