Kansas City Co-Mayor Comeback!!! Gloria Squitiro Soon To Return To City Hall!!!

It's really happening.

Jeff Roe and pals did their best but they were simply outmatched.

Is Kansas City to believe that petty GOP patriarchal politics could keep this women down? NOOOOOO! This is the same broad who brags about putting her shoe on the Mayor in her diary.

Like or not Squitiro is a strong woman and I'm not just referring to foot odor.

The Revenge Return of Gloria Squitiro is coming soon!!!

Somebody tell Crispin to ready the foot bath.


  1. tell me that isn't true

    Mo Rage

  2. That COW is not coming back

  3. inafunkaboutthefunk11/16/09, 2:21 PM

    They have about a year left with no possibility of another term. So why not go out defiantly and in flames?

    Long live the Orange Revolution, the Orange Revolution is dead.

  4. The putrid Squid returning to City Hall... what a repulsive thought.

  5. Wouldn't it be ironic if she trips and falls outside City Hall and sues the City for damages?

  6. Kind of reminds me of "The Animator" where they bring back this putrid, festering, rotting body of a skank.

    Or given Squid's penchant for eating testicles, perhaps she's more like one of the zombies in "Night of the Living Funk."

  7. Let's hope no one else sues the City... they've got no money!

  8. Say it ain't so, Puck!

  9. Funk won't let her come back. Jeff Roe has her under control now.

  10. She can no longer sit at home waiting to piss and shit until Funk comes home. She needs to be with Funk so that he can watch her discharge waste products. She has to be in City Hall.

  11. one NASTY SQUID

  12. Money Line of the day!

    "Somebody tell Crispin to ready the foot bath."


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