Does The Polar Vortex Solve Global Climate Change And All Of Kansas City's Problems?!?

Quick question before we get going here . . .


Clearly there's a lot of confusion on this issue and I'm not sure if I want to take advice from Rush Limbaugh in betwixt his bouts with the pills.

Here are some links that prove that the Missouri Transportation Tax will be the death of us all . . .

WaPo: Polar vortex deniers are wrong: Here’s why…

Environmental Defense Fund: Bundle up, the polar vortex returns - but is it climate change?

Think Progress: debate misses a more important point about the unusual weather pattern sweeping the United States — that it’s causing extreme weather in other parts of the country.

Either way, it's clear that wearing a winter coat in July isn't exactly normal and low temps in Kansas City have been record-breaking . . . Accordingly, I'm blaming everyone/anyone/mostly white people in nice cars who mistakenly get in my way

More in a bit . . .


  1. Well Tony, your race bias issues are showing again. Fact is, it really doesn't matter who caused climate change whether Democrat, Republican, Black, White, Hispanic or whatever. Fact is not one American is going to park his car. Not one fucking American is going to give up burning natural gas, heating oil, coal, wood or whatever. Not one old broad is going to give up her Windex, ammonia or spandex pants for the sake of chemical pollution. In fact I see a lot of folks preaching and whining about global climate change, but so far I can't find a damn one of them that doesn't think everyone, but them should sacrifice for the good of mankind. They are still gonna cook Tacos, Burgers, Pizzas and all the rest of that energy wasting shit all over America until we have ice up to our asses. Please call me when people are ready to give up theirs and well fix it all pal. Otherwise fuck them. I'm driving my 8 cylinder and doing as much as I can to pollute in order to get mine first.

  2. Climate change is measured over years, not two weeks in July. Get over yourself.

  3. Marvin Pontiac7/16/14, 12:59 PM

    Fuck the future, I gots to gets mine.

    Signed, the generational equivalent of a plague of locust (Baby Boomers)

  4. Κύριε, ἐλέησον

  5. "Think Progress" is a Commie propaganda machine.

  6. The earth is 3.5 billion years old, a cold week in July 2014 doesn't mean a damn thing.

    The earth's climate has cooled and warmed thousands of time during its life.

    Guess what, it'll continue to do so -- no matter what a bunch of self-absorbed, know-it-all, holier-than-though types trying to say that humans are the result of the planet warming or cooling one tenth of one degree over a fifty year period.

  7. Dear Tony-
    Please stop picking on white people. You are wanna be white.

    You need white friends. I would be your friend but I am not white. I would be your friend but I am scared of you because I think you say nasty, rude and horrible things in real life. I think you probably have an acid tongue in real life. I wish I could introduce you to people your age that have jobs, families, normal people problems (besides a blog and blog problems). I don't think you would like my friends very much because they don't judge and always have an opinion on things.

    Please for the love of pete, get out of the door and get some vitamin d from the sun. Please Tony, you need some outside will be good for your skin. Go hang out with your "porn news" friend." He films his show in a park so you know he goes outside.

  8. I saw you at quick trip by the way. I still didn't say anything to you. My family thinks its wierd that I know you and you are internet famous. They think it is creepy if I were to come up to you and talk to you. They are afraid that you would be either 1) rude and awful or 2) run away and hide. If I see you out Tony will you be nice to me and my family? I am much taller than you. You have an anxious face. You also need to work on your facial hair.

  9. Odio tener que decir esto a mi hermano, pero los mexicanos son los nuevos blancos. Son los italianos del siglo 21. Or in English for Tony and Dirty Mary:

    I hate to tell you this my brother but Mexicans are the new white people. They are the Italians of the 21st century.

  10. One more thing for the records. The people coming here from India, are the new Jews; doctors, shop keeper and businessmen. To the black people out there: the Mexicans and the Indians are your new bosses.

  11. Took 10 seconds to figure this one out7/16/14, 4:16 PM

    2:20 and 2:24 desperately wants to have Tony fuck him in the ass.

  12. Green is the new Red

  13. Tony, I bet you like most Mexicans when you see the box on the form that says race or color, you check WHITE. Go over to 31st and Prospect at 2:00 AM and see what ethnic identity the indigenous people there assign to you.

  14. 5:55 is Hard Charging.....LOL @ Tony in a tangle with the Troost Avenue Taliban.

  15. Its caused by the fucking illegals trying to move the border north.


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