Human life is worthless in Kansas City

Shame on this whole city for not saying a word against the Bodies Revealed exhibit that's coming to town.

So far, Alonzo Washington is the only prominent local activist to speak up against this death display featuring the cadavers of what were probably Chinese prisoners executed and put in a freak show without their consent.

It really is just another example that the lives or dignity of brown people mean nothing to this city.

I can only hope the apathy comes from the lack of interest in the freak show.

Also I'm reminded of a verse Bible verse when thinking about Kansas City's upcoming carnival act: “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do to me.” (Matthew 25:40)

I can only hope this applies to Chinese prisoners who may not have been Christian.

As for the arguments in favor of the show . . . Kansas City's media has only offered PR on behalf of the exhibit and statements from Union Station officals that go unchallenged. In the end, all of Kansas City is blindly accepting the word of a brutal, repressive Communist regime in China. And truth be told, the folks who are excited to see this exhibit really don't care about the story of where the bodies came from because the bodies aren't white.

Apathy and morbid curiosity are really the only defense of this show.

It's not science, it's not educational . . . In the end, it's probably closer to a sin.


  1. The more controversy you stir up the better. Exhibits like this thrive on buzz whether it be positive or negative. Thanks for supporting Union Station.

  2. You made Chinese brown people? Great tie-in with race, Tony.
    Were they Hispanic Chinese? Thanks for the chuckle.

  3. nice photoshop. Made me laugh.

  4. By the way, I'm still going to the Bodies Revealed show.

  5. You still live in the 16th century Tony. Quit sucking up to the church.

  6. I'm still going no matter what you say or do.

    Because I think it would be cool.

  7. I thought Chinese were considered yellow people.

    Still going. With a bunch of nurses. And nursing students.

  8. You act like these are people on display.

    The people are dead. They aren't there. This is just a bunch of plasticized meat.

    And in the pictures I've seen, they don't have any skin so I don't know what color it was.

    I'm goin'. Takin' my daughter.

  9. What trash people you people are.

    God forgive you. I pray that nothing like this ever happens to your families. The bodies belonged to people who had loved ones and a family. They were in prison adn they faced tourture but you people don't care because you want to go to a show. That is ignorance.

    Thank you tony for reporting on this there are not many people in this city who care about sitation and you are. I may not agree with you all the time but I agree with your opinion on this.

  10. Who would have thought Tony would start quoting scriptures on his blog...Hey Tony I heard the Rev. Phelps needs help working on his, maybe you could lend him a hand.

  11. God hates Ham.

  12. Loves MILFs

  13. " Forgive them, for they know not what they do"

  14. Good reporting. I hadn't even considered that the bodies may have been obtains in some nefarious way. I will not be going to the "show".

  15. Not many people reporting this event? HAH! I've been seeing ads daily on FOX 4, a sponsor of the show, and watched their 'news' stories covering the controversy. Union Station once again wants to thank you for playing the game.

  16. I'm very confused. How is this different from worshiping the mutilated tortured body of Christ on the Cross or taking it even further by "eating and drinking" the body of Christ? Please don't talk to me about paying admission when the plate is passed in church.

  17. The Star's written two articles on the exhibit (and will probably write a review after it opens). It's been featured on three of the area's largest television stations. It's been discussed on radio stations and other blogs. A related exhibit was the subject of a 20/20 report. And it doesn't open for another 10 days. But according to dumbass ... err, Tony, no one's talked about it.

    You see, when Tony says "not saying a word against the Bodies Revealed exhibit," he means "not agreeing with my own shortsighted, myopic opinion, which is the only one that really matters."

    The next thing you know, Tony will start telling us that brown is just a darker shade of yellow, or that snack cakes help you lose weight and get women.


  18. You people who are so phonily and self-servingly outraged about this exhibit are more appalling than anything that will be on display in Union Station. You haven't cared for years about how Chinese labor laws affect those delightful and affordable Target items you cram in your homes, but now THIS, oh THIS has you just positively PERTURBED. Douches each and all of you for not only not recognizing your own hypocrisy but actually having the gall to put on airs of superiority.

  19. I've always considered Chinese to be "brown people." Hell, I like to think of 'em as "smart Mexicans."

  20. Just another example of the "citizen media" breaking the story first!
    Bwahahahahahahaha!!!! Citizen Media! That's rich!!

  21. For hating white people so much, you sure like white women.

  22. It doesn't matter the color, Tony is willing to exploit and demean almost any woman. His mom gets a break because she provides sustenance.

  23. I'm stoked for Bodies! It will be just like the cadaver lab I had in college. Man, was I a sinner back in those days. lrn2ply Tony.

  24. Isn't Tony's exploitation of 'white women' similar to the Bodies exhibit's so-called exploitation?

  25. i will be first in line to check out this exhibit.

  26. How is Tony exploiting the white womens? By undressing them with his eyes at the Sunfresh?

  27. Nice blog tony. You're the only one who has the courage to write something against this exhibit. Thanks you Tony.

  28. One way to protest is not to go

  29. I think they all look like tasty Beef Jerky! and I will exploit people if their own countrymen sell them down the river! their fucking families should have taken better care of the corpses. Who's to say that Uncle Xian didn't sell pappy to the folks because his rice paddy was under producing.

    Wait, isn't that how we got the slaves?

  30. No reason to pick on the guy posting, one thing is correct, THIS IS disgusting! The people who have died have NOT given permission to have their bodies mutalated and put on display. Yes, there is a strong possibility that these are prisoners who have been killed. While the exhibit is at Union Station, I REFUSE to step foot near that place. It is disgusting to see that in todays day and age, this is actually going on! Union Station should be closed DOWN! I was a HUGE supporter in Union Station, but after this gastly display of human beings, I don't care if that place gets shut down one day!

  31. No reason to pick on the guy posting, one thing is correct, THIS IS disgusting! The people who have died have NOT given permission to have their bodies mutalated and put on display. Yes, there is a strong possibility that these are prisoners who have been killed. While the exhibit is at Union Station, I REFUSE to step foot near that place. It is disgusting to see that in todays day and age, this is actually going on! Union Station should be closed DOWN! I was a HUGE supporter in Union Station, but after this gastly display of human beings, I don't care if that place gets shut down one day!

  32. No reason to pick on the guy posting, one thing is correct, THIS IS disgusting! The people who have died have NOT given permission to have their bodies mutalated and put on display. Yes, there is a strong possibility that these are prisoners who have been killed. While the exhibit is at Union Station, I REFUSE to step foot near that place. It is disgusting to see that in todays day and age, this is actually going on! Union Station should be closed DOWN! I was a HUGE supporter in Union Station, but after this gastly display of human beings, I don't care if that place gets shut down one day!

  33. Let's have the source that indicates these bodies were not donated for purposes of science? What makes them chinese prisoners?


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