Former newspaper scribe Bill Tammeus asks some pretty daunting questions in this thoughtful post that offers a great deal of respect for both traditions.
Why do Jews and Christians read the Bible so differently?
Further evidence that life is complicated can be found in what people mean when they refer to the Bible. Do they speak from a Jewish perspective and mean the canon of Israel's scripture in the order found in what Jews...
Because Jews wrote it and the offshoot Cult calling itself "Christianity" has to twist it, "cherry-pick" parts of it out of context, and otherwise distort it to make it fit their myth that Joshua bar Joseph had any message for Gentiles.
Allah sucks goat dick all Muslims suck goat dick.
ReplyDeleteAllah sucks goat dick all Muslims suck goat dick.
ReplyDeleteMuslim women love getting fucked by big American dicks.
ReplyDeleteBilly is an idiot
ReplyDeleteTony don't allow any comments about yids. So don't mention their hook noses.
ReplyDeleteAnd the cave man saw lightening and said Ah, that's gawd!
ReplyDeletesame bible..yet jews believe all Goyim are "cattle"
God made a deal with the Jews. They would be the mouthpiece to the world regarding him and he would bless them above all. But Jews never keep their end of the bargain, not once! They worshipped Bale, rejected God, built a Golden calf to worship as God was speaking directly to their leader Mosses! Over and over again the Jews rejected their deal with God. And they have paid for it. So God spreads his word thru Gentiles now, the new mouthpiece of God. Jewish leaders and the nation watched as Christ healed so many people and brought so many dead back to life that all the books of the world couldn't hold the accounts according to Josephus, a 100% Jewish historian. Wouldnt you believe someone was God if they raised up your dead relatives today and healed every single person that was deformed and could feed thousands with 6 loaves of bread? So the Jews can't accept the New Testament as they would have to admit their Orthodox Jews and ancestors were wrong. They would rather pay the price of ignoring God and disobeying him, and haven't they paid a greater price than others? Do Jews still think their Messiah is coming someday? THEY DONT CARE! IF a Messiah came it would upset their materialistic and social goals - you won't catch a single Jew looking to the heavens, seeking signs of the coming of their Messiah. The Jews have issued a great big F.U. to God and they will continue to pay the price!
ReplyDeleteBill Tammeus announces his conversion to Catholic Church after Pope declares homosexuals are full members of church community.
Speaking of "full members".....asked why he changed church policy, the Pope recounted how he'd gone for a walk in the woods with a young gay Cardinal, and the experience had left a deep impression on him.
^^^^ Thanks for that expose, young Cardinal.
ReplyDeleteJews became pagans once their Messiah came and they rejected and killed him.
ReplyDeleteIf there was "someone" on earth that was healing everyone, I would pack up 5 of my disabled friends and travel the whole world to find that person who would cure them. And if he cured them and told me he was God, I would believe him. Especially if he was killed by government execution and then raised himself from the dead. What other proof is needed for the Jews?
Jews have made themselves the adversary of God thru their disobedience and materialism. They have failed God in their mission to be his mouthpiece. God will deal out his judgement on them until the very end, when they finally repent. Until then, if your Jewish, you are not in God's favor. Maybe you should read the New Testament and see what it says?
Why? Because they interpret the central event of history differently. Christianity developed from the faith of the Jews who believed that the promised Jewish Messiah was Jesus Christ and the Jews who did not believe that he was the fulfillment of God's promises to the Jewish people had to interpret the bible in a manner that supports their claim that those promises remain unfulfilled. Really, this is theology 101 stuff. It is not surprising that Billy Boy is struggling with it.
ReplyDelete@4:49 which parts of the New Testament?
ReplyDeleteThe one third that was written by people who actually knew Jesus,
or the two thirds written by Paul and Luke, who never even saw Jesus,
let alone learned any part of his message.
Here is "part" of the reason Jews dont accept the New Testament. They feel Jesus was not their Messiah. He didnt do their bidding, so they reject the New Testament (that names him God). Had Jesus done the actions below, Jews would accept him:
ReplyDeleteJews wanted:
1. A Messiah that would eliminate the Roman occupation of Israel completely and forever
2. Expand the borders of Israel into their enemies land
3. A Messiah that would make the world believe Jews were better than other races
4. Secure wealth and prosperity for all Jews forever
5. make the Jews the ruling nation in their area of the world forever
6. Ensure the Jews were always in power (till the end of time).
Jews can't see the forest for the trees. Its the story of the human race. In their vase, if they knew the Old Testament and its predictions, they would realize they have already been fulfilled. I have yet to meet a Jewish person who tried to convert me. To evangelize me. To do any spiritual teaching. They are really not interested in adding people to their faith. You have to be born into it. Its like being in a racial class. Its not a religion, its a race. They are very secular. Not impressed.