Youtube on Kansas City School Closings

Forget the AP or CNN talking about Kansas City education failure . . . I'm more interested in what people with video camera have to say.

For instance a local lady recently explained the whole situation expertly despite the fact she got the number wrong.

A video featuring a Irish dude getting philosophical about the situation was informative as well.

And then this guy speaks to disparity and larger social concerns.

The online video was fun but overall reminds me why professional newsies get paid the big bucks to keep content captivating in mainstream media.


  1. Not an Irish dude I'm afraid, the philosophical chap - you're several thousand miles out with the accent there.

  2. Irish? T; c'mon. I don't say "Spanish."

  3. Sorry. Australian, maybe? I'll change it.

  4. When do you 'spose all the reductions in plant, staff and maintenance will result in a reduction of our outrageous KCMSD taxes? Can you say NEVER? Just throw money at the schools...there, that should fix them.

  5. Lee summit district about same number students with 28 buildings. Kids need to ride the bus who cares?????


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