Kansas City Global Climate Change

Today the Kansas City weather newsies warn of a freak climate event . . .

KMBC: Huh? 70s today and still snowflakes could fly tonight

Like it or not, local weather weirdness offers more evidence that our environment is turning weird thanks to MAN-MADE pollution. Still, denying the freaky nature of local weather remains the second favorite tactic of reactionaries who would rather bury their head in the sand.

More in a bit . . .


  1. The environment, like racism, is a very profitable career.

    Those of us who were schooled in the 1970's remember the impending "Little Ice Age". Then it was "Global Warming"; and now it is "Climate Change". The "scientists" who feed us that crap are basically whores making themselves rich by scaring the hell out of people....

  2. You had your little theory complete with a hockey stick graph that would track our progress toward human extinction. Just like the fear-mongering of the 70's, (I remember the population bomb theory that claimed the world would run out of food sources) the theory was wrong. You can't change the title and sell it to me again.

  3. Remember, the snow makes the niggers easier to see and thus, better targets. See, there's good in everything. Everything except niggers...

  4. 3:28 who's making money on the rising seas? Wall Street will be UNDER FUCKING WATER in 25 years

  5. Polar Bears can hide in the snow, slip up on the "evil darkies" and unleash pure hell on the Turd Creek Troupe.

  6. In the highly unlikely event Wall Street is under water in 25 years, it will have to move, won't it? That's called adaptation. What's now Kansas City was under several miles of ice once upon a time. Things change. Get over it.

  7. Yep, we'll just adapt and move around like those Wooly Mammoths did.

  8. 5:46 That could be. Watch out for land sharks!

  9. Come on 6:18 ! Wall Street... belly up, washed away, upside down. Its OK, 5:46 wrote it and didn't get it.

    I agree with 3:28, they have been crying wolf for 40+ years.

  10. Memes like Peak Oil, global warming and obesity epidemic are, in fact, propaganda are launched by a power elite that wants to control the world and needs to frighten people about the availability of basic resources in order to do it.

    Dr. Evil (Henry Kissinger) said it himself: “Control oil you control nations. Control food you control people” This is why the Left and the Power Elite love the Useful Idiots in the Environmental Movement. Make every aspect of human behavior is something that endangers the whole planet and thus everyone, and then you make every aspect of human behavior subject to law and thus government has controls the totality of a person’s life. The Environmental Movement is the new home of the Communist Party. It is a watermelon, green on the outside and red on the inside.

    Tony, you are being played by these people. If climate change is human made, then these people have a justification for controlling other people for them most noble of reasons: to save the planet.

  11. 5:46, probably why the polar ice caps are thickening at this very moment!

    Just think, the guys who can't get tomorrow's weather correct are making predictions 100 years in the future. Bwahahahahahaha!

  12. 6:34: I did wonder if 5:46 meant under water financially or literally, but he/she seems irony-challenged.

  13. To hell with land sharks, there too many mud sharks. Will climate change limit their growth?

  14. Besides global warming and space aliens fucking with the weather there is a 25 year weather pattern that shifted just near Katrina time. So kids, the weather is going to be different for a couple of decades. Check with your meteorologic instructor at the local trade school for verification.

  15. Hey did anyone else get a chapped ass during this cold ass Winter? Now that shit is a global issue.


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