Did Greitens' 'RINO Hunting' Advert Work?!?

Garnering attention isn't that hard in this hyper-connected Internets age.

Disturbingly, there are "tweens" earning six figure incomes by offering random online strangers a view into their world. 

But effectiveness is another story. 

As a society, we might be moving past the old adage that "any publicity is good publicity." 

Still, there's no denying that the former Missouri Guv effectively garnered a great deal of attention for his campaign . . . 

The ad comes at a point in the race where Greitens is leading the field and likely to become the GOP nominee, despite local and national party leaders’ concerns that he is too polarizing to win the general election.

The widespread outrage over the ad may well end up playing into Greitens’s hands as he courts GOP primary voters, who are typically more zealously right-wing than the average Republican. In less than 24 hours, it had been viewed over 3.5 million times. So far, he’s been the frontrunner in his primary, even after his ex-wife accused him in March of abusing her and their children. On average, about 24.8 percent of likely voters have supported him in recent polls. His next most popular Republican opponent, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, averages 21.3 percent support.

And so we ask . . . 


Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com links . . .

What Eric Greitens's "RINO hunting" ad means for the Missouri Senate race

Repeatedly, Republicans have raced one another to the right in an effort to win their 2022 primaries, contests in which pandering to the activist base is often seen as a strategy for success. Republican Missouri Senate candidate Eric Greitens has taken that to an extreme.

Opinion: Eric Greitens' ad typifies GOP extremists' attitudes toward violence | CNN

Editor's Note: Jill Filipovic is a journalist based in New York and author of the book " OK Boomer, Let's Talk: How My Generation Got Left Behind." Follow her on Twitter. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely her own. View more opinion on CNN.

Eric Greitens: 'Normal' people know 'RINO hunting' ad 'clearly a metaphor'

Missouri Republican Senate candidate Eric Greitens shrugged off the backlash against an online campaign ad showing him holding a rifle and saying he's going "RINO hunting," claiming that any "normal person" understands the video is a metaphor. "Every normal person around the state of Missouri saw that.

GOP Lawmaker Calls Cops Over Greitens' Threatening 'RINO Hunting' Video

A senior Missouri GOP lawmaker said he contacted the police about GOP Senate candidate Eric Greitens' "RINO Hunting" ad.

Eric Greitens Says His Atrocious Campaign Ad Was Supposed to Be Humorous

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You decide . . .
