Show-Me Death Penalty Deal?!?

Actually . . . More of an effort to play for time amid racially-charged consideration of an old school case.

The BBC has a better write-up than most American outlets. Here's a summary quote before links to more info . . .

Prosecuting attorney Wesley Bell filed a motion asking the court to vacate Williams' conviction earlier this year.

The "paucity" of evidence "casts inexorable doubt" on the conviction, wrote Mr Bell, a Democrat.

He also said there had been racial discrimination in selection of the jury of 11 white people and one black person who convicted and sentenced Williams, who is black, to death.

However, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, a Republican, is appealing to the Missouri Supreme Court to move ahead with the execution.

In a June court filing he said the evidence against Williams was "overwhelming".

Read more via link . . .

Missouri inmate Marcellus Williams in plea deal to avoid execution

Someone else's DNA was found on the knife used to stab a former journalist 43 times in a gated community.

Marcellus Williams, Missouri inmate who maintained innocence, strikes deal to get off death row

A St. Louis County circuit judge accepted a deal that will keep Marcellus Williams in prison for life without parole. Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey's office says it plans to appeal.

Developing . . .
