Crying wolf gets expensive in Kansas City

On a related note to the previous two posts . . . I hate to say it, but there's even more incentive to buy a dog in this town . . . Other than the fact that they're more loyal than most people. NBC Action News reports: The Kansas City Police Department will increase annual renewal fees from $35 to $40 per false security system alarm beginning May 1.


  1. So to be clear, the police have no legal obligation to protect us from anything yet we continue to pay them a salary, and they get to charge us when we bother them too much.

    What a rip off. We'd be better off with the mob running things.

  2. it's "incentive," sweetie.

  3. Fine work Editor K.

    Just fixed.

  4. The police hate alarms. It forces them to do respond and occasionally puts them in the uncomfortable position of making an arrest.

  5. Statistically, alarms do little to stop burglaries. I have a couple of neighbors who's car and house alarms go off for innocent reasons (animals, lawn man, etc). They are noise pollution for rich white people and the fee for having the police give your shit extra attention for a false alarm should be much higher than $40.


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