KCTV5 Kline Coverage Fallout

Here's why I'm awesome - TKC can link an opinion he doesn't necessarily agree with, summarize it while still making fun and then post. That's just one of the trade secrets that keeps me on the upper echelon of this thing we call local blogging (heh), like a piggy bank it's just one penny.

Anyway, as Crime Scene KC noted yesterday: The KCTV 5 exposé sent a shock wave through the local blogosphere . . . Here's the best of what I could find on the subject:

I'll start where I always start . . . The Kansas City Blogosphere!

  • BlogKC links the story and notes that it's YET ANOTHER scandal involving Kline. Money line: "It also looks like Kline does not live in the county, but rather commutes from Topeka while claiming a fleabag apartment in Stillwell as his “residence”. The latter allegation amounts to the D.A. breaking the law and could cost him his job."

  • JustCara is a little bit more skeptical . . . She sums it up this way: "So how did KCTV5 screw up? They cherry picked from bad data and conducted what looks to be a sloppy - or biased - investigation." Thing is, Cara looks at the case like a lawyer and that would be great if we were talking about the law . . . There are few rules in the court of public opinion and Kline was simply pulverized on one of the most talked about (and highly rated) newscasts I can remember in 3 years of local news blogging.

  • Jay Bird Keeps it sweet and simple: Phil needs to go!

  • The X-man also puts it plainly: "There's nothing quite as satisfying as seeing a pompous, self-righteous, tight-assed, holier-than-thou, asshole get his comeuppance."

  • Sassywho comes out swinging as well: "Johnson County ready to abort Kline yet?"

  • Of the local bloggers I follow . . . Stay Red Kansas probably posted the most passionate arguments deriding the story. I can't really argue with any of the guy's points because he's shutting his eyes, putting his hands over his ears and holding his breath until the story goes away. It's a good strategy and at the very least I admire the guy's commitment.

    Obviously, the regional (mostly political) bloggers got into the act.

  • Blue Tide Rising: Phill Kline caught on Tape

  • Show-Me Progress: Kansas Anti-Abortion Crusader in Hot Water

  • But the most linked post by the mainstream media seemed to be from a little known web page that might be out of Salina. The Kansas Meadowlark claims that KCTV5 harassed Kline and his family but doesn't really offer much proof other than a few photos - Hell, THERE WEREN'T EVEN ANY DECLARATIVE STATEMENTS IN ALL CAPS AND RED TYPE!!! So, obviously the dude's story is a bit sketchy. It's strange to think that KCTV5 has helicopter footage, hours of videotape, interviews with at least a half a dozen sources and computer data . . . But a blog post by an anonny dude who has tirelessly defended Kline in one post after the next is being used as an example of reasonable media criticism. I LOVE YOU INTERNETS!!!

    That post leads us to mainstream media blog coverage . . .

  • Probably the most hilarious piece of the local media outcry has to be . . .


    Laughably, they invoke "journalistic integrity" as part of their argument. Never mind that their rag has taken a swipe at virtually every prominent minority in this town with far less proof, they have regularly smeared Kline with overblown hit pieces of their own and a clearer motive for detracting the story might be because they didn't have the resources to put together a decent article (i.e. - They were scooped). Also, the non-minority-hiring Pitch Punks think they're being cute by posting a lame, backpage glam shot photo of KCTV5 reporter Ash-Har Quraishi . . . When all that image really does is remind readers that The Pitch stopped being relevant with the advent of the local blog and now they are mainly the stomping ground for privileged, white reporters passing through town on a the way to a real writing gig or the downward spiral of substance abuse.

    Again, the Pitch uses some weak Kansas web page to back up it's claims and laments that the story slipped through their fingers.

  • Not so surprisingly, the Scumbag Chris Stigall uses the same un-sourced Kansas Web page to draw some insane conclusions.


    Even better, it's obvious that KCTV5 filed a ground breaking report given that their questions garnered the best "oh shit!" face from a Kansas Politico since Bob Dole realized that Viagra really worked:

  • But the fallout doesn't stop there . . . The story went national.

  • A popular science blogger gets into the act: Abode not in the truth

  • Crooks and Liars was the first big time blog to pick up the story

  • And the blogosphere's biggest liberal blog DailyKos ran the story with a post from the great KOS himself: Kansas über-winger Phil Kline busted

    In the end, what stands out to me is that most of the criticism of this story is aimed at the people who reported it. There has been a whole lot of accusations made about Ash-har Quraishi and the alleged political agenda of KCTV 5 with FAR LESS proof than the piece on Kline. So far, the gossip has went mostly unchallenged.

    What this says to me is that that blog commentary runs the dangerous risk of becoming so segmented that it's nearly irrelevant. When there's no room for dissenting opinion or any deviation from the norm in any audience that's a clear sign that the readership and reach of the blog is stagnant. That's why I don't mind so much when you d-bags would rather have sex with a fat chick then agree with me that the sky is blue.

    Anyway, for my money, Quraishi is this week's KC super reporter and that's rare because breasts are usually a prerequisite for the award. Also, it didn't hurt that KCTV5 gave TKC a brief shout on last night's report. Nevertheless . . . I'm calling him Ash-har-awesome until he decides to do a hit piece on mojados.

    In an era when almost nobody votes and even fewer pay attention to politicos and their hypocrisy this report blew the lid off of Kline's choir boy image with a slew of evidence which reveal some undeniable problems with Kline's Administration and a great many questions that need to be asked by JoCo voters.

    TKC P.S. - It's nice getting in JoCo's beeswax for a bit considering how they loved to weigh in on the problems of KC proper and the very funny fact that JoCo's top cop has the same kind of residency problems faced by so many of TKC's illegal immigrant cousins. Finally, all of this reminds me of one of my favorite songs by the 80's band Exposé entitled "Let me be the one" since we're on the subject.

  • Comments

    1. You didn't ask the big question Tony.

      Are the people in Johnson County going to do anything about the Kline living in Topeka and only coming in town to pick up his $150,000 salary?

    2. I don't remember voting for Kline but I'd be glad to sign a petition to get him out.

    3. So his wife change her voting card and voted in Johnson County, but really lives in Topeka.Isn't that voter fraud? So who goes to jail first?and why is the kid going to school out of her/his district
      Don't worry Phil that nut on the radio and on Ruckus will try and save you "mike shannon" or whatever because your his hero

    4. Boo-hoo, a KCTV5 reporter can't take a few nasty comments sent his way but our prosecutor is expected to casually deal with stalkers hunting down his family and helicopters patrolling his house.

    5. I think the real fallout will come when Kline loses his job because the report.

    6. Tony, is all the glowing praise for KCTV5 because they gave you a coupla screen shots and mentions?

    7. You know in Missouri I believe it is a felony to file false information on a voter registration form, what about in Kansas?

    8. http://www.kansascity.com/business/story/379614.html

      Links the Star doesn't want you to see.

    9. um... anony 10:44, the link is a article published by the KC Star. Not sure how it relates to Tony's long-winded self-promoting rant.

    10. Krazy Kris Kobach -- Tanned Rested and Ready

    11. This blog sucks ass.

    12. classic shoot the messenger tactics from the far Republican right.

    13. What dumbshits you have commenting on this blog. How is it self-promotion when Tony links two dozen other blogs?

    14. Tony's own writing, tkc fan. What kind of dumbshit can't see that, much like a rapper, the technique of aggrandized self reference and promotion has long been part and parcel of Tony's pathetic attempts at pretending to be a real journalist?

    15. I think you're all missing the point. Tony made the news for a second last night and he's creaming his snack cakes stained pants.

    16. Tony's like a rapper?

      I think you just unknowingly paid the dude a compliment.

    17. There was nothing in that investigation which provides proof of where he went. Its nothing but bad reporting....much like tony's blog

    18. I want to see more reaction from the voters and not the media or bloggers. If Kline isn't really calling this County home then he shouldn't hold office here.

    19. Old news buddy. Nothing will happen to Kline and he has already said that he's not running again. Essentially this story is meaningless.

    20. Not all rappers are good, trip hop, merely self referencing.

    21. 'Phil Kline' is merely a quicker way of saying 'lying scumbag'...

    22. Kline should give all a break and leave office early to go on his anti-abortion crusade. I respect his cause but he needs to respect that public office isn't the right place to carry out a one-sided agenda that just stomps on everybody else.

    23. I didn't realize Tiller, abortion doctor, had so much power in the media.
      Just another way of bringing down Kline (ho homo) for the Tiller boys.

    24. Unintentionally, Paintman makes a great point. To "paint" this as pro-abortion story is a lie. Tiller may be a killer but Kline is a liar as well.

    25. The TV 5 report was just plain dumb. And those low scary voices. Heck you culd say "Tomorrow the sky is going to be blue," in the voice the annuoncer was using and it would sound scary! So where was Phill in the 11 hours a week he wasn't working right at his office? And how often was TV 5 watching? Again, it was just stupid and embarrassing to them I think. They acted like it was soooooooo important when they moved the entire newscast back. Someone said that only happens when a president is shot or 9-11. I have no idea if TV 5 has a view on the abortion issue, but they definitely have a view on Kline. The story that he has a local apartment is old for anyone paying attention. And, as the KC Star Prime Buzz pointed out the law on residency is very vague so no laws were broken. Go ahead and get rid of Kline early and guess what, the same precienct people who put him in office get to choose his replacement. This is all about TV 5 ratings, but the real story on Kline is late-term abortionist George Tiller of Wichita who spent a million dollars in the last election cycle in Kansas, and along with the Stower's Institutes's "Life Saving Cures" group and the Greater KC Chamber of Commerce spent a fortune to elect Morrison, whose wife, by the way, was TV 5's NEWS assignment editor, oh, but they forgot to mention that.

    26. Clarification by last author: Mrs. Morrison USED to be TV 5's News Assignment editor. She hasn't been there in quite a while, but she was in that position for quite a while as I remember. She is a nice lady and her relationship to TV 5 news may or may not matter in all this, but I think they should have disclosed it.

    27. TKC- We at the KC Blue Blog were the first to break the news on the blogosphere (both local and national). Every one of those national blogs link to ours as well for more information on the story.

      KCTV 5 did a solid reporting job on the story. The KC Blue Bloggers immediately posted following the report to put it on the national stage.

      This story is important. What's more important, is that it hit the national stage due to our blog and others.

    28. that was way to long to read and had didn't have enough skin pics to justify it even if I felt like it.

    29. I have understood a few things from this blog but I did not get complete idea about which thing you are talking so will you provide me a detail information.
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