Frances Semler, KC's Newest celebrity, makes bigoted remarks on nationally syndicated radio!!! WHO IS "THEY?"

Once again, (just like all reactionaries) when Frances Semler is allowed to speak for herself, her language is divisive, exclusionary and simply bigoted.

Semler recently gave an interview on 710 where she alluded to both La Raza and NAACP simply as "THEY" in a rhetorical tactic that does nothing but further divide Kansas City.

The Star posted a transcript, here's the most important part:

SEMLER: It only hurts their, their own people. You know I am sure that they are going to spend money in their, you know, the areas of those businesses.

My question is simple: WHO IS "THEY"???

Is THEY, the several leaders from the Jewish Community who have spoken against her appointment?

Are the local Union leaders who have rallied against her, being referred to as THEY?

Is she making the same mistake as Ross Perot when he called the NAACP "You People" . . . Which sounds a lot like THEY.

Or is the THEY she is speaking of a reference to The National Council of La Raza?

She isn't clear but her language is divisive and dismissive of a significant segment of Kansas City's population i.e. nearly all of the local Latino Leadership.

Also, she unfortunately assumes that the scores of folks from conferences who may or MAY NOT come to KC would only frequent establishments run by other THEYs OR Put simply, in her latest stupid statement Semler shows her ignorance and upholds the stereotype that Latinos only eat "tacos in the barrio" when they travel around the country . . . Truth is, if you really knew the La Raza leadership crowd you'd know that they're more accustomed to 4 and 5 star dining than burritos on the Boulevard.

Still, Semler continues to use words like "THEY" to deride anyone who doesn't stand for ARMED, UNSANCTIONED ACTION AGAINST IMMIGRANTS.

Moving on . . .

So far organizations that may not visit KC because of Semler include:

The National Council of La Raza
Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity - The nation’s oldest and largest African-American fraternity
and The U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

And it seems like everyday the group that Semler writes off as THEY is growing larger.

And I don't even want to get into Laura Ingram and all of the other suburban talk radio haters supporting Semler. Let's not forget that most, if not all of these people don't have a vote in KC politics.

Also, for all of this so-called national support it's worth noting the absolute silence coming from the many political clubs that basically RUN KC POLITICS . . . On this issue, so far, NOT ONE INFLUENTIAL POLITICAL GROUP IN KC PROPER HAS COME OUT IN SUPPORT OF MAYOR FUNKY'S STUBBORN STAND. I hope Mayor Funky realizes that it's only 36 short months before he has to go back to these groups for support (BECAUSE THEY RUN POLITICS IN KC) and so far he's shown that the only person he's really out to please is his shoeless wife and that's admirable among certain constituencies (Foot Fetishists) but it's certainly not in the best interests of most KC political organizations.

Yet, despite the fact that Semler has used divisive and loaded language in Nationally Syndicated Radio Broadcasts and pledged to uphold the Mintueman mission statement in her work on the Parks Board according to her "As I see it" column . . . Funky is still staying stubborn.

Sadly, there is this illusion that Semler is some nice old lady but the truth is that she promotes a group that CARRIES GUNS IN ORDER TO INTIMIDATE LATINOS ON THE BORDER.

If the white, suburban, talk radio listening community is so adamantly in support of a group that CARRIES GUNS and pushes forth a political agenda then I wonder if these people would also tout themselves as fans of the Black Panthers. What do you think?

Probably not, but when white people carry guns without any authority other than "super Citizen power" it's supposed to be patriotic.

And let's just stop all of the B.S. and start talking about what this debate is really about:


Proof: Drunk drivers kill a lot more people than mojados by all accounts and despite police crackdowns the problem is still pretty bad YET if I started AN ARMED GROUP to watch and report drunk drivers every weekend I'd be arrested in no time. Yet because brown people are looking down the scope of Minuteman guns then subsequently their stand against immigration is pushed as "patriotic" by hate radio stations.

Also, 710 really needs to watch their step here because their unabashed pandering to the Minutemen cause seems to be coming awfully close to skirting the limit of equal time regulations by the FCC.

KMBZ has been pretty good about allowing other sides an opportunity to speak but 710 HAS NOT SOLICITED ALLOWED PERSPECTIVES FROM PEOPLE (Local Latino Leaders) WHO MIGHT DISAGREE WITH THE BIGOTED/VIGILANTE VIEW OF THE MINUTEMEN THEY'RE CURRENTLY PROMOTING. Given that they use the public/taxpayer funded airwaves, this is more than a minor oversight and it risks their entire fledging operation that's just now starting to come out of the basement.

