Kansas City Hobo Crazy Talk Documentary

This week KCPT debuts an important documentary on the Kansas City mental health crisis and all of the hobos out there who aren't really loveable scamps who carry their can of beans in a handkerchief tied to a stick . . . but instead often represent a threat to public safety and (sorry) a drain on local resources: Documentary casts light on Kansas City's mental health care woes


  1. Finally someone says it. The homeless are dangerous, violent, mentally ill criminals. They are well fed by the bleeding hearts and well rested so they have plenty of energy to fight you or rape you.

  2. Kilroy the super tramp.9/30/14, 4:14 PM

    True. The days of the Woody Guthrie rail riding hobo are over. Mostly, when men are out of a job, they sit on their fat asses and eat EBT and watch the NFL. And even if you did feel nostalgic and want to ride the rails, you would be prosecuted as a terrorist.

  3. I support the people with mental health issues. I fuck Toni and leave her a 20 and a bag of weed every week.

  4. Oh hi Dick. I fuck Toni after you. Thanks for loosening her up for me.

  5. 6:15 you're a liar, that shit is always loose. I was fucking her once and some asshole that had fell in it wanted out.

  6. That Hobo is related to Chuck.

    That family tree has Arkansas all over it.

  7. Last time I fucked Toni they called me Jovan the Gentle Giant.

  8. I will never ever find out if sex with her is worth it. I have read enough here on TKC to know that the risk factors of catching something is very possible and not worth it. Besides my wife would fucking kill me after she feed me my own dick, if I ever messed around and trust me she has that kind of radar.


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