Former Kansas City Mayor Funky Argues For Fair Wage Jobs That Often Reduce Crime

In print form, former Kansas City Mayor Mark Funkhouser seems rather reasonable in his assessment of economic trends. A thoughtful article that seems appropriate for Labor Day weekend considers income and education disparity trends that could result in (even more) social unrest and crime. It's an excellent policy discussion that's not exciting enough for his co-ex-mayor wife to notice: Want More Crime with That Burger?


  1. Sure, let's just pay the niggers to stop committing crime. That'll work.

  2. It's all downhill until manufacturing is brought back to the United States.

  3. Nobody sit with you at lunchtime again, 811?

    You might try 2014, not 1932.

    Partly 900. Mike Rowe has a pretty good handle on skilled labor needs of this Country and I think he is on the right track.

  4. As soon as we get jobs in the ghetto we are going to have to cut off entitlements or there will be the traditional no incentive to work for a living circa 2014

  5. Those shiftless niggers wouldn't work if even 15 dollar an hour jobs was to be had. They would find some sort of an excuse to always being late or not even showing up or why they was stealing from work all the time that is if you got them to get the fuck off their Obama phone for 30 fucking seconds.

  6. Blacks this blacks that I'm getting fucking tired of the whites thinking blacks are all that matters

  7. Niggers ARE all that matters. Look around you, it's from the White House on down and it's mostly niggers! Why else is this country in the toilet?

  8. Byron Funkhouser8/30/14, 1:39 PM

    I remember Bob Crutchfield. He was a very nice man. For the benefit of you racists I'll point out that he was black, though its not otherwise relevant.

    This is one area where Mark & I are in agreement. You can raise the minimum wage, or you can see more of your tax dollars go for SNAP for people that have jobs! Raising wages will reduce crime, because some crime is class warfare & an angry attempt at personal social justice.

    This is a win for everyone. When you give poor people more money it immediately goes back into the economy, when you give rich people more money they buy more stock which may, or may not, result in more jobs, eventually.

    Rethuglicans are only accountants. They see only the bottom line, which isn't really the bottom line at all. We as a nation, need to think more like economists & less like accountants.

  9. Economic advice from the guy that can't manage his mortgage and who's WIFE cost the city a fortune in lawsuit?

  10. For the benefits of the racists, Byron is a white nigger.

  11. Adivce from an asshole who don't work either now that priceless.

  12. Sly, Sly, Sly. SMH. there will be FEWER "fair wage" jobs thus MORE crime as unemployment rises.

  13. Byron, you are a disgrace to the white race.

    You must have some hood rat in your woodpile.

    More than likely several of them......

  14. Byron Funkhouser8/31/14, 12:09 AM

    There's no such thing as the "white race". You people that believe in "race" are a disgrace to the HUMAN RACE.

  15. "This is one area where Mark & I are in agreement."

    Mark must be so thrilled.


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