Kansas City Hates Canadian Geese!!!

Geese in local parks are creating (yet another) poop problem for Kansas City. Jan Marcason is going to solve it!!! To wit, the Council lady recently introduced legislation to stop people from throwing bread crumbs. Who says politics isn't important?
In the ongoing battle against Canada geese, Kansas City may make it a crime to feed them in the parks. An ordinance introduced Thursday would set the penalty at up to a $500 fine and up to six months in jail.

Parks officials complain that people are encouraging the supposedly migratory birds to stick around by tossing them food.
“This is geared toward people who regularly provide a lot of food to waterfowl," said Marcason . . . The Star article wondered if little kids and old ladies would be hauled away to prison for feeding the geese . . . I guess not, but the specifics of the ordinance aren't sighted and lot of people like dumping all of their old bread near the Loose Park pond in order to feed ducks, geese and rats. In the final analysis I'm not really sure how I feel about this one . . . And if they really wanted to solve the problem, maybe giving people (me) license to kick the ducks and geese that get in the way might prove more effective.


  1. Haha, great photo.
    TKC can run a google image search with the best of them.

  2. tony... you don't want to try and kick a goose that gets in your way. they're damn mean and would as soon go after you as look at you.

  3. I agree with 5:42. I had a friend who lived in the country. He'd go to town comfortable that his property was always secure, thanks to his two geese. They'd attack anything that moved - including his friends.

    Do not try to kick the goose.

  4. Jan Marcason has nothing better to do evidently than take make criminals out of old people and children feeding birds. If only the gueese issue were so simple to solve as she seems to think.

    By the way, will she propose more staff for the ticket writing? I say deputize Gloria.

  5. I believe that Marcason received orders to do this from the Chinese, who hate all animals and America.

    ANYWHO while Mr. Greenway is investigating Mark and Gloria, why doesn't he look into foreign travel by members of council paid for by hostile foreign governments? Maybe it is time that Jan answer some questions?

  6. Be ready to run if you try to kick a goose. They're mean and it hurts when they get you.

    Still, it's fun to feed them. It was something I used to enjoy doing with the kids when they were little. I'm sure there are other methods of encouraging the geese to migrate instead of jailing families and little old ladies.

  7. I hate the little fuckers too!

  8. Are you talking about geese or the city council?

  9. lol, 11:03, lol. that was funny.

    actually stacy k, getting rid of geese is damned hard once they decide they like a place. there are all kinds of remedies (just google it), but apparently KC feels its easier (and cheaper) to convince them to go away by penalizing the food sources. plus, the city makes a little money from the fines.

  10. Ha! Probably both.

    I hate geese as well. I wonder if they're tasty when de-feathered and deep fried? Colonel Sanders, look out!

  11. "What if the perp is a 5-year-old girl?

    "She’ll be given a pass, said Marcason, who used to toss bread crumbs to the geese in Loose Park herself.

    "This is geared toward people who regularly provide a lot of food to waterfowl," she said. "These people are pretty well identified and they’ve been asked not to do it, and they’ve continued to do it."


    It doesn't appear "geared toward" anyone special to me:

    ORDINANCE NO. 081245

    Enacting a new Section 50-205, Code of Ordinances, entitled Feeding waterfowl to prohibit feeding waterfowl in public places... blah, blah, blah...
    Section 205(c)
    1) No person may feed, provide or give any food or other edible item to any waterfowl or any flock of waterfowl on any public property or park.

    (2) No person shall deposit or place any food or other edible item on any public property or park except within a trash or garbage receptacle.


    So if you eat your lunch off at a picnic table you're committing a crime? Nice work.


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