What a wonderful world it would be . . .

I'm honestly pretty surprised. I thought there would be a great backlash against Mexicans who dared to take shitty jobs but for the most part it hasn't happened. On some level, I think that everyone knows, sees and understands that there are Mexicans working shitty jobs everywhere and in the end nobody is about to argue for the right to pay 10 bucks for a cheeseburger or actually pay people a living wage. It's easier to put up with a few more brown people than to toy around with any of the elements that power the greatest country consumer economy on earth.

However, there are some stragglers. Yesterday, if you follow the logic of Matt Drudge, it was reported that if there were no undocumented Mexicans in this country then there would never be another fatal car accident.

Additionally, Missouri's most popular blogger and most prominent Hip-hop blogger in the nation Byron Crawford has done an excellent job in depicting the down right hatred that exists against Mexicans in the Black community. Only a few short years ago all of Black people's problems could be blamed on Korean merchants but now I guess Mexicans must take responsibility. I wonder if anybody will have a problem with getting their reparations payments in pesos?

Don't get me wrong. I like Bol's site and I respect his writing. And I'd rather deal with his honest views rather than the smiling backstabbing that's being dished out by guys like Barack Obama. Believe me when I note that there are people and then there is politics. I pretty much like almost every person I meet. However, I've never met one person who I agreed with politically. On a similar note, don't ever believe any of that "people of color" garbage that Mexicans and Blacks like to throw at white people when they're in a group. It's simply a way to put you in your place.

Likewise, if anybody wanted a true coalition they would gather poor people. I was in court yesterday (long story) and I noticed that the officials . . . Cops, judge and lawyers looked pretty well off but the crowd was full of the dregs of humanity (like myself). This has happened to me quite a few times and I always wondered if most altercations with the law aren't simply a case of keeping poor whites and minorities in line so they don't get any ideas.

Anyway, I know the temptation is to believe that once immigration reform of some sort is passed and there is some kind of workable solution in place that everything will be great. Every Black community will begin to resemble the Harlem Renaissance and all of the white people will experience the bliss of not having to endure a Spanish accent while ordering a breakfast burrito. That would be nice . . . but it ain't gonna happen. Almost any immigration control is simply unworkable. You'd have better luck trying to tell the birds where to fly. Classifying people as "illegal" over a civil matter will simply continue to spread ignorance and fear and trying to determine what date an immigrant arrived in the U.S. will no doubt create some interesting stories at the INS. Sad that all of these experts can't understand simple concepts of supply and demand or rely on the market to regulate itself. But then again, I honestly believe that most people in this country think that food grows in the back of the grocery store.

In that regard, the struggle continues and is getting more organized. There is another local rally against H.R. 4437 and it seems to be better organized and just might draw an even bigger crowd. I'll be there flying a Mexican flag, and if you question my patriotism than I'll gladly point you to photos of KC's recent St. Paddy's Day parade where Irish flags covered the streets of downtown Kansas City.

Anyway, the Immigration debate is heating up and now it seems that Chicanos have finally reached out to their mojado brethren who are simply a more recent version of their parents and grandparents minus the corruption of MTV, Hot Pockets and snack cakes . . .


  1. Alas, someone who finally states the obvious: people moving globally is almost entirely a result of global economic forces.
    Sadly, no politician will ever have the guts to stand up for the only real answer to diminishing immigration: putting in the hard bilateral economic work to better develop immigrant-sending countries' economies. A little investment in providing incentives for migrants here to send their money home to their families through sanctioned wiring channels would ensure those dollars pass through the Central Bank of Mexico (or El Salvador, or China or other major emigration nations).
    Instead, it's far too easy to rant and rave Tom Tancredo- or Samuel P. Huntington-style about those scary dark-skinned workers who have the gall to maintain self-pride.
    Operation Wetback, Operation Gatekeeper and every other border demilitarization project the USCIS (or former INS) has undertaken has never worked to deter clandestine crossings. The reason is simple: Walls cannot stop what massive global economic movements push -- workers.

  2. Q: Are poor whites a minority group?

  3. Pretty much and they complain twice as much.


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