Leach Impeached

Okay, I know there's no need for a lynching reference here because there are few things LESS important than Student Government but I got word yesterday that Marcus Leach was impeached at around 1 in the morning . . . And subsequently removed from his presidency. The timing is significant because that's about the time when most college students make their bad decisions. Again, this is a really poor choice and it's obviously a very bigoted move by many of the people involved with Student Government. A lot of people want to skirt that issue but it underlies almost everything at UMKC which is what makes the place kind of cool and not just your average hippie vs. future suit campus. Finally, the move is just plain silly and stupid. I've met Leach and he not only seems like a smart and talented guy but also he's not someone who should have to endure high school cafeteria politics and charges that seem petty at best.

Eh, it's yet another lesson provided by the college from which I graduated about politics and why decent people rarely get involved. Also, it's nearly impossible for me to imagine the insufferable pricks behind this impeachment move . . . I always wondered where political consultants came from . . . I thought they just grew under rocks . . . Apparently, they get their start in Student Government.
