Kansas City blogger backlash against TKC among pouty middle-class white people who take things too personally!!!

I want to be delicate with this post because there are real people, with real feelings whom I have pissed off in Kansas City's blogosphere.

Apparently, the author of "Well Hell Michelle" was offended by something I had written on the occasion of Greg Beck's death.

I noted that he was the token Black guy of KC's blogosphere (not by his choice but because of the condescending, elitist, exclusionary and supremacist attitudes among the small collection of Kansas City bloggers who like to hang out at bars) . . . I haven't changed my mind about that passage and if a few e-mails the guy sent me regarding blogger meetups are any indication . . . I don't think he was too excited about Kansas City's blogger clique either.

But the truth is, and I've written this many times before, I didn't know the guy.

This Michelle broad did, but I don't know her either . . . So the fact that she seems to be personally offended by something I've written seems to be strange, given the fact that we're strangers.

And all of this relates back to my glory days as a communication theorist.

I can't help but see some manifestation of the Uses and Gratifications Theory in media within the cadre of middle-class white people who claim to represent Kansas City blogging. These are folks who are mistakenly using the Internet to build personal relationships with strangers and they aren't really that much different than the people who troll craigslist looking for anonymous hookups.

Let's make one thing clear: Just because you read someone's blog, e-mail them or have followed their web presence for years . . . THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU KNOW THEM!!! From what I gather, this Michelle broad had a real world relationship with Beck, they hung out . . . Meanwhile, so many more Kansas City Internet denizens attempted to turn the guy into a mascot and seemingly wanted the dude to be their long lost uncle simply because they read his web page . . . Obviously, this doesn't apply to Beck's real life friends but as a popular local media figure there were, in fact, many people who mistakenly believed they knew the dude because they read his blog and talked with him a few times - I contend, without apology, that nothing could be further from the truth.

As for the comments which offended this Michelle broad . . . I was heretofore unaware that her sensibilities were so delicate that she's unable to accept any criticism regarding the content both she and Beck offered to the public. My bad.


In fact, it's just the opposite . . . TKC is about taking literary and metaphorical potshots at media personalities, politicos and everything else related to the culture of KC.

Both the online content of Beck and that Michelle broad fall under one of those categories . . . If they don't (didn't) want the criticism, then maybe their blogs should be set to private. Heaven knows you d-bags don't feel the least bit guilty about sending your bile this way and I don't sit around and cry about it - TKC fires back or simply ignores the many douches who are my most loyal readers.

Personally, I don't care. Rather than simply e-mail me and ask that her link be taken down, this Michelle lady chose to write a hit piece against my blog. That's her prerogative and I don't know the lady nor do I care to understand her motivations. I can only note that she knew what kind of blog this was back when she asked for her link in the first place.

Nevertheless, It's more important that TKC dedicate time and resources to chasing white women who are not so uptight.

In the final analysis, I think all of this relates to the coarse, contentious and sometimes hateful discourse that's commonplace among blogs. Anonymity and the rise of the amateur have given way to a much meaner, darker discourse when it comes to culture and politics . . . I couldn't be happier with that when compared to the Candyland offerings by the corporate media or the groupthink lovefest among the lonely locals looking for friendship online.

Still, even though the tech is fascinating, it's not a substitute for human interaction, real relationships or the realization that the Internets is nothing like the real world. To wit, Michelle can pout over what she seemingly feels is a personal slight but to claim that any of her or the late Greg Beck's publicly offered content is beyond reproach is unfair and reprehensible in its restrictive attitude toward free speech. Bloggers need to understand that EVERYTHING published to the web is fair game for criticism and pouting because your particular demographic is held up to ridicule is not only unproductive but a clear indication that a blogger has mistaken the online world with reality.

It's blogging, it's not personal.


  1. Well played good sir. Damn you are a cruel bastard.

  2. Tony you are a tool. I think the important thing to remember about all of this is that Greg would not have given a shit.

  3. Great post.

    Can I get an Amen?


  4. "condescending, elitist, exclusionary..."

    Why would you, who has never met any of us, think this? How can we be any of those things when we publish the places. dates, and times we are going to a bar? Would that mean that we are the opposite of those things?

    oh and ...



    too true: TKC is into this because he doesn't have any friends.

    "...the rise of the amateur"

    man, are you ironic this morning or what?

  6. Well Hell makes her name writing about commercial exploitation of chronic masturbation artists, and she was offended. Sure thing.

  7. Man, you laid it to the line. I haven't hit up the blogger meets either. No rhyme or reason. I have spoken to a few bloggers but not on a level of "we have to meet for drinks".

    I don't care what the folks in the inner circle of KC's blogosphere might do. I am a black blogger. I didn't know Beck either. I'm sure he was a good guy. He wasn't perfect. That was my initial assessment of him. That's where I left it.

    The fact that Michelle and you have gotten into this spat isn't surprising. I think it's hilarious when people strive to get that elusive "TKC Link of Approval" and then try to turn around and bite the hand of the person who has driven up the hit counts for most of us.

    I don't agree with everything TKC writes and I'm sure it's vice versa. However, I am a daily reader (several times over). I have a few sites that I read like that. I don't comment on every post. That's where I differ from the exclusive KC blogosphere crowd.

    To me, they are a small group of people who feel compelled to comment on their friends' pages in order to keep their friendhood alive. I think that's what this is mostly about - acceptance and approval.

    Some of us feel like we need to have posts with 10 and 15 comments in order to validate what we're writing about. Not me. I could care less if anyone commented. I know by the high hit numbers that they are reading.

    Reading, my friend, is all that matters.

  8. Reading is all that matters? To bad real writing skills are left out of the equation. Too bad real creativity are absent. Too bad that most blogging is nothing but profane vitriol.

  9. Wait, you are don't mention that no one else on the planet gives a shit!

    Most of this planet wallows in poverty at the edge of subsistance. Who cares what any blogger thinks?

    You are all a bunch of self absorbed idiots that should expect what you get when someone steps on your widdle feelings.

    I don't put my emotions out there on the internets, thus they never get hurt.


  10. Gee, you mean, you don't write this blog to make friends?
    I think the reason you have to keep explaining that is, the too-hip cynicism you display here is just a little too close to how spoiled middle class white people really act in bars and coffee shops, when they really are trying to make real friends. Or trying to pick up wierd chicks.

  11. Kudos to RDM for the only intelligent comment on Tony's blog.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Strange, I'm always eager to meet new people from KC and any and all opinions they have on matters. I realize that the awkwardness of introverts actually meeting in public will filter out a good many people that I'd like to meet, but that has to be expected.

    However this "condescending, elitist, exclusionary" attitude is ascribed to me by a total stranger so I'm the asshole here.

    Regardless, congratulations on the character assassination Tony, after all since the collective *we* have only ever had one black friend, I suppose you're correct to call us racist assholes.

    Does lying about other people make you feel better? Elitist want to know.

  15. Uh, so okay, you don't blog to make friends. Mission fucking accomplished.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I don't know most bloggers, but if Dan at Gone Mild is any representative of the local blog community, I am going to agree with Tony's description.

  18. And this is a joke blog? I think the joke's on you, Tony. You've just managed to piss of half the bloggers you're disparaging and the other half are laughing at you.

  19. It took Tony 850 words to say what Michelle wrapped up in a couple of neat paragraphs. I think I know who has a better grasp of the English language.

    Bravo, Tony. Just out-effin-standing job today. As if the average person reading this blog needed another reason to think less of you. You don't want to have friends? Fine. You want to think less of bloggers who actually take the time to get to know one another? Go right ahead. You just stay there in your hole. Play with your dolls. Don't bother trying to know real people. With a little luck, you'll have your wish. With a little more luck, maybe you'll choke to death on a snack cake.

    And don't get mad, Tony. After all, this ain't Candyland. It's posts like this that make you happy, right?


    The Rising Amateur

  20. I'd just shrug that skank off. It's funny how black and brown people never get props when they're alive, but then when they're dead and can't speak the truth or ruffle anyone's feathers suddenly they're everyone's dead "best" friend.

    Put simply, "that broad" Michelle is full of shit.

  21. What does blogger Ramsey think about all of these doings?

  22. Your penis < a baby carrot.

    Nothing personal!!!

  23. Tony,

    Any idea why the Pitch's parent company purchased tonybotello.com on February 7 this year?

    That's what GoDaddy.com says.

    I hate your site, but I'll hate the Pitch more if they play some sort of junior high drama game with you.

  24. What a huge load of bullshit on both ends. This is why I don't read blogs.

  25. So very much drama.

  26. Blogging (unless, say writing as an embedded war reporter) is by definition masturbatory self-indulgence. Methinks everyone is pissed because TKC is revealing the blogging "scene" to be a circle jerk if ever there was one.
    Tony may be a card-carrying asshole, but he's telling the truth on this one.

  27. the bloggers have turned their meet ups into a little club. Isn't it cute?

    Michelle is a mean person and no one likes her at Sun Fresh.

    Some people take offense of a dead guy. Maybe she's still moaning, mourning.

    I notice Tony you wrote "folks" (Funkhouser says this alot).

  28. Michelle works at Sunfresh?
    Well, hell.

  29. werd up my ninjas this is some stupid shit. no wonder people don't read blogs as much anymores yalls ignorant.

  30. Tony, I think you should have just ignored her blog. It seems that Michelle is a person with a lot of bitterness and jealousy and like you said I think she takes her blog too seriously. It seems to me that the few bloggers that get together are very much like the guys in KC Rag Forum they are a clique of people who won't tolerate any disagreement and they want everyone to conform to their will. The thing that makes you unique is that you don't really seem to have much allegiance to anything but your freedom of speech. Keep up the good work and keep writing your great blogs.

  31. "Tony, I think you should have just ignored her blog. It seems that Michelle is a person with a lot of bitterness and jealousy and like you said I think she takes her blog too seriously. It seems to me that the few bloggers that get together are very much like the guys in KC Rag Forum they are a clique of people who won't tolerate any disagreement and they want everyone to conform to their will. The thing that makes you unique is that you don't really seem to have much allegiance to anything but your freedom of speech. Keep up the good work and keep writing your great blogs."

    You need a wet-nap and a mint with that?

  32. that's gross

  33. Hayward's BBQ always gives out wetnaps after their meals..like they are giving you permission to get sloppy and they understand.

  34. Tony is a loser (and he is a boring lump of blah in person, which is probably why he needs to overcompensate by hiding behind his keyboard spewing crap to rile others up/get attention.) It's funny he never talked this shit to Greg Beck's face. Had to wait until the guy was dead. Sad. Yeah, spending god knows how many hours a day cutting everyone and everything down is really quite an accomplishment. Your mommy must be real proud, Tony.

  35. Greg Beck (RIP) probably isn't worrying about blogs, or blog spats, or anything else on this trivial little planet right now.

  36. Dude, her post wasn't about making friends either.

    No one asked you to like Greg, but seriously, it was really fucking low of you to go after him after he was dead. You're a blogger-- you can do better than "joking" about things like that and then claiming that Michelle shouldn't be offended by that because she doesn't know you. And, by your own rationale, I'd say you're taking her response pretty badly considering that you don't know her. Or can the great Tony not take the heat for his own "jokes"?

    Sweetie, you're doing a hella good job of not making friends.


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