Kansas City Dakota Access Pipeline Protest

Recap of recent Kansas City protest . . . Given that we're downstream from this impending disaster . . . Pleading for environmental protection, Dakota Access pipeline protesters gather in downtown KC Protesters take stand against controversial pipeline


  1. Is anyone besides me working for a living anymore?

    Who the fuck has time to take off work, on a Tuesday, during the day, go downtown with a bullhorn?

    Did Billy Jack go down there with them and kick some evil white ass?


  2. 7:14 only those like you and me who have to work so all the other assholes can stay at home and get a government checks every month like Byron does. Can't work, but have the ability to stand all day protesting while up all hours of the day and night spreading their hate and pathetic thoughts all over the internet.

  3. They could all help by selling their cars, refusing to use fosil fuels and being frugal with their wood burning stoves. ...just in case they haven't figured out why companies go after fuel.

  4. 7:14, many of them are working - this is their full time job, for which they get paid (but probably short of minimum wage). Unlikely that any of them, or their employer, pay taxes though. I think they rely on the tax code's "saving the world" exemption.

  5. "one of the big topics"? Who gives a damn about it? Nobody but a few Indian agitators and their white guilt sympathizers.

  6. I don't see any of these libtards suggesting the Indians take their homes, ghettos, oil fields, big cities or farmland back - which were also sacred lands at some point.


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