South Kansas City Leader MD Alam Leads Muslim Americans For Hillary Clinton

Southland Activist MD Alam is seen here talking with VP contender Tim Kaine . . . The latest update from this local leader via social media message sent our way . . .

MD Alam: "I am honored to accept the National Chairman position to lead the National Campaign of Muslim Americans for Hillary Clinton for President' 2016."

More in a bit . . .


  1. Yeah. Allah be praised...

  2. Shocking.

    As we continue to bring in more and more Muslim cradle to grave recipients of government largesse so they can vote for a living when they are not raping our sons and daughters, I wonder when, if ever, we will wake up from this National Stockholm Syndrome and see the truth.

    The PEW Report reveals that 51% of Muslims in America think Sharia Law should be the rule of the land and it should be affected violently if necessary.

    That isn't a few Skittles, it is half of the fucking bag.

    Bon Appetit!

  3. Gosh, Chuck. White men have never raped this country...said no one ever (truthfully)!!!! Why is it a problem when the white man sets the standard and then other ethnic groups employ the same methods?

  4. I seriously doubt 51% of white men would stone a woman for committing adultery, would kill their sister for disgracing the family, would kill Jews just because they are Jewish. But go ahead, just because our country has never been perfect we have to let in those who do not want freedom.

    1. Never been perfect? The white man has diseased an entire race of people to the point of extinction. Raped hundreds of millions of people, stolen land, destroyed and stolen cultures and yes, they've killed their family members who helped minorities obtain freedom. In fact, all those offenses you note, white men have killed for much less. I know you don't like to look at that nastiness but its the truth. Our country isn't perfect...that's the understatement of the century. You can pretend that somebody else's sin is worse than yours. You're the one who is out of touch. White men are so cruel that they've erased the ability for some to trace their ancestral roots. Why? Because they convinced themselves that certain segmants were only 3/4 human and still raped and reproduced with said non-humans. And there are plenty of modern-day psychopaths around yet. Make America Great Again... you insane folks try and rationalize the irrational. White men don't even want to acknowledge all the devastation they cause. I'm not going to be the one pointing fingers and acting high and mighty.

      By the way, people in America are still fighting for freedom. We aren't free when the government regulates and taxes everything, especially in Missouri. If you buy something, you pay sales tax. If it's considered personal property, you're taxed again and again and again. You never own it because you're constantly paying.

      Keep your wild endoctrination to yourself. 7:35

  5. Token Camel Jockey. I can only imagine the nutty shit Hillbillery is going to pull of should she be elected.

  6. @7:47AM. Clinton will move them all to your neighborhood to punish you for living in the Burbs.

    If you have school age kids look at this. THIS could come to a neighborhood near you.

  7. 7:23, the only instance I can think of where rape by white men was condoned as official policy was the rape of thousands of German women by the advancing soviet Russians in 1944-45. Please identify others, if you can.

  8. Governor Kaine fired 5 state police Chaplains for publicly praying "in Jesus' name"! Dhimmicrat Timmy has morphed that Rockhurst motto he touts: "Men For Others" to "Money From Muslims". Yep, Saudi riches buying Dhimmi Timmy and HER.

  9. Byron Funkhouser10/14/16, 1:15 PM

    Is there a National Campaign of Muslim Americans for Donald Trump?

    No, it would piss off the racists.

    1. Just released today in wikileaks, emails proving Hillary deployed a racist 'Southern Strategy' against Obama when it suited her purpose. Gosh, racism is complicated. ;)

  10. Fucking Funkenshyster needs counselling. He has more internal racial issues than Tony Buttholio...Oh Wait!!!!!

  11. The Dhimmicrat hypocrites don't want rich, old white boyz rappin' "grab pussy" and such. Nope, that's only for those special INVITED TO THE WHITE HOUSE friends of Barry and his "shaken to my core" spouse. Nevermind lewd lyrics of hip-hoppers and rappers. Sure enough, listening to those lyrics about raping, robbing , killing, and cop-hating AIN'T NO WAYZ like locker room talk.


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