Finally, let's wrap this thing up and make sure that nobody really believes that this Semler lady is some nice old broad. She's probably never carried a gun in order to intimidate the poor, huddled masses who yearn to breathe free at the gates of this country but she is now a superstar of the group and DESERVES EVERY BIT OF MEAN SPIRITED RHETORIC that comes her way.

She no longer gets to claim innocence because she's "just" running propaganda for an ARMED group of Latino haters. If so, then I guess Leni Riefenstahl isn't that bad either because she never held anything more dangerous than a camera.

Actually, when you get down to it there are so many stupid assumptions and supportive rants in favor of SUPREMACY regarding this story that it's ridiculous . . . And it only gets sillier when you consider that Mayor Funky has staked his career to a woman that is clearly dividing this city across racial lines, potentially costing KC millions of dollars and tarnishing the reputation of this town which was once considered welcoming to people of all backgrounds.


  1. Tony, this post is just idiotic. Your hard-on for Semler is matched only by the one you've got for Funky. This is a compltely manufactured controversy began by groups that are fueled by controversy. The Minutemen's stated goa is the enforcing of the nation's immigration laws. Sure there are some racist d-bags in the mix. You think there aren't any in La Raza? This shit is getting tired, and KC liberals look like complete rubes for falling for the scam.

  2. you are moron. I sure hope you don't reproduce

  3. I agree with Tony on this one. This woman was never qualified to be on the parks board in the first place. She endorses armed vigilante action to intimidate other human beings. That does not fit in with most Kansas Citians' values. SHE NEEDS TO GO.

  4. Never equate to Evil what can be explained by stupidity.

    example: Semler is stupid, but with good intentions. Hillary is Evil.

  5. Brass The NCLR doesn't carry guns.

    The Minutemen do.

    Please explain.

  6. This is just why people don't want to talk about these issues. Someone always comes off the handle one way or another. Rhetoric like this will only shove it further under the rug. Take my word for it, I am one of them.

  7. I was at the "rally" and I just wanted to see Dave Ramsey and get him to autograph my book. I'm wondering if now is a good time to buy a house. The only thing I know for sure is that I don't want to buy one in Kansas City, Missouri.

  8. tony as far as francis saying they what about your mom calling them rapist and murderers is that perceived or reality. you can find anything on the web even la raza under hate groups includes one sit we hate tell your mom and ask her about the university missouri brown beanies that they were wearing. they were against whites then and she still is

  9. Mayor Funky & his bunch are making Kansas City look like an intoloerable place. This is unfortunate, occassionally as Mayor you should do what is best for your city, not your ego. The Mayor and his people made a mistake, they did not vet Semler, a mistake, which should be corrected, unless of course the Mayor likes having thinly disguised racists serve at his leisure. Whats next here? Maybe we will loose La Raza and gain the KKK or Aryan Nation. Makes me so very proud.

  10. Frances Semler is getting famous, but just who made her famous? Who brought her Minutemen membership to the attention of the national media? How did the Wall Street Journal get ahold of this story in the first place? How did this become a national issue? Did Frances Semler go to the press? I think the people (can I say "the people" or is that as bad as "they"?) that fueled this story should congratulate themselves for making this mole hill into a mountain and costing the city $$$ in lost conventions....all this just to get rid of one old lady who belongs to an organization they don't like who serves on the PARK BOARD

    Sometimes things backfire and that's just what's happening in this situation.

  11. You know I've never really thought of this before but Tony has a point about the guns. I'm against unfettered immigration and I don't support amnesty.

    But I also don't support people who take the law into their on hands. In all of this debate nobody really mentioned that the Minutemen carry guns. In fact I forgot about it until now so that explains why so many people oppose this Ms. Semler's appointment so badly.

    I still think she can hold views that some of the open borders crowd (like Tony) call "anti-immigrant" but maybe her group is not the best idea.

    I'd like to invite Ms. Semler to joint Republicans in Kansas City to work against unfettered illegal immigration. We don't carry guns but we have really good parties.

