JoCo Box Store Economy Going Dark?!?!

Middle-class life is getting harder in the nice part of town, here's a look at harsh times hitting the fading middle-class. Checkit:

Seg. 1: The 'Dark Store Theory' Comes To Johnson County, Kansas. Seg. 2: Planning For A Recession.

Segment 1: Appeals by big-box retailers to have property assessed as though it is vacant could mean big revenue loss for local governments. A strategy first seen in the upper Midwest has found its way to Kansas and its Board of Tax Appeals, which is considering the latest request from a multi-national company to reduce the appraised values of its stores in Johnson County, Kansas.


  1. Not really a recession. Just a return to reality after 10 years of overinflated assets, stocks, and just about everything else that's consumable.

  2. Sly's over inflated ego. You forgot that.

  3. MAGA KC Hand Jobber2/18/19, 6:52 PM

    Things are better than ever. Keep eating!

  4. Not surprised by these tactics applied by dummocuck owners of Walmart, being in the top 15 richest people in the world and all. They just want to get in the top 10 so let’s go ahead and pay their taxes so they can get there! Why not? We’re paying all these other corporations taxes, what’s one more right! SUCK IT UP PEOPEL, DO YOUR PART!

  5. No worries. Just re appraise the Blockbusters and Kmarts to make up the lost revenue.


  6. The MAGA winning continues... bigly.


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