The World According To Johnson County Columnist Steve Rose

He's the most insightful and controversial RINO in the Golden Ghetto but, like it or not, his opinions and insight have long proven correct and helped to shape this town's richest enclave: Steve Rose's final observations before Tuesday's election


  1. isn't this the idiot who ruin the family business?

  2. You tell me?

  3. Vote the judges OUT. If you have doubts read about the Carr brothers.

  4. these judges are arrogant.

  5. I'm trying to remember all those times he has been right Tony. Got nothing here...he picked the wrong governor, predicted Johnson County would back legislators it ended up not backing, and thought the Museum of Suburbia would be a huge success. Not exactly Nostradamus I'd say. I love how in section one he argues that light rail should never be expanded because we have a lot of highways, then in section two he pretends to be concerned about climate change, never seeing the relationship. He's just a typical old goat who is still stuck with his 1980s sensibilities, far from a "must-read."

  6. 1970s. trying to look modern. kind of sad to see.

  7. Steve Rose is why the KC Star is not even worth $20 per year.


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