Crime Fighting Scooter and other Kansas City Internets observations

I think it's finally going to start getting seriously cold so Community Activist, Crime Fighter and Blogger Alonzo Washington might not be able to stir up local awareness about his crime fighting efforts via his new scooter for much longer . . . Nevertheless, this recent observation about his critics on the local Internets has a lot more merit than anybody would like to admit:

"White bloggers like White criminal bloggers more than Black crimefighters!"

Now those are his words and not mine but I will say that there is a sadly, distinct color line when it comes to recent Internets reaction over the KC area Crime Fighter. My (least) favorite part about this is that Kansas City crime continues unabated while this discussion rages and very few people in this debate (other than Mr. Washington) have any tangible solutions or record of helping to fight it.

So, yet again rather than having a discussion about crime the local blogosphere sadly misses the mark and gets into a meaningless debate about personality and style . . . In terms of hits, traffic and discussion this superficial strategy stays winning yet in all of this discussion it only points out that at the ground level Mr. Washington is the only person in this discussion (including TKC) who has a solid record of working to fight crime, helping police identify suspects and working to find missing people.


  1. I like making sure this is buried far down the page so not too many people will read it. You now Tony's embarrased to be behind this guy, but Washington loves him and he doesn't want to hurt his feelings. Tony also knows Washington crossed a line talking shit to murder victims family. And I don't even mean the stuff about his opinion of whether the kid died taking a bullet - his reaction to the family's reaction alone is worthy of being called out as scummy, trashy behavior. Which it was. So Washington claims it's about being black - which is what he claims every damn thing is about - and Tony can just post it far far down the list and agree without having to get the stink of playing the race card himself. Whatever good the guy man have done - and he has - it doesn't mean he can't do some really mean, awful things too, and that he shouldn't be called out for those accordingly. You'd treat anyone else that way Tony.

  2. So much for the myth that black dudes are snazzy dressers.

  3. Race baiting to get his hits up on his page. HE did not solve shit, he reported what he heard, like citizens should do when a crime is committed. he is fucking delusional. As a black man I feel sad for him. Showboating is not going to get him any credibility. Nor is shaking down or race baiting the first person to disagree with him.

    What an ass.

  4. You should move into hairpaints basement and start kissing his ass directly. Dbag!

  5. Guess Washington fails to remember he is a KCK resident. What the heck is he doing in KCMO everyday?
    That is correct. his a$$ is scared to drive down Quindero on that scooter. Least he won't get shot on Prospect or Montgall.

    Work, LOL that stupid as plucker hasn't worked a day in his life.

  6. Hmmm... the brotha's showing off his handsome scooter he just lifted. I hope he remembers to remind all the brotha's and sista's to boycott the Oak Park Mall starting November 28th through January 15th.

    Go Alfonzo Go

  7. SOME White people can be so dumb they remind me of tourists that go to cities like Atlanta, and Chicago and call them Hotlanta and Chi-Town when the people that live there don't even do that.... That's how I feel when white people say brotha or sista when referring to black people. Despite popular belief we don't go around saying Hey Brotha! Hey Sista! What up brotha? What up sista? How you doin sista? How you doin brotha............see how dumb that sounds..........Yeah take the hint and shut the fuck up!!!

  8. I appreciate what Mr. Washington is doing to try and keep awareness up for victims and their families. Keeping cases in the limelight helps get them solved. I would have posted directly on his site and told him, but I don't want to sign up for a myspace acct.

  9. Alonzo needs a real blog.

  10. Alonzo needs to chew on a gun barrel


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