City Hall Publishes 'Economic Incentives Study' Love Letter To Kansas City Developers

Today City Hall congratulates itself on economic policy with this bit of PROPAGANDA actually is actually the result of a $350,000 contract from Kansas City to study the city’s use of tax incentives for private projects has financial ties to the development industry . . .

Economic Incentives Study - A comprehensive study of economic incentives reveals that from 2006-2015 the City of Kansas City received a positive return on investments made by incentives programs, with each incentive dollar generating $3.83 in additional tax revenue.A comprehensive study of economic incentives reveals that from 2006-2015 the City of Kansas City received a positive return on investments made by incentives programs, with each incentive dollar generating $3.83 in additional tax revenue.

Meanwhile, a real life look on local streets should reveal a stunning disparity between taxpayer funded luxury living space and every other neglected neighborhood in KCMO.

You decide . . .


  1. Hundreds of millions of subsidies for Baltimore Cordish!
    Slyme and the Clowncil will go down in infamy.
    Taxpayers will continue to flee.

  2. Wasn’t the average increase in income brought on by trumps tax cuts? Just sayin

    Construction jobs are temporary jobs, when the job is done they move

  3. Constrution is the easiest way to launder money.

  4. MAGA

  5. What a joke! This report is worthless and doesn’t address issues such as economic displacement and growth assumptions.

    Totally worthless, actually a fraud! They might as well have hired Cordish or Mike Burke to write the report!

  6. I’d read it but I prefer non/fiction

  7. They put a nice polish on this TIF turd. But if it's all so great why does Sly and the gang keep crying that there's not enough money to pay for basic services; so we have to raise taxes again and again and again and then sell bonds and then increase the sales tax.......

  8. Can't wait till "Go4KC" sobers up enough to type, Chris' spew on this is going to be classic!

  9. Just a few days ago the Showmeinstitute, as referenced on TKC, published a report, using city data, that shows an entirely different picture. Must be becasue the city did not pay them $350,000.

    This report left out the impact of the 25 million anally tourists.

  10. Click verify once there are none left8/17/18, 7:37 AM

    Fantasy Land Accounting!


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