Tonight's TKC Question: Should the people of Kansas City feel sorry for Mayor Funky or should there be a call for his removal?

It has been 24 hours and there has been no statement from Mayor Mark Funkhouser's Office on the foul-mouthed, shameful and trashy diary of his wife Gloria Squitiro.

This thing is QUICKLY on its way to becoming a national news story.

Now, I think it's important to point out that the entire "Squitiro situation" came about because of Mayor Funkhouser's legendary stubbornness.

In the end, let's not forget that it was Mayor Funky who insisted that his wife was part of his Administration until the bitter end.

So I put it to you Kansas City (hehe):


  • Is it time to encourage the City Council to take a second look at those recall signatures?

  • Maybe somebody might want to make a second call to the AG regarding that Nepotism case.

  • And let's not forget that the City Council could vote to remove Kansas City's Mayor if they wanted to . . .

    But let's no longer pretend that there's some underlying support out there for Mayor Mark Funkhouser. Even a modicum of grassroots approval does not exist for The Mayor.

    His administration is finished and he is nothing more than a lame duck. For a politician, he has suffered the worst fate for a career . . . Mark Funkhouser is completely irrelevant.

    And yet, quite a few people I talked to today still can't help but feel sorry for the guy . . . One very smart local elected official noted . . . "I read through the diary and it seems that whenever he tried to do his job, she's there to stop him."

    And as funny as it might seem to me . . . Mayor Funky getting his ass beat by his wife is domestic abuse and not a laughing matter.

    So who knows . . . There might be an element of sympathy in there somewhere for Mayor Funky but it certainly won't translate into the man claiming any leadership role in Kansas City in the near future.

    The era of Funkhouser/Squitiro is over, the only thing for Kansas City left to decide is what we plan to do in the aftermath.
  • Comments

    1. He would not win in another election.

    2. You lost the recall Tony.

    3. tara the tart7/14/09, 7:00 PM

      He needs help, not enabling. The city has very good health and mental health bebfits. He should make a series of appointments before his ass is kicked out of office. THERE IS NEPOTISM. Too bad Chris Kostor is a lazy piece of GOP shit.

    4. tara the tart7/14/09, 7:02 PM

      Damn! benefits!!! But I am not wrong in calling Chris Koster a lazy piece of GOP shit.

    5. If she was this abusive to him, just imagine how abusive she was to her children. He had to have known, which would make him an accomplice...

    6. the more you see of these 2 clowns/stooges, the more obvious that those of us who tried to get them out were right in our task. too bad they stole the recall

    7. I think a new recall effort would be successfull, especially with her repeated use of the word Fuck.

      Show people the quotes and they'll sign.

      And her insulting KC, as the #1 trusted advisor to the Mayor.

      That wil go over well too.

      And just think, Dan over at has known all of this, and supported funkhouser throughout.

    8. You're right P If this would have come out during the recall it easily would have made for 3000 more signatures.

    9. Wonder if he will get a fair trial now? That's really sad. Can a jury differentiate between a man's actions vs his wife's actions? In our democratic society do we try a man for what his wife did? Every man is accountable for his own actions in the law of this land. But based on the feedback in Tony's KC, I think this case should definitely be moved to another venue.

    10. They need to go as soon as possible. If I have to wait for the next election I will, but I will vote vigorously when it comes around.

    11. The Funk is the Squids enabler.

    12. What do you mean a fair trial? Wasn't he there too? Isn't it obvious he knew what his wife was capable of, yet chose to ignore it? What has changed his liability for her actions? As ridiculous and funny as all of this has been - there is a very serious side to this story. Kansas City Missouri has a mayor who does not value human rights over his personal choices. When did the bar drop so low?

    13. Gloria and Tara need to go live in the cabin in the woods at the lake and leave the 'boys' alone. Let Mark be do his mayoral duties and let Andrew learn to be a man.

    14. Tony, you remind me of Cleaver. Never ready for battle, but always eager to rush in after the fighting to slay the wounded.

      You need to man up and get a real life!

    15. He's not distracting all of Kansas City. He's just distracting all of YOU!

      And you're beating it to death in hopes of increasing your readers. You see your ANALytics. Evidently it's working for you, else you'd have moved on to something else.

      I think your campaign makes me think of you in the same way I think of a certain Light Rail gadfly who doesn't even LIVE here!

      At least he's trying to extort money out of the city for his wife to get him to back down. This sounds so much like another big name, a former Illinois governor.

      And ya know what? Except for that guy's hair, I don't even remember what he looks like.

      I think you're doing more damage to the blogging craft than you are to the mayor, Tony. The funny thing is that you seem to seriously blast others in the media who don't have the same preoccupation with making fun of the mayor as you do.

      You know, you wouldn't even be alive if you'd tried that on Pendergast. You'd be playin cards with Jimmy Hoffa. Or be rotting in the trunk of some car in an airport parking lot. Mrs Funk IS Italian, isn't she?