  12. Lets call things what they are.
    Semler. A nobody on a nothing board. A non issue turned into a springboard for every race baiting, race card playing group to scream racism. Also a self serving woman who cares nothing about this city or she would step down from her appointment.
    The Mayor. Allowing his naivety and stubborn streak to rule the day, rather than nipping this mess in the bud before it turned into a fiasco.
    NAACP , Laraza, and the minutemen. Racist groups with a proven record of creating and feeding off of controversy.
    Illegal Aliens. They are not immigrants. If they are here illegaly they are breaking federal law. Period.
    Tony. A card carrying racist plan and simple.

  13. You think that no members of La Raza carry guns. Get a grip. Does Francis Semler carry a gun?

  14. I can assure you that all of the Minutemen are licensed to carry their own weapons and there has not been one report of use shooting an illegal immigrant or harming any law abiding citizen.

    Try again Tony and learn about the bill of rights before you do.

    We carry firearms on the border for our protection not to intimidate anyone.

  15. SLegal Hispanic says:
    Well, it seems ironic that the same self-appointed phantom government that is attacking Frances Semler falls all over themselves when addressing Emanuel Cleaver even though he was a member of a violently criminal organization like the Black Panthers. Is there a double standard at work? Has affirmative action devolved into reverse discrimination and reverse prejudice?

    I have yet to see one conviction of a Minute man member convicted of shooting an illegal alien. What the ethnic tax-exempt-organization-elites have done is throw a tantrum and used slander, intimidation and threats to force a decent person to relinquish her first ammendment rights.

    If they prevail, I'm certain they'll celebrate at Manny's and pat each other's backs for engaging in the same behavior that harmed their parents and grandparents.

    The bigest bullies are ussually those who have been victims themselves. They feel that because they are engaged in a good deed, they are entitled to trample over everyone else's rights.
    hamlessly stolen from another blog.

  16. The first post was right on the money. There a lot of "us" (yes, "us" as opposed to "they") that are fed up with TKC's constant attack on the Mayor, et al. Get a grip TKC. The Minute Men organization is opposed to ILLEGAL immigration and for that matter, so am I AND I carry a legal firearm...

  17. Do you use your legal firearm when advocating a political position? Do you use it to intimidate brown people?

    Also Legal Hispanic needs to get his facts straight. Former Mayor Cleaver WAS NEVER A BLACK PANTHER.

    You're thinking of his cousin.

  18. I don't like guns. I don't support people who use them to make a point.

  19. Grow a pair buddy. Guns are a part of life and you better arm yourself if the illegals get the run of the country like La Raza wants.

  20. Actually the minutemen arm themselves to protect the borders from illegal entry.

  21. You talk about Minutemen and guns, but did you overlook the story today of the illegal immigrant who caused a major car crash and killed the girl in Leavenworth? He's the killer, not some guy on the border.
    Funny how you seem to miss those stories.

  22. So, KC is how close to the border?

    While we're at it, let's secure Missouri's borders from the snobs and hypocrites that come from JoCo, Kansas! Only law abiding, card carrying real church going people allowed.

    How does that sound? Exactly. It sounds bigoted and stupid. Just like some of those who post comments on this blog.

    Chicken Little is alive and well in KC.

    The Minutemen are armed and patrol the borders to protect our country against laundry workers, janitors, housekeepers, tomato pickers, farmworkers, ditch diggers, stock clerks, "go-fers" on construction sites, babysitters, gardeners, car wash workers, waiters, busboys, carhops, short order cooks, etc, etc. All low paid people who don't know better than to come to a country that will use them, abuse them and throw them away (deport them) whenever they feel like it.

    Wow, "those" low paid people sound dangerous! Why use guns? As they say in the old Pace commercial - git a rope - this would match the MM rhetoric so much better.

    I always find it interesting the Minutemen use showy media tactics to get their message across and ignore the use of diplomacy. I guess bullying and intimidation work better for them.

    Paintman, I peed in your coffee! Now stay off those floors, I put "special" polish on them just for you.

  23. It seems that the Minute Men have found your blog Tony. This is getting increasingly scary. One look at the internet and you'll think KC is a city full of racists!! These comments are APPALLING!

  24. Any minority should feel scared living in KC right now. It's like living in a terrorist area. These people are so violent and ahteful you never know what they're going to do. Like those hick West Vriginians who tortured a black women for a week!

  25. If there was any doubt before about Semler being racist I beleive we now have our answer based on that interview. "They", "their businesses" what an absoultely close minded view! That minorities only spend money at minority businesses? HELLLO. Did she not see the stats? The last NAACP convention brought the city $2.2 million! Her bigoted views have clouded her judgement and that alone should be grounds for her resignation.

