TKC told you Funkhouser was going to fire Cauthen!!! City Manager's contract review has an Oct. 25th deadline.

So, let's see how he pulls of firing the most powerful Black guy in City Hall without a fight? It's possible but not likely considering Funkhouser's stubborn and abrasive style . . . Also, this is yet another cowardly way to approach the topic, emphasizing that Funkhouser isn't unsatisfied by Cauthen's performance but wants to keep his contract in check . . . Cauthen was Mayor Kay's henchman and that's why he's (deservedly) getting the ax . . . On the topic of contracts I find Mayor Funky's Cheif of Staff Ed Wolf's double dipping to be far more disgraceful.


  1. Wanna put money on that, Tony?

  2. I don't know. Since you have the inside angle into Funkhouser's office as a member of his kitchen cabinet (ugh) along with the horrible duty of having to clip Gloria's toenails (KC thanks you!) I'd be wary of betting against you . . . However, you can't win on spin or semantics . . . If he leaves for a better gig after pressure or is forced out . . . That still counts as fired as far as most people figure.

  3. So, what is it? Is your money on the table or not? I suggest the loser has to pay $10 to a charity chosen by the other. If it makes you feel any more secure, I give you my word that I have not exchanged a single word with Mayor Funkhouser (or anyone in his family or on his staff) about this topic.

    If Cauthen is still on board on 10/26, I win. If he isn't, even if he quits because he won the lottery, you win.

    Are we on?

  4. 10 bucks is 2-3 days of food for me Dan so no thanks. We'll all have to simply assume that I'm right and you are a very loyal dude.

    Both admirable qualities I'm sure.

  5. Cauthen's on his best behavior. Get that? - He's not going to give the Funk an excuse to fire him, or more correctly, give Funk an excuse to criticize him. Because the Funk cannot single handedly fire Cauthen.

    Cauthen is definitely looking for another job and acting like an angel with Funk.

    But Funk can make Wayne's life difficult, and convince the council to rewrite his financial incentives to make his life difficult.

    So NO WAY Cauthen is gone this year, unless he gets another job offer.

  6. Cauthen is Kay Barne's boy. Funk should get rid of him and get someone else in there who is not from Denver.

  7. maybe tonysmom should go down and help wayne out. with her backing he wont last until sept


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