Race Card Report: "The Black Part of Town"

OR . . . The Funkhouser camp doesn't know how to talk . . . OR . . . Brooks relying on Jesse Jackson campaign techniques . . . OR . . . Please God I can't wait till this election is over:

Apparently, Funkhouser's wife used this term in an e-mail she sent out recently AND earlier today when talking with Darla Jaye -- Funkhouser referred to someplace on the Eastside as "The Black Part of town" . . . Apparently, that's the language that they use at home in much the same way my family refers to me as "Fancy boy" when nobody else is around.

But I digress . . .

Brooks is exploiting this small misstep . . . It means virtually nothing BUT it is undoubtedly a dismissive way to talk about an entire community . . . Interesting side note: KSHB is covering this story and they "actually talked to some Black people!!!" and most of them claimed that they were a bit disappointed that Brooks chose to take that route . . . Anyway, this last bit of election news is probably exemplifies why I could care less who wins and how nothing in Kansas City has really changed as much as folks would like to think . . .


  1. I don't know ... at least the Funkhousers are admitting there are white and black sides of this town instead of the "one city" bullshit.

  2. I think Brooks was just waiting for the chance to accuse Funk of playing the race card so he could play it himself. My bet would be that Brooks isn't the all-inclusive person he wants people to think he is.

  3. I imagine Mrs. Funkhouser like Bender in the episode where he becomes a Pharoh:

    "I have returned from the land of Ghosts and Faeries!"
    - Bender

  4. I don't see what the big deal is. Where they were is in fact the "black part of town." Brooks is the one in this case that is attempting to be divisive, and awkwardly trying to play the race card. This was not a misstep at all on the side of the Funkhousers. Damn, everyone knows what east of Troost is...

  5. I'll be thrilled to vote for Funkhouser tomorrow - it will be good to see a Mayor who acknowledges a black part of town, instead of focusing all her attention on the green part of town.

  6. The great contradiction here is that Brooks takes payday loan money for his campaign and then purports to be concerned about the very community the lenders prey on for their profits.

  7. The Funkhouser camp just doesn't know how to talk! They do not realize that this is offensive to some "blacks." I worked for Funk for many years and we tried to get him to stop saying "black man." I really do not believe they mean it in any negative way.

  8. Should it be: "the part of the city in which the majority of residents happen to be African American" instead?


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