Earlier this week anti-immigrant vandalism hit a popular metro destination and sent shock waves across the nation.

Thanks to our AWESOME TKC BLOG COMMUNITY, midtown denizens in the know realize that the spray paint attack was likely a false flag perpetrated by ANTIFA in order to inspire further discussion of current policies and emphasize historical perspective on the diversity of immigration to the States.

However, at face value and in practice . . . The tagging did, in fact, target the local Irish community.

And so, this perspective is important and offers a thoughtful glimpse at the American discourse as seen from the eyes of a more recent arrival.


The Irish Times: Trump’s America empowers public displays of racism

Money line:

"I am not the stereotypical immigrant in the United States. As a white person, I enjoy a very real privilege in America, and as a native English speaker, my accent is only barely noticeable in the first few sentences. I might almost pass for a US citizen. But I am not. Since Donald Trump took office, I am reminded of that fact every day . . . Wth this president’s penchant for ruling by tweet, I’ve found myself at various times wondering when his latest vitriolic outburst is going to be aimed at me, or someone just like me."

You decide . . .


  1. Interesting that that more recent Irish are far more liberal than the ones here who claim Irish heritage. A lot of them don't realize that the country is largely socialist and mostly anti-Trump.

    1. Tagging of any sort is a negative, unproductive and harmful to business. The politics is just window-dressing for a crime.

    2. Love it or leave it?

    3. Hilariously wrong on both counts 7:15. Your wishful thinking is what makes you lose elections.

  2. KC Chucklehead6/17/18, 7:19 PM

    C'mon TKC, be honest, you just want to see white people call for another white man to be deported!

    I see your game, and it cracks my shit up.

  3. Seamus O'Soros6/17/18, 7:30 PM

    Stop blaming Trump and instead blame the criminals. Who are undoubtedly Antifa or their ilk.

  4. The law is the law. Abide by it and quit trying to skirt it regardless of who you are.

  5. Need to shoot everyone who masks her or his face. Burqa or handkerchief, all the same. Bang!

  6. One heck of a marketing ploy.

  7. We need to deport the hypocrite in the White House.

    Send his ass back to Germany (& not Sweden, which is his lie about his ancestry.)

    Latinos have more right to be here then he does.


  8. It's not Trump supporters and it's not Trump! It's ANTIFA, Hollywood, and the paid George Soros globalist folks like Obama, and Hillary who want globalism through divide and conquer. Give me a break this article is fake as can be!

    8:03 your comment is pure ignorance, everyone has a right to be here when and if they are legal. Latinos do not have more rights than any other citizen in this country. Trump is a legal citizen.

  9. ^^Nonsense, you idiot.

  10. good way to boost business if sales are sluggish

    1. O'Shag Hennessey6/17/18, 8:43 PM

      ^^^^ You dumb mother f*cker. You don't even know what you're talking about. They've been in business for more than a hundred years. Do you really think that they're looking for a quick fix? This was an active vandalism quit trying to spin your Fox News b******* conspiracies and Kansas City. Grow up and stop believing all of that right-wing Facebook garbage. Try being an adult and using your intellect for a change.


  11. Butthurt sore loser liberal snowflakes melting down. ... again!

  12. O'Shag can you squeeze in a few more idiotic generalizations and exaggerations in your next strange rant ? Thank you for your interest.

  13. Tight times for United States, tight times in Mexico, meanwhile, the rich get richer. In all seriousness, Mexico needs to remedy it's shit. It's been a bit of a racial collide but shit Mexicans are paying the bills at 25th and hardesty , while your negro was still getting shot up and your po white Aryan asses getting fucked by stagger lee for dope money. It's quite bizarre hearing Spanish everywhere you go,end of shift 99 percent just want to make money and the rich will be maliciously governing over the mass unwashed esp you tony.

  14. ^^^^ wtf???

  15. "The law is the law. Abide by it and quit trying to skirt it regardless of who you are."
    Can it be retroactively applied to your bitch ass?

  16. 9:16 :

    Drano in that meth??

  17. If you're here legally Trump isn't going to throw your ass out of the country. So if you're running around worried when his latest vitriolic outburst is going to be aimed at you, or someone just like you it's no doubt you're one fucked up paranoid asshole. Maybe a rubber room is more fitting for you? Or take the steps to be a legal resident in this country and you can then sleep at night. If not then get the fuck out ya loser. Go back to Ireland if you think it's so bad here. My family came here 118 years ago and becoming legal residents was a priority before anything else. May thousands have done the same so if it's so GD important to stay here then get off your ass and make it happen and stop whining about it.

  18. Laura Bush, remember her, wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post criticizing the Trump Administrations policy of separating families at the border. What makes this even worse is that he won't even own his own decisions; he blames the Democrats. He admitted that he was doing this to force Democrats to sign off on his stupid, stupid wall.

    1:05, you're comment was full of hate which is what this has always been about. BTW, Trump wants to end LEGAL immigration as well, because he only wants white people to be able to legally immigrate.

    Latino's are brown, not white.

    That's why this is happening.

    1. It was an Obama policy implemented by Trump. Go cry somewhere.

  19. ^^^^^^Mommmmmm.......people are posting stupid shit on Tony's again.

  20. Would like to introduce antifas to my mother. "Step right around the corner folks. Meet my mother, ma deuce."

  21. Meek

  22. Carswell stated "As I was a KU employee and a non-US citizen".
    Liberal KU aiding and abetting a criminal.

  23. The only interesting quote here, is, "...With this presidents penchant for ruling by tweet..."

    And there it is. The existential threat, the real problem, that all Fascist-Progressive-Democrats have, with Donald Trump and those who support him.

    Free Speech.

    "Tweets' from the president, or, from any American, is information, opinion, discourse, or, again, the exercise of Free Speech. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google and most of the MSM, do their very best to shut down discourse and the opinions of those disagree with the Progressive Narrative. A "tweet" you fuckin idiot, is not policy, fiat of legislated law by virtue of exposure to the people of the United States.

    The outrage at opinions and facts that deviate from the phony sanctimony and virtue signalling coming from the Potemkin "It Takes A Village" Liberals is the sonic wail of those phonies who care only for power, bought and purchased on the backs of the middle class.

    The "Democracy That Dies In Darkness" is the Democracy that allows, encourages and supports the suppression of Free Speech by Fascist phony Progressives masquerading as indignant, holier-than-thou pretenders like this fuckhead.

  24. Every time you hear some young hip woke leftist at a technology company like Facebook telling you he needs to protect you from fake news, remember that what he's saying is that you're a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal who is too stupid to figure out that it's okay for good people like Hillary to break the law. In fact, he's saying the majority of Americans are too intellectually challenged to discriminate between fact and fiction.

    Historically, "common" folk were able to figure out that the National Enquirer's stories about two-headed alien Elvis clones are fake and even that professional wrestling is staged. They were able to see through the lies of Nazis and communists. Yet for some reason, we're now being told that we need our betters to protects us from what they think we shouldn't read because we're just too stupid to differentiate between what's true and what's not.

    The truth is that leftists are not interested in protecting us from lies. After all, if they did that, they'd all have to stop writing. Rather, the left wants to convince us that lies are the truth and that the truth is lies. Leftists need that to advance their agenda, which is ensuring that they can run every aspect of our lives.

  25. 7:02 chuck for the win!!!

  26. Bullshit.

    Chuck is drunken loser.

    He's too stupid to retire.


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