    16. Hey Radioman KC. Chill out! You sound like you are whipping yourself into a mild hysteria. You would be best served if you read the statement under Tony's heading for his page - "Opinion, Jokes and Stories from KC." The great thing about bloggers is that we have free will as to whom to read. We can decide for ourselves as to what is opinion, jokes, or stories. Maybe you need to get with Gloria who will reccommend a good shrink!

    17. We should target Funks loyal base, lets protest outside Dan's business. It is obvious the Podunk couple doesn't care.

    18. I'm an optimist and hope that Funky, ala Sarah Palin, will choose to quit his office and then claim a victory for his unselfish sacrifice.

    19. Pathetic...KC has to put up with these two for another day. Funk should resign immediately from Mayoral ship of this pOwdunk town.

    20. Was Beth mentioned.

    21. RADIOMAN, take it down a notch.

      YOU are the one who always, always, always tries to drum up readership for your piece of shit blog!

      You are the one who comments on Tony's blogs posts incessantly.

      You are the one who really thinks he knows everything.

      BTW, those of you who think you know everything that are very annoying to those of us who do know everything,

    22. It's fine if you relocate the trial. Just be sure to relocate Funk and Squid along with it.

    23. RADIOMAN, take it down a notch.

      YOU are the one who always, always, always tries to drum up readership for your piece of shit blog!

      You are the one who comments on Tony's blogs posts incessantly.

      You are the one who really thinks he knows everything.

      BTW, those of you who think you know everything are very annoying to those of us who do know everything, Radiofuckwad!

    24. Sometimes radioman makes a good point but most of the time not. But I think that he's wrong about the Mayor. This is the news that everyone is talking about and it's funk's fault. He should have taken advice from his real friends. He would have had a chance to get his agenda through at that point.

    25. and then, to top it off, (I'd never been to Radioman's blog), it's a disorganized, ugly piece of shiza. yi. what a mess. is there a statement in there? what is the point. redioman must be the reason there are women in some men's lives. Could be a girlfriend. Could be a wife. Could be a Mommy.

    26. It is sorry assed fuckwads like Dan Ryan who works for the Catholic Church and writes GONE MILD who deserves the worst shit heaped on him. Dan acted like he was Mark's friend but all the time he was working to undermine his true strength.

      Well Dan does not want people to know that he is having an affair with a woman he met on Facebook. Dan does not want his wife to know that or his kids to know that; however, Dan Ryan knows that their are nude photos of his girlfriend circulating on the web because he was careless with his E-Mail.

      Dan you are not a friend. You are nothing but dirt. I hope you have a terrible time telling your employer and your family that you have no ethics and no morals.

    27. Holy Crap, did Dan go harsh? We need more info

    28. at the bottom of every picture of the Funk please paste this website It cannot be disputed that Funk needs to join this group. Is there any agencies that can intervene? Not kidding, the Council need to host an intervention for next business session.

    29. Tony get the Dan email! Nekid ladies and the catholic church! What a mix!

    30. We need the pics7/14/09, 10:25 PM

      Squeaky clean Dan is really a womanizer just like the Orange Revolution is really a fraud?

    31. Funny we don't ever see any press on city council members....

      I wonder what they've been up to...

      I certainly hope you all read these diary entries for yourself and keep in mind that they were DIARY ENTRIES not exactly expected to be in the media and try to understand a human being writing about her experiences with the world around her,

      There is plenty in this diary about the city council members that I'm really starting to wonder who works for the people and who works for the developers.

      But TKC and the red star will continue to harp on the Mayor's wife while the council continues to bankrupt the city and whine when the entire state doesn't want to pay for Kansas City's development.

      I advise everyone here to start showing up to council and committee meetings and keep an eye on the behavior of your councilpersons.

      Before you buy into any more of the media induced hype.


    32. Which City Council members were specifically mentioned in the diary?

    33. Fast Bobby Finn7/14/09, 10:55 PM

      Dan, you engage in adultery and associate with murderers -- abortionists?

      How can I absolve you until you ask for absolution and admit your sins.

      Hell, how can I pay you?

    34. Dan repent now and all will be forgiven.

    35. Dan,

      How could you find the time for a "hike on the Appalachian Trail" with your beer judging, beer-making, cooking, poetry reading, FBI academy, blogging....

    36. Looks like Dan Ryan has fallen from grace with the Funky crowd.

    37. How could anyone make negative comments about Beth?

    38. Radioman: "you're doing more damage to the blogging craft than you are to the mayor"


      p.s. Your blog sucks.

    39. Also, Radioman, Pendergast was never the mayor.

    40. Beth was mentioned several times. Gloria Squitiro thinks she's mentally ill. If a crazy person thinks Beth is crazy, does that mean that Beth is actually sane?

    41. Beth should become the next Mayor.

    42. "But let's no longer pretend that there's some underlying support out there for Mayor Mark Funkhouser. Even a modicum of grassroots approval does not exist for The Mayor."

      There is. Lots of people, I'm one of them. Saying opinions as if there facts does not make them such.

      Tony is the Mexican Rush Limbaugh.

    43. Radioman knows Ol man Pendergast weas a county man but in those days the county ran the city.

      That was a small point. My point is only that Tony's beaten this story until it wont move, and then desecrates the body.

      He's not a joke and story blog, he's being mean spirited about it. Hell if even Darla knows TKC's a broken record on this mayor, then you know its' gotten tiresome.

      MY sense is like in in radio... there comes a point when a great song suddenly drives people bonkers if they hear it one more time.

      I think that's true of so many stories. Even our Beloved Helling should have been put back in the box years ago when he had to run a 'what's going to become of Union Station' three times a week on channel 4, then 5.

      Same with Light Rail. Why does anyone give Chastain coverage? He doesn't deserve coverage anymore than Fred Phelps does. The're old news. Like that idiot crime blogger... his fifteen minutes of fame after Precious Doe should be over now. Enough already.

      Palin's old news. Howard Hughes was old news. (that before most of you were around.)

      Michael... enough already.

      You tony lovers jumpin on me just for saying THIS? I like Tony. I read him. I might overstate when he overstates. It's all good. I come in here to stir up the waters so that OTHER people write in here, not just Funk's downtown enemies.

      (code for awesome tipsters.) His tipsters just are mad Funks the mayor and they're not. People who don't have power, little beureocrats can't stand the pecking order. They really don't even like the attention Funk's getting. And what probably enfuriates them most is that he doens't really react, he keeps being the absurdity he's always been.

      he's basically saying, 'i dont care how much you whine about me, I'm going to stay being my weird self and you can just work yourselfs up.

      I feel the same way. Telling me my blog sucks only means you've been by... and if I reproduce a joke from one of MY awesome tipsters (you realize I dont originate this stuff EITHER!) I know you'll never admit to laughing once in awhile.

      We bloggers all blog to please ourSELVES. None of us are making any money...and I doubt Tony's getting laid because of his blog... so he MUST be doing it because he's got nuthin else to do.

      That's my excuse too. Some guys got a bass boat... some go see the losing baseball team.

      I just rearrange my website and look at my photo collection. And I come over here when I get bored and look at Tony's T&A. Sometimes I actually read the WIKI articles (lol.)

      Remember, dont try this at home... and just becasue I'm verbose, doesn't mean I'm emotional about it. Fact is Chris matthews is pretty boring tonight, now that my Hero, Bill Maher's segment's over.

      tah tah.

    44. Oh, one more thing. One other thing. I never log onto my own site as 'anonymous' and write replies to myself, to make it look like I have 20 thousand daily readers.

      I dont get that many readers... just local bloggers and friends. Most of my traffic goes to my website. By far. I spend vastly more time on my photos than I do pasting email jokes into my blog!

      it pleases me. Try it.

    45. Which Beth are you talking about?

    46. If Gloria is insane, is it her fault?

    47. ive been told that gloria is bi-polar which explains her behavior. this is like making fun of someone who is handicapped. this is no longer the case so i think that everyone should accept the fact that gloria is sick

    48. Radioman please! You're not cleaver, funny or insightful. We don't need to go to your blog to know this because you're always here at Tony's blog, giving us all not so little samples of your contrarian blatherings, hoping for some of Tony's sloppy seconds of blog traffic. No thanks. The only amusing thing about you is your insane jealosy and "blogging advice" you so generously bestow unto Tony. If you actually had some insight into blogging or people you'd understand that the summer months are dead zones for bloggers. Yet here Tony is pulling fantastic numbers and good comments. He"s not beating a dead horse, he's sucking on the biggest ever lovin" Gobstopper of a blogging gift you can get, a juicy story that just keeps going. (Radioman would have stopped his reporting on Watergate at the B&E)
      As always thanks for stopping by. It's always good to see how good a blogger Tony is when we have Radioman for a little compare and contrast action.

    49. @11:54 p.m.: Rush Limbaugh? More like Perez Hilton.

    50. I wanna see the pics of Dan's girlfriend!

    51. Feel sorry for him as a person but get him out of office as mayor. He knew he would not be able to do this job without keeping his unstable wife nearby. He then gave her decision making authority (without any accountability mind you). So while she may not be to blame for her mental state, he is to blame for putting her in a postion to make unstable decision for us.

    52. when a person ignores reality and believes whatever they want to believe, than they are delusional.

      and what has now become clear as crystal is that funk's supporters are delusional and mentally unstable.

      reading the post above from one of them proves that contention.

      the sky is green. sure, whatever.

      funk is a good mayor. sure....he is. now you just put on this nice white coat and we'll take you to get some ice cream. how's that sound?

      ignoring reality does not make it go away.

      reality will still be there when his supporters get out of their long term stay at the looney bin.

      it's incredible. funk has not accomplished one single positive thing as the mayor. nothing. all he has done is cost the city a ton of money and completely destroyed the position of mayor.

      supporting him as a friend i can see, but ignoring reality and continuing to support him as mayor is delusional at best and psychopathic and criminal at worst.


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