  26. Tony,

    I must invoke GOODWIN'S LAW.

  27. Great post! Right on the money. I wish I didn't have a paper to write at the moment and tests to grade, otherwise I'd post a long-winded comment on the pin-point accuracy of your insight. Thankfully, it only takes just a couple of words in this case...right on!

    (However, on a side note, I can't say that KC has ever had a welcoming reputation to people of all backgrounds and Funk-loser just exacerbates that problem; even though I thought KC was making some sort of progress back when Cleaver was Mayor. Unfortunately, Funkhouser has polluted this city with questionable ethics and a right-wing media-friendly total disregard for local/historic communities, immigrant human rights, local labor groups, and ultimately KC families.)

    Again, great post! Peace.

  28. Wow , I see you're scraping the bottom of the barrel.
    Not everyone had a college education like you Tony. As I looked last, They and Them are still in the English vocabulary. Unless everyone in the La Raza had a petition drive to get rid of They and Them out of the english vocabulary.
    As I read about other La Raza groups through out our wonderful nation, The other Chapters of La Raza does the same thing you do. You spout, rant and manipulate the truth. They yell and scream racist, you hate us because we are Mexicans.
    I can't believe you're still picking on a 73 year old lady.

    If I was watching the borders I to would bring a gun. Have you seen the size of those grizzly bears and mountain lions. There big.
    Especially those diving eagles, will get you all the time. Tigers creep up on you without you ever knowing. If have to be prepared.

  29. lol at the comment above. Now you're going to put a blind eye to whom Semler was referring to when she said "their businesses"? You people are so idiotic.

  30. Tigers?

    The Paintman is always quotable.

  31. At what point has Semler attempted to foist her views upon the city through the Parks board? It seems that La Raza and the NCAAP are actively creating divisions between the races instead of being concerned with achieving any movement towards equality.

  32. The Devils job is to keep people away from God.
    One of those is dissention.
    La Raza, time to get right with God.
    Love your neighbor.
    Tony , love your neighbor. If she offends you, forgive her.

    If not your trapped.

  33. Yeah, but I can forgive Leni cause she was HOT looking!

  34. tony check with the people that your mom went to college with and you will find out shes a racist thats hiding, what with this site i hate and cleaver cousin was a black panther and has anyone ever read anything about minutemen being rapist and murders. if you check the south west area and you will find la raza political hate group also

  35. They = Them = you which is < Me

  36. This was a controversy stirred up out of nothing, by groups who make their money on donations during 'days of outrage'.

    La Raza doesn't care about KC. I am starting to wonder whether you do too.

    By the way, she was talking about your mom and her cronies assaulting her at her house a few weeks ago. You know this, it is retyped for posterity for those who don't follow the movements of ethnic-based hate groups in Kansas City.

    Get another issue or change the name of this blog. This isn't about KC, it is about making sure your mom is appointed to a board position next election cycle and you fucking know it.

  37. anony said:
    The last NAACP convention brought the city $2.2 million!


    And an estimated $103 in tips to servers!

  38. Instead of trying to reason with a meds-less manic rant involving Nazis and white people on parks boards let me stay positive:

    If you go to the Hispanic Heritage Fair this weekend at Barney Allis Plaza stop by the Marriot Hotel on the square. They have a nice display of all the US Hispanic medal of honor winners. The numbers will probably suprise you!

    Have fun KC and don't let wierdos from these ethnocentric groups ruin our city.

    Most real people don't think like a minuteman or a La Raza member. Thank GOD!

  39. Anonymous at 3:11:00 pm..

    Whoever you are, I hope you are or will some day be representing KC in an official capacity.

  40. Tony, this rant lost my support for you.

  41. 4:01 Tony does not need your support, he has ours!

  42. If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears, does it make a sound? If a mexican is shot in the desert by a Minuteman, is he guilty of murder? Minute men have a good time drinking Budweiser and target practicing with unarmed indigent illegals. A coyote told me this. THE ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN, no not Minutmen v. La Raza.... MINUTEMEN v. MS-13! (the declared arch enemy of Minutemen).

  43. Since when was reffering to a group as they or them deemed racist? By that train of thought should not the words , you, them, us, we , et. al. be likewise racist terms? The previous poster who stated that MM and LAraza and Naacp were in fact groups that only thrive during turbulent times and circumstance was dead on. And isnt it about time that the illegals be called exactly what they are, illegal aliens. Not immigrants, certainly not citizens. Tony you have a knack for stirring up controversy where there shouldnt be any. You have taken a meaningless appointment like park board member and likened it to the nazis. Those who suffered at the hands of the nazis should be deeply offended. But they are white so its okay. Douchebag.

  44. 03:06 PM anon: Now that's some funny stuff right there!! Of course it's both blatantly stereotypical and oh so true!!! Bwahahahahahahahaha!!!!

  45. Manufacturerd controversy + "Race Business" activist groups' phony outrage + KC media circlejerk = the Semler situation
    It's hard to believe that a "major" US city can get toyed with like this by outside interests who will forget us as soon as the next "controversy" with more cameras arises.

  46. I think we should get rid of the Statue of Liberty, or at least change the inscription on it to the Lou Reed version, "Give me your hungry, your tired your poor Ill piss on em. Thats what the statue of bigotry says."

  47. Leigh Ann,
    White liberal guilt much?
    Holy Geez.
    And if we followed Lou's idea of Shangri-La, we'd all be shooting heroin with a cock in our mouth.

  48. Leigh Ann gets automatic bonus points for putting her name with an opinion.

    I'm saddened to see that Tony has taken the day off from writing about Kansas City and has instead become satisfied with providing content for hate group message boards.

  49. Leigh Ann..may not agree with your politics but whoa woman you have one awesome web page.

  50. "It's hard to believe that a "major" US city can get toyed with like this by outside interests who will forget us as soon as the next "controversy" with more cameras arises."

    We've gotten a break today with all the BS in Jena, LA. Another manufactured controversy. But maybe there is hope and relief from this madness. Where is the NAACP's condemnation and outrage over the way O.J. Simpson has recently been treated?

  51. If you support against the Jena 6 you are truly a racist.

    The persecution of those kids was an outright case of racism.

  52. anon so you're in favor of 6 against 1 beatings?
    why not go ahead and legalize murder if there was a slur that precipitated events?
    what a d-bag.

  53. If you support the Jena Six you are probably just an irrational reactionary willing to buy into the mob mentality.

  54. The persecution of Jena, LA is purely racist.

  55. Oh, I forgot..blacks are savages with no impulse control and therefore should not be prosecuted for 6 against 1 beatings if slurred against. Wait a second, I guess that's racist too, huh? Maybe the esteemed Revs Jackson and Sharpton will score big down there and incite a riot.

  56. tony you and your mom ought to read the letter that is about examining the minutemen it seems like janet murguia would rather have the convention in 2007 in san diego where there is a california state senate mark wyland the good senator is a vocal supporter of the minutemen and has appeared at the protests. i guess its ok with your mom and janet that a senator who actually makes laws is ok but someone on the parks board isnt. now tell which is racism so evidently national council of la raza thinks this is ok. its in the star b10 page10 thursday star

  57. about the illegal mexican that swas driving on suspended license and speeding the total cost of him taking a life was 179 dollars and 120 dollars court cost plus he already had a court case against being illegal i guess this is ok with la raza and hispanic coalition

  58. Seems Tony got off his meds and is now making the trasition from ridiculous mama's boy to ethnic cartoon character. By the way, I heard how you were taken to the woodshed this AM on 710. For an educated Pochito, you are clueless. Equal time regulations are only for political campaigns. Do you propose that a refferendum be held on "what to do with illegals and organizations, like your mom's, that support their arrival and permanence"?

    I do support the Minuteman Project and the Jenna-6. I also give to Mexico's PRD party in the hope that they will distribute wealth in a manner that does not encourage their people to come illegally to our country.

    A great American said: "Good fences make good neighbors". Mexico practices that on their southern border.

  59. What all of you d-bags and 710 don't realize is that TKC took you to school today. TKC has multi-million dollar media outlets shaking in their boots. He has people talking about his stupid opinions and sarcasm and he does it all from his pathetic basement. Bloggers could learn a thing or two from this.

  60. Ok, I will say it again, this is not about ILLEGAL immigration. The bigots like to hid behind the term ILLEGAL, but it is a fake. Ask them whether we should register and start to "LEGALIZE" immigrants as they cross the borders and they blanch. They hate and fear people from other lands because they have failed or they fear failure. They attended poor schools -- rural and urban -- and they cannot compete. So they scapegoat, just like the NAZI Party did. This is about stupid white people afraid of their lot -- and I am a white person. I break with hate motivated white politicians like Jason Holsman, Dan Tarwater, Mark Funkhouser and Jason Kander.

