Cruelty in Kansas City

I wanted to blog this one before it got too stale (I know, I know too late) . . .

Here are the top 10 and 1/2 current acts of cruelty in Kansas City:

10 and 1/2: Dinner Parties.

10. Keeping copper wire secured properly.

9. Refusal to date fat women.

8. Giving homeless people coupons.

7. Encouraging students to get a degree in Communication Studies.

6. Promising an improved pro baseball or football season.

5. Using the courts instead of building consensus.

4. Asking someone if they read your recent blog post.

3. Dating broke dudes and hoping you'll inspire them to change.

2. Reminding everyone that swimsuit season is quickly approaching.

1. Carjacking a Meals on Wheels Van.

Some things are just uncalled for . . . And maybe Spring is slow in getting to Kansas City because the people are so cold.
