Kansas City Faith Communities Struggle To Accomplish COVID Comeback

Let's start with Sunday inspiration and something that most of us we can agree upon.

During harsh times, most people hold their faith closer.

An apt note from this town's top faith writer . . .

"But here's what I think is important for such congregations to remember: They are built for abnormal times. Which is to say that they know that throughout history people of faith have faced challenge after challenge, including plenty of trouble of their own making. What keeps them going is a faith that God has called them to respond to whatever is happening in the world around them with compassion, love, understanding and inventiveness."

To be fair . . . 

This time around there have been surprisingly tough regulations targeting faith communities that have been forced to adapt to tech like the rest of the world. 

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com news link . . .

Can faith communities get back to normal? (They're in it now.)

Overall, the Covid pandemic has been brutal on houses of worship. Some have closed for good. Many have experienced severe budget problems. When congregations have been able to meet in person, the normal attendance numbers often have been way down....

You decide . . .