  61. Yeah, that Funky is a real hatemonger. Pure evil. What a douche that last poster is.

  62. Yeah, that Funky is a real hatemonger. Pure evil. What a douche that last poster is.

  63. Tony, your posts on this topic are what bring me back again and again to your blog. You rock! And you are 100% correct on this issue. This woman is a racist and a bigot and a leader of a hate group! What a brilliant idea to compare the 60 second men to the Black Panthers. That is perfect!

    Only one minor question - if that equal time regulation was really enforced, we wouldn't have 24/7 right wing talk on our radio stations. Look at the lineup on 710. Where is the opposing viewpoint? Why is no one demanding this station abide by equal time regs? Where are the progressive radio shows on 710? Maybe that can be your next battle.

    Thanks for your voice on this Semler issue, Tony! You speak truth to power.

  64. No one that uses the phrase "you rock" rocks, has rocked or ever will rock. Suburban housefraus love this phrase during bunco games.

  65. Tony, why do you have a picture of Marge Schott on this story?


    More BOLD letters. MORE BIG HEADLINES.

    Is this Druge Report?


  67. I just wish he would show some actual facts to back up the crap he is spewing. What he is doing is basically a propaganda/smear campaign. Typical screaming to get the most attention bullshit. He has yet to show one shooting/killing/murder/rape that has been committed by one member of this group.

    Shut up or put up. Damn this is getting old.

  68. So she said "they", who did that hurt? That makes her racist? Didn't Tony just say this morning something about "white" people and concert ticket? I guess it's only racist if you don't use specifics or if the words come from the mouth of a white person. What could be more racist than a group calling itself "THE Race" as if the race they represent is somehow superior to any other. The name of the group actually divides itself from any other race of people and then they want to cry about being referred to as "they"? If you don't want to be referred to as separate from the community as a whole, don't separate yourself. If a group of white people called their organization THE Race they would be compared to Hitler and his horrific attempt at ethnic cleansing.

  69. Attention: All Klan members, Aryan nation, skinheads, and NSM movement members (masquerading as outraged KC commmunity residents and posting on this and other blogs in KC a lot lately).

    Report to the blogs about the JENA 6, I repeat, report to the blogs about the JENA 6 -- your enlightened opinions are needed on that front.

    No, wait, I forgot, it is easier to bitch and whine about gardeners, janitors and housekeepers and a blogger who rightfully identifies as this city's most important Latino.(smile)

    Your self righteousness comments on this blog reek, you will never read again - yet you all still keep coming back to post your venom. Yee haw!

    Unlike the local Hispanic community, who are kind of wimpy and peace loving, the Jena 6 supporters might just might find you and kick your ass like you deserve. That may be why you are blanketing this blog posing as concerned KC residents.

    Another thing, the target of your twisted comments today is the National Council of La Raza.

    La Raza means the people, the community, those who live on this earth, in this country and share a common heritage that they are still proud of, after years of oppression. When we talk of La Raza, we are being inclusive.

    When you talk about the Minutemen, the Aryan nation, the Klan, the skinheads, the NSM, you are speaking exclusion. Big difference.

    The National Council of La Raza members don't use guns, they don't hide at training camps held in out of the way places or try to have hoe downs and picnics and small meetings with 300 people to raise money so that they can continue to exploit, abuse and incite hatred against low paid, cheap, often illiterate and non-English speaking laborers who are in dire straits in their own countries and come here seeking a better life. Did you know that the immigrants you persecute often only come for a short period of time, then return home to take care of their families. You don't say that on your website, do you? And you don't say that immigrants are just your current target. A few years ago, it was all about sending other peoples back to Africa and Asia, stopping gay marriage, and saving (white) babies from abortion or some other such tonteria.

    Do you realize that the NCLR brings 20,000 people to their conferences from all over the world and country. They spend more than $7 million when they meet. NCLR is this country's oldest civil rights organization for Latinos. They are concerned about the plight of the immigrants and do constructive things to ease the situation - like lobbying for comprehensive immigration reform.

    Whereas you all just get stupid, grab your guns and act like you are real tough and officious trying to make us Latinos so scared.

    You do know about civil rights, don't you. No, it doesn't mean the right to marry your sister in a public ceremony.

  70. yeah, that's not racist. Real enlightened, troll